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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    Functioning Alcoholic

    Many people have an addictive personality before surgery and it transfer over to another. Sound like you are in good hands with your doctor. Get well. Take care of yourself. I wish you the best to battle and to overcome this.
  2. Healthy_life2

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    Happy 1st year out. Celebrate big!
  3. Healthy_life2

    Depressed and need to vent

    Congrats on you 43 pounds down. One thing I noticed with weight loss is you have no control over where it comes off. I lost it in my face first. Then my legs and butt. My mid section was the last part to go. You will have moments that you struggle. Its ok. You will go through many sizes in the months to come. It's going to give you the excuse to toss the old clothing and shop for something new.
  4. Healthy_life2

    Stall? Should I be worried

  5. @336Mike Or should we call you Magic Mike now... Back then hoes didn't want me, now I'm hot hoes all on me Back then hoes didn't want me, now I'm hot hoes all on me, I said Back then hoes didn't want me, now I'm hot hoes all on me Back then hoes didn't want me, now I'm hot hoes all on me, I said
  6. Healthy_life2

    @Jenn1 Morning Video

    I'm wanting to poke out my minds eye..I got to see the actual sexting photo. My bariatric protein shake brings all the boys to the yard, And I'm like, Its better than yours, Damn right its better than yours, you can drink it But I have to charge I know you want it, The protien shake that makes me, What the guys go crazy for. They lose their minds, The way I whine I think its time La la-la la la, Warm it up. Lala-lalala, The boys are waiting
  7. Dang ! @336Mike Now I cant get this song out of my head this morning..*laughing*
  8. True story. I got a naked photo in myfitnesspal food log. I think it was my protein shake that caught his eye..lol My protein shake brings the boys to the yard.
  9. I'm older and a bit traditional. Talk to me face to face..Let things develop organically. People that are looking for a sexual conversation on line are looking for a stranger to arouse them or get off. I guess they can't pay for porn sites. Would any of these people walk up to a stranger whip out there naked photos or actual junk, then ask about your sexual fantasies and to see you naked? Wow! Creepy sexual predator vibe...lol
  10. Hot damn! I feel great this morning. :P:D:780_sparkling_heart::1310_thumbsup_tone1:

    1. FluffyChix


      :D What a happy report!!! I think I'll copy you! :D :780_sparkling_heart: Thanks for the upbeat inspiration girlie! You rock!!

    2. shedo82773


      ME TOO!!! Today has been AWESOME!!! I'm following you both!! I feel great!!

    3. ProudGrammy


      good health and happiness are all they are cracked up to be!! spread the wealth. can be contagious. kathy

  11. Healthy_life2

    Cheating / random life questions

    People that have never been obese need to shut it! lol Some think we have surgery, eat anything we want, don't exercise and the weight magically comes off. We know how much work and dedication this takes. Anything you thought I'd do after goal that no longer mattered? Things that no longer matter after goal ..I can't think of any. I was more excited when I got to onederland than I was hitting goal. I had to ask myself...What do I do now. (happy and thankful to hit goal) It just wasn't what I had thought it would be. My bucket list has always mattered. I feel like I'm making up for lost time. Cheating after goal. I think of it as indulging once in awhile. I live life. I don't feel I'm missing out on anything. If I gain, I work hard to get it off...Weight loss is at a snail's pace years out.
  12. Healthy_life2

    Embarrassing question for the ladies

    ummm yes. smaller lol TMI - For the men ---look away! Sad to say... but. I would like some plastics there as well. Also hubby and I realized I have a pubic bone..lol
  13. Healthy_life2


    No plugging a product. Have you tried one of these? Set your small bowl on it..it will keep your meal warm https://www.amazon.com/Mr-Coffee-Warmer-Office-MWBLKPDQ-RB/dp/B000CO89T8
  14. Healthy_life2

    Out With the Old--In With the New!

    5 days! whoop whoop! Bring out the pom pom's! As positive as you usually are we give you a pass on the rant Soon you will beat the dang scale and be flufflesschix
  15. Healthy_life2

    Out With the Old--In With the New!

    I'm loosing my patience with people correcting others in a forum...Ugggh!
  16. Healthy_life2

    Fathead Pizza...oh yeahh!

    Cool recipe. I just looked it up.
  17. Good point @dreamangel1974 would you be open to going through the process without his support?
  18. Healthy_life2

    Progress Photos

    Love the photos!
  19. Healthy_life2

    Is it possible to do this for the "wrong" reasons?

    Normal to second guess and to be nervous about this. There are risks with any surgery. Also health risks continuing to be obese. I see it as a win win situation. You are doing this for yourself, your health and your loved ones.
  20. My two cents.... Here is the obstacle - He is withholding support and not respecting your medical decisions. His remedy to the situation His diet plan for you and no conversation about it. It takes two actively working on a marriage. When one refuses to even discuss something its a big red flag. I agree with you. Counseling sounds like a great option. He should have respect for any licensed professional ...right? Life's too short to not have a voice. Dropping subjects to avoid conflict, Is your point not be articulated or is it being walked over? other people having to show him how selfish he is? (I think he knows exactly what he's doing to get his way) is your decision/opinion less valuable than his? Live life with no regrets. Wish you the best in how ever this plays out for you. Jenn
  21. Healthy_life2

    What rules did your surgeon give you?

    My surgery instructions are over three years. I'm sure things have changed. no straws drink 30 mins before and after you eat. 60 to 100 grams protein no alcohol until 6 months no sugar low fat No bread pasta rice until I lost 75% of my weight. Healthy carbs were added to slow/stop my weight for maintaining. I'm glad to see instructions change and evolve with time.
  22. Healthy_life2

    Halo top ice cream

    I have to be careful and measure it out. It gets the sweet craving out of the way. The down side for me : It's easy to eat the pint and make it a meal. Ice cream is my weakness/kryptonite
  23. Healthy_life2

    I Need Some Serious Help!

    If you are feeling out of control with food schedule an appointment with a therapist. Your stomach needs the slow food progression to heal. You recognized the slip...now it's time to get back on the horse. The cheat carbs and sugar are going to cause you more hunger. Time to detox off them and follow your plan. Get your protein in first 60-100gms. It will help you feel more satisfied.( It will get better on real food stage) Already suggested but I'm repeating it anyway - Get all temptation food out of the house until you can manage your food world. Stop going to fast food places. clean house, find a hobby or go for a walk instead of watching TV.
  24. Healthy_life2

    4 months Post op

    My sleeve can tolerate anything. Spicey is my favorite. Because I can tolerate anything I have to look at food as fuel. It depends on how much or often I indulge. As you get further out from surgery the weight loss is slower.. Its a balance of how much work do I want to do to get the extra weight back off. lol
  25. Healthy_life2

    Loose skin

    Congrats on your weight loss. We have about the same stats. I'm 5'5" started at 254 and I'm maintaining in the 130's. Years on the forum, I have not seen anything/product that will minimize the amount of loose skin.Your age and how long you have been overweight will be factors. Weight lifting can help fill out the skin. But not get rid of it. I am beyond happy with my results. I can live without plastics. If I had the money I would have them. I use shape wear for the past 3 years. I tried several types to find ones that actually work.I also can hide it with clothing. Some insurance companies help cover plastics if you have mobility issues and documented rashes. My skin issues are livable.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
