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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    Looking for guidance

    congrats on 120 pounds down! 15 to 20 can be done. Find that discipline you had in the beginning. Make this your summer challenge. Get rid of the temptation foods. Get them out of the house. (I have my husband hide his treats) Go grocery shopping for some great fresh healthy foods. Have healthy sweet and salty craving options. Log your food. calorie,carbs and protein goals, hydrate.
  2. Healthy_life2

    Completed and lost a toenail

    Home from race to robie creek recovering. It's now off my bucket list. My old chick age group placed 37 out of 131 All age female runners placed 432 out of 1257 Overall male and female placed 1225 out of 2708
  3. Healthy_life2

    Completed and lost a toenail

    Fluff I can't believe how fast your weight loss is going...Keep it up girly!
  4. Healthy_life2

    Completed and lost a toenail

    Made my day......Someone noticed my muscle gains. My husband calls them my muscle chicken legs. Yes doing this one again! it's now my favorite run in my area.
  5. Healthy_life2

    Relationships and WLS

    Advice from an old chick who has been there... This is only a 6 month investment for you. You already have red flags about him. Is he emotionally invested calling you a hooker in front of your parents? What would you say to a friend that was in your situation? You deserve and can ge a better man in your life. Why settle for less than you deserve. You are wasting your precious time. Use this time losing weight to love yourself, heal from past hurts. Get your mojo and confidence up. That confidence is going to attract the right kind of men.
  6. This is only from my personal experience. (not a medical professional) It's normal to see weight loss slow down as you get closer to goal and years out from surgery. You have less body fat to burn. But you can continue to lose weight. You can continue your plan. the weight loss may start up again. Logging your food? How many calories, protein and carbs are you getting in for weight loss mode? Exercise. Never do the same thing over and over. chane the types of exercise, Increase the intensity or amount of time. My weight loss slowed down about 10 pounds to my goal. It was painfully slow getting the last pounds off. This is what maintaining looks like for me four years out. I have a ten pound weight bounce range. When the scale moves up. I dial in my diet and put more time in at the gym.
  7. Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. My advice. You have made a great decision. Many steps and phases to get through and all of us are here to cheer you on. Surgery is going to help you lose the weight and keep it off long term. It's normal to be excited and nervous. May 8th will be here before you know it. You are going to wake up and your new lifestyle begins. Some things for motivation. before and after photos https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/297668-i-want-to-see-before-after-pics-contd/ Weight loss simulator https://modelmydiet.com/ I'm four years out. Morbidly obese to healthy and physically fit. I am maintaining my weight. I have absolutely no regrets.
  8. Healthy_life2


    I so agree!!!!!
  9. Healthy_life2


    What I have seen - The person has great reputation for being a positive contributor to the site. This has not been a pattern of their posts. It comes down to intent and interpretation. I think that is why I am shocked to see them accused bullying.
  10. Healthy_life2


    It's all in the intent and interpretation....Right? The site moderators have to figure that out..lol Wow, I missed drama on the board..lol Someone has reported a post as bullying...??? Sounds like we are back to the days of lipstick lady...or am I wrong?
  11. Healthy_life2

    Baking for others

    If it's not a temptation for you to eat the baked goods, then I see no issue. If you find yourself drooling and eating them...Find another creative outlet...lol
  12. Healthy_life2


    Is it because we are primed to see "bullying" because of our history? There is a difference between opposing opinion, trolling and cybercrime. People label bully to many situations. I can see bullying by your definition happening online - Domestic violence victims being stalked online by their perpetrators. Courtroom witnesses being intimidated by people on there social mediaccounts. Reading threatening post to coerce them to not testify. Children being groomed/preyed on by sexual predators. (https://www.bark.us/blog/grooming-signs-sexual-predators/)
  13. Healthy_life2


    I don't believe suppressing opinion and speech online is necessary. Say whatever crazy ass things you want. All of us have the choice to turn off the computer or move on to another thread/forum...When it turns over into an actual crime......then things are different.
  14. Healthy_life2


    Seriously, Trollish behavior has been around far longer - this is nothing new.
  15. Healthy_life2


    Perfect example of freedom of speech above. People have the right to personal political opinion. I may sit here and laugh a bit....Because the KKK has had and demonstrated freedom of speech before Trump was in office.
  16. Healthy_life2


    Honestly, I use two sites for social media. This one and myfitness pal - Both sites are fitness/nutrition oriented. It helps keeps me motivativated. People's behaviors - I agree the anonymity people can say anything. Isn't that freedom of speech? We should have different opinions...right? Have you ever met people in real life that say some messed up things? I don't have to listen or agree with them. I decide what I invest my time and attention into. If someone is verbally attacking me I can either defend myself or walk away. Side note: (no offense to anyone that's a felon on the board) Working in a mens in prison may be a part of why I don't get offended that easily. I have taken a daily barrage of verbal assaults that would offend most people...To me it was a daily good morning. It comes down to not rewarding their negative behavior. They feed off making you break and respond. If people are not physically attacking you ....it's a good day.
  17. Healthy_life2


    Do you mean a swinging trend specifically on this forum?
  18. Healthy_life2


    What did I miss? lol catch me up...
  19. Healthy_life2


    Is this behavior new to anyone who has been on social media? I apologize when I have offended someone or misinterpreted a post. We are human lol. Trolls annoy me. People posting negative offensive personal attacks to get attention. What I don't understand is why people take the bait and respond to them. If you ignore them they go away looking for attention somewhere else. We are adults...Right??? Pick and choose what your read and respond to. Take what's useful and leave the rest. It's not my job to police this site and I don't want to. I have only done this once: A member shared that they were a victim of sexual abuse/assault. I notice a troll degrading and personally attacking this member (reported the posts to the tech's) This troll personal message me. ( wrong thing to do) I used the opportunity to mass share the trolls personal message to people on the forum that are positive contributors/veterans. We manage to run this person off. I don't take offense to people having different opinions and experiences. I have also have been given a loving slap to the head from some of the veterans along the way. Sometimes I needed a reality check. I have thick skin so I can take tough love. (some can't)
  20. Healthy_life2

    WLS Veteran's Forum

    Try the website/tech assistance area of the forum https://www.bariatricpal.com/forum/992-website-assistance-suggestions/
  21. Healthy_life2

    Completed and lost a toenail

    THanks all. Alway learning. I have had some great tips from other bariatric patients.
  22. Healthy_life2

    Started running today

    Fantastic run~! Last time you lost weight you were not as strong. Glad to hear you are retaining muscle. Keep us posted about your 5K. I want to see photos!!!
  23. I am laughing so hard at the commercial for this product.
  24. @Creekimp13 is this it? Get a gym body without the gym...Sensa..lol Link about their law suit https://www.nutritionunplugged.com/2014/01/sensa-set-back-ftc-takes-action-sprinkle-diet/
  25. Dang it @Creekimp13. I can't walk away from this thread. lol The grapefruit diet. Again have not used this but ...You have to watch the video. Slendertone.

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