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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    First Stanger

    great feeling...Right? congrats on the NSV!
  2. Healthy_life2


    Sorry to hear about your pain situation. Have you been on pain meds long term? Ask a medical or dispensary professional...lol I would not know how pot is going to affect your weight loss surgery. After goal, I was in Washington State for a friends Birthday party. Let's just say edibles and a water pipe were involved. I get the munchies..But have to admit it was a great time.
  3. Healthy_life2

    Did I Stretch My Stomatch?

    Hope all is well. Take care of yourself.
  4. Healthy_life2

    Did I Stretch My Stomatch?

    Describe how much is a lot of fuckin food? Can you eat like you did pre surgery? \ 19 pounds in a week is a medical concern.
  5. Healthy_life2

    Did I Stretch My Stomatch?

    A 19 pound gain in a week is a concern - call your dr.
  6. Healthy_life2

    Did I Stretch My Stomatch?

    Check with your Dr. to see if you need a "stretched sleeve" revision surgery. Its rare. 19 pounds in a week is a medical concern. Normal for the sleeve to expand with thime. It's not "stretched" this is the progression out from surgery. The restriction is still there. After surgery your restriction is tight. The restriction will change. How much you can hold years out will be different for each of us. Surgery few oz Might get 600+ calories first few months 4 oz five months to a year 6 oz to 8 oz 1200+ calories One year out half a plate. five to ten years a full plate "Grazing" is usually the cause of weight gain. You have a new point of volume and sensation of full. If you eat high calories throughout each day . (calories can be combination of good and bad food choices) It's the same effect as if you didn't have surgery. An excess of 500 calories will cause you to gain weight. Medical professional explanation on misuse of the term "stretched sleeve" to back this up below: Dr. Matthew Weiner Published on Mar 16, 2015 "Stomach Stretching" is the term used by many weight loss (Bariatric) surgery patients to explain the changes in their appetite and food consumption after surgery. Dr. Weiner explains what's really happening and how to prevent it.
  7. Healthy_life2

    Dr Matthew Weiner video about sleeve

    How much food you can hold years out will be different for each of us. Your stomach will never be full sized again. It's not "stretching"...Your food volume will increase as you progress out from sleeve surgery. This is normal. His explanation on the graph may be an estimate based on his WLS patients.
  8. Healthy_life2

    Secret sleevers?!

    I agree its no ones business. People will speculate and comment. But who cares...keep the suportive people around you... Sent from my SM-G920T using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. Healthy_life2

    Anyone else anorexic?

    Sorry to hear about all you have experienced. You are in a major metropolitan city. Do you have a treatment center? Therapist that work with eating disorders? Can you attend a non gender specific support group? Some links for eating disorder treatment and support. https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/forum http://www.myproana.com/ http://www.anad.org/get-help/find-support-groups-treatment/
  10. Healthy_life2

    4.5 Months – Eating Too Much?

    Volume years out is different for each of us. The example of food progression was from Dr. weiner's video .
  11. Healthy_life2

    4.5 Months – Eating Too Much?

    The dreaded stretched sleeve debate..lol I'm going to copy my response and keep posting it. What you are describing is normal for the sleeve. It's not "stretched" this is the progression out from surgery. The restriction is still there. After surgery your restriction is tight. The restriction will change. Surgery few oz Might get 600+ calories first few months 4 oz five months to a year 6 oz to 8 oz 1200+ calories One year out half a plate. five to ten years a full plate "Grazing" is usually the cause of weight gain. You have a new point of volume and sensation of full. If you eat high calories throughout each day . (calories can be combination of good and bad food choices) It's the same effect as if you didn't have surgery. An excess of 500 calories will cause you to gain weight. A tip that may help: Try eating every 2 to 3 hours. Protein first and eat vegetables until the point of full. The bulk and fiber of the veggies will help with hunger. I can eat 5 to 6 oz of protein with a cup and a half of chopped salad. takes a while to eat but, it keeps my weight down and I feel full. Medical professional explanation to back this up below: Dr. Matthew Weiner Published on Mar 16, 2015 "Stomach Stretching" is the term used by many weight loss (Bariatric) surgery patients to explain the changes in their appetite and food consumption after surgery. Dr. Weiner explains what's really happening and how to prevent it.
  12. Healthy_life2

    Pondering the end result

    Links are working on my computer and phone. try using google..type in model my diet. my body gallery
  13. Healthy_life2

    Pondering the end result

    This is a virtual weight loss simulator(link below) It's not perfect but, it will give you a visual of weight loss. https://modelmydiet.com/ Real people what they look like at your curent weight to goal weight http://www.mybodygallery.com/
  14. Love this video the title is deceptive. Sleeve stretching is rare. Some revisions have been done. I feel for anyone who has had any type of complication. The term "stretched sleeve" misused by many patients to describe the normal volume progression. Your first months healing from surgery your restriction is tight. Further out from surgery you can hold more volume. (volume will be different for each patient) one month 3 bites six months 3 to 4 oz Year 1/2 a plate 5 to 10 years full plate of food. Post by @sharonintx https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/411809-i-do-not-understand-no-restriction-left/?tab=comments#comment-4606368 Another post by @Creekimp13 https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/411815-photo-of-stretched-sleeve/
  15. Healthy_life2

    I hate eating out now!

