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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    Pre Op Diet

    I have used myfitnesspal for four years. ..lol I'm sure technology and other apps are great if not better. I have not checked out the other apps
  2. Healthy_life2

    Pre Op Diet

    I'm not a medical professional...I'm definitely no expert.. Options: call your surgeons office and ask for a pre op diet plan. Download myfitnesspal food log app. (it's a great tool that most of us use post op) Many other food log apps out there. Myfitnesspal https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.myfitnesspal.android&hl=en myfittnesspal tutorials https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=myfitness+pal+tutorials TDEE Calculator: https://tdeecalculator.net/ It will calculate how many calories protein, fats carbs to eat. It will do this by you sex, age, weight height and activity level. (skip the entry for body fat percentage) hit calculate: The top left is your maintenance calories: Scroll down to macros. You will see three tabs (maintenance) (cutting) (bulking) Click on cutting this is your weight loss calories and macros: Not the carb breakdowns. Use the low carb ratio Best of luck to you, jenn
  3. Healthy_life2

    Any issues with meat?

    Sounds like you have great restriction from your surgery. Meats will get better with time. Try some meats that are moist or chopped. (Canned chicken, rotisserie chicken pulled pork)
  4. Healthy_life2


    Stalls happen...See link below https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/351046-embrace-the-stall/#comment-3952027
  5. Healthy_life2

    Starting over today

    None of are perfect at this. Brush yourself off and get back on the horse. On track and pushing forward. Enjoy the weekend
  6. The truth is, weight-loss plateaus/stalls happen to almost everyone trying to lose weight. See link below https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/351046-embrace-the-stall/#comment-3952027 Healing from WLS surgery. Inflammation and water weight. Your body doesn't just burn fat when losing weight it burns muscle. (muscle burns calories) When you weigh less you burn less. (losing my last pounds to goal was painfully slow) rapid weight loss your body may need time to adjust. You lose inches but nothing on the sccale. When people say weight loss is in the kitchen...Think of it this way. You can't out exercise a poor diet.
  7. Healthy_life2

    War wounds lol

    Wow, I think all of us that have had surgery look like we have been in a back alley knife fight..lol Heal quickly! congratulations on the war wounds.
  8. Healthy_life2

    Disgust about starting weight

    Honestly, I get your rant and pet peeve. It annoys me when people much smaller complain about losing 20 pounds. To me that is vanity pounds. Ugg I had so much more to lose than these people. My weight has always been a struggle. We all start somewhere on the obesity spectrum. I try not to judge anyone for a low or high BMI. Everyone of us fight for every pound lost. This is not easy. We are all here for the same reasons. We want our health and our lives back.
  9. Fantastic you are at the gym. Any exercise is better than no exercise. Calories you burn are going to increase as you get fit and stronger. How long have you been working out? What types of workouts so far?
  10. Healthy_life2

    4 months out

    You look great!...The food pictures are cracking me up. It's like showing drugs to an addict..lol
  11. Healthy_life2

    Fresh Fruits and Veggies

    My disclaimer --- Go with your surgeons plan. I was cleared for fruits and veggies in my real food stage. After my protein, I could eat veggies until the point of full. I was allowed small amounts of fruit. Mostly berries. ( Apples and bananas are high carb) Further out in weight loss phase. You will have days hunger kicks in. The bulk and the fiber of the veggies will help you feel more satiated. I'm maintaining. I eat small amounts of higher carb fruits. I have to keep a good balance of carbohydrates to keep my weight where I want it. To lose weight I keep carbs low. Training for distance runs they are a higher ratio.
  12. Healthy_life2

    I do not understand 'no restriction left"

    I liked his video, The title is deceptive *laughing* He says exactly what we have been talking about. Patients are misusing the term "stretched sleeve" to describe the normal progression of the ability to eat more food as the years pass. 5 to 10 years a full plate of food. It's the same bariatric basics we have been told over and over. You have to eat healthy and exercise long term. Maintaining is just as much work as weight loss. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1365716/?page=6 The study above is on gastric stretch receptors and the satiation of hunger and thirst.
  13. Healthy_life2

    Just for fun

    7'1" too funny
  14. I understand the stress and frustration. Uggh the hoops you have to jump through. My psych eval was pretty straight forward. Think of it this way. They need to know if you can change habits/behaviors. They also need to know if your psychological state would be exacerbated with a major life change. It's a liability issues for the surgeons. Honestly, I think many of us have/had some type of disorder (stress/emotional eating) that got us to the point of surgery. We have about the same height and weight. I wish you the best. I hope you hear good news soon.
  15. Healthy_life2


    any time. I don't know about you...I get in food ruts all the time.
  16. Healthy_life2

    6'1 260lbs High BP Candidate?

    Best of luck to you. The consult will answer if you are a good candidate for weight loss surgery. You might want to contact your insurance provider to see if you have coverage.
  17. Donating is a great idea. Many plus size store can be expensive. Someone would be thrilled to have them. Clothing is an addiction. All the cute things I could not wear pre surgery has been fun. When I hit a weight goal I rewarded myself with shopping for a special item. You are going to go through so many sizes. Enjoy each moment!
  18. Healthy_life2


    This may be a stall. See link below. https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/351046-embrace-the-stall/#comment-3952027 I'm not sure what food stage you are in. (i'm too far out from surgery to remember) Hit your protein goal. It will help with hunger. You might try some new healthy recipes instead of eating the same things every night. Also there are healthy options for a sweet tooth. Here is a link to my dieticians bariatric friendly recipes. http://insidekarenskitchen.com/bariatric-friendly-recipes/
  19. Healthy_life2

    End of Weight Loss? What Now?

    Maintaining is still work. Eat healthy and have times you indulge. when you see a weight gain, get back to eating healthy put some extra time in your workout to get your weight back down. Weight gain can happen to any of us. Be aware of old habits and grazing (eating many high calorie meals over and over throughout the day)
  20. Healthy_life2

    Photo of stretched sleeve

    I have compassion for anyone struggling after surgery. I hear stretching and revisions are a rare occurrence. Sorry to hear this was your situation.
  21. Healthy_life2

    Photo of stretched sleeve

    __________________________________________________________________________________ The video makes sense to me. I can be wrong here....But I don't see the photo as a representation of stomach stretching. I see it as the normal process. Restriction is tight right after surgery. First few months you are only able to consume small amounts. You are able to eat more food as you heal and as time progresses. The stomach in the photo is still not the size of a pre surgery stomach. Pre surgery size stomach photo below Thanks for the post @Creekimp13 _____________________________________________________________________________________
  22. Healthy_life2

    Coping Mechanisms

    All great advice above. Music with any physical activity. None of us get to avoid life's stresses. I used music as I walked to process my mother passing from cancer. My workout time is when I process even normal daily stress/emotions. I use stress and anger to my advantage. I listen to more aggressive music (lol) I find myself keeping pace without noticing. I sweat and feel amazing after. Also reaped the benefits of faster weight loss..Bonus!

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