    I'm off topic and beating this into the ground. Promise this is my last post. *laughing* I cook for more than one - I make enough to freeze to have left overs for everyone. I don't do a meal prep--I just cook extra proteins that I can make into different types of meals - I will bake a large flat of chicken breasts from winco. divide them into freezer bags .101 uses for chicken - Chicken alfredo - chicken fajitas - -bbq chicken - Chicken salad - The list goes on. To each their own....right? Below is a true meal prep - I don't have this kind of time or dedication - Cool idea though. They cook mains and sides place them in individual freezer containers for the week...Too much work for me-
  16. Healthy_life2

    I hate eating out now!

    Purchasing groceries and cooking small meals at home is not cost effective for me. I make enough to have something for a meal the next day. I also freezer meals for healthy no cook quick meals down the road. In time eating at restaurants becomes normal. Strangers are not watching you eat. I let the restaurant staff refill my water even though I wont drink it. If I am asked by restaurant staff or a co worker...is the food ok? You haven't touched your plate? I say : I ate earlier, The food was great.... I'll take home the rest in a box.
  17. Healthy_life2

    When were you able to eat Cereals?

    Depends on the type of cereal you are purchasing. Check the food label. (old school instructions) I was not allowed bread rice, potato pasta or processed foods in weight loss mode. Carbs came from veggies. I have a yogurt and top it with granola in the morning. Ridiculous I make my own granola too. lol oats, nuts, seeds, blackstrap molasses.
  18. Healthy_life2

    20 years of Lies

    Love what you had to say. It was honest. Many of us share the same extremes. I'm glad you are finding balance and what works for you. TO EVERYONE!!!!! Get what you want out of surgery. This is a second chance in life . Be your own amazing! I lean toward what you see as a nazi Goals for our surgery outcome are personal. My heart stopped in ICU. I lost my mom to cancer a few months before surgery. That was serious motivation for me. Health first then a 5k in memory of my mother. My exercise is not about punishing myself or being thin. It's about living an amazing life and making up for lost time. I hated exercise and all things fitness pre surgery. It has become one of the best gifts from this process A lifelong sustainable diet and lifestyle is key to maintain long term. This process is not a one size fits all. We all have different, body physiology, medical issues, and goals with weight loss. Things I noticed Trying to do thing my way never served me well. Learning how this works was eye opening. being a bit of a food nazi until I learned to fuel my body for weight loss helped me change old behaviors. Once I understood nutrition and my body physiology type. Eating became habit. I relaxed a bit more from the food logging. Fitness is your personal choice. find what you enjoy. Be open to your goals changing and evolving as you progress from surgery.
  19. Healthy_life2

    Feel like I made a mistake.

    Liquid diet is rough. I promise it will get better when you get to your other food stages. Advertising kills me. Why don't they advertise fresh and healthy foods..It's always the crappy addictive stuff. It's all about the money..Right? Be strong!
  20. Healthy_life2

    Gaining the weight back

    Sorry to hear about your surgery hope your back is doing better. Don't beat yourself up over a gain. Getting back on track can be done. Suggestions: Get rid of all the temptation food and go grocery shopping for healthy choices. If you need help with emotional/stress eating and addiction seek counseling. Log your food and hydrate Move more. Walking ect... Find your motivation. Why did you want to lose weight to being with? Have perspective. All of us have our struggles to overcome in life. Yes, weight loss is not easy. Realize a cancer patient would gladly trade places with you. Recognize if you are Grazing. (eating small meals all day and night going over your calories)
  21. Not sure what you mean by "enough" Did I lose enough weight? Yes, I'm a normal BMI and healthy. Plastics I can't afford. I can live with my loose skin. Hopefully my health continues to be good enough not to have surgerys in my future.
  22. Healthy_life2

    I hate eating out now!

    I don't use my bariatric card. I love going out to restaurants to eat. You can absolutely make it worth your money and make healthy choices. Get a take home box. Makes for a great lunch or dinner the next day. The joy of a meal without cooking. Google restaurant menus before you go: (especially if you are traveling) Every restaurant has protein and vegetables. ( Beef, fish, poultry dishes) They have no problem replacing the carb choice with extra veggies..Just ask. Some have healthy lite menu items. I do fast food rarely - It's because the quality of the food sucks. - A few things I order on the run.. Carl's Jr. Low carb natural grass fed burger. Most burger restaurants will do lettuce wrapped burgers or I don't eat the bun. I prefer turkey burger patties - Just me..lol Love cafe zupas high quality great salads. qdoba childrens burrito bowl. Chicken or beef - beans/black or pinto - veggie- cheese -salsa - guacamole (no rice or tortilla )
  23. Healthy_life2

    Sudden Whey Protein Intolerance?

    Products are trial and error. What works for me may not work for you. Protein bar...Are you on soft or real food stage? Can get protein in without the shakes and bars now? If so.... try to hit protein goals with real food. One product to try - Not sure if you can tolerate or like is Isopure zero carb water. Hydration and protein all in one! If its a taste thing water it down. 160 calories zero carb and 40 grams protein. People don't want to hear this but, Sometimes it's not the taste or what you like that's important. (as long as you are not throwing up) it's what keep you healthy to hit your protein goals. It is easier to find the healthy food choices you like as you progress from surgery. Hope you find what works for you, jenn
  24. I don't think I had the sensation of full until after surgery. Some people believe that surgery takes hunger away completely. There is real hunger and head hunger as you progress. Almost 4 years out - My hunger is manageable.
  25. Healthy_life2

    Best app or website

    Myfitnesspal also tracks water and your exercise. My fitness pal tutorial videos below https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=myfitnesspal+tutorials

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
