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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. My weird weight loss comments: I had a family Dr's appointment. I walked passed the receptionist sitting at her desk. She latched both hands around my thigh and exclaimed "your so small" I don't know this woman well enough to have her attached to my leg....lol Dinner party with my husband and several other couples. A guy across the table looked at my husband and said " you must be having sex all the time now" My surgeons office - Dietician said I would look less skeletal if I gained ten pounds - The dr that same day told me I'd be at my ideal weight if I lost ten pounds. Local bariatric meeting - A person told me "you didn't have to work as hard as the rest of us to lose weight"
  2. Love that you're out living life in a big way. It's like making up for lost time...right? It's instant gratification to see progress. Not just on the improvements of your landscaping..lol but in the strength and abilities you gained that many people take for granted. Hope all this makes you feel like a kid again..lol Bike riding makes me feel like I'm 12..Love it!
  3. Someone smarter than me will give you actual fats on this... Here's my two cents. Only my opinion...lol Not all the ghrelin is removed. It's a human survival mechanism to feel hunger. We need food to fuel our bodies and survive. After surgery you will feel head and real hunger. It is manageable. It's not the same sensation to me as before surgery.
  4. Many bariathletes out there. But thanks for the shout out! Hope I was the jen you mentioned..lol Couch potato to lifting weights and cardio. I was not an exercise addict pre surgery. Actually hated exercise even in the first months of weight loss. I took it slow and built my workouts up over time. Nothing happens overnight.
  5. Healthy_life2

    Less Restiction

    I'm not judging or preaching to anyone.....But can laxitives/stool softeners for weight loss a sign of bulimia? https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/learn/general-information/laxative-abuse The goal is healthy and finding a balance. This is what maintaining looks like for me - My weight fluctuates ten pounds. When I gain weight I go back to low carb ( my bariatric diet plan) to get it back off back off. I also put in extra time at the gym. I try not to let myself gain over the ten pound bounce range.... You can snack. If you are in weight loss mode make it healthy salty or sweet options...Keep within your plan calories and protein goals.
  6. I agree a calorie is not a calorie - 2000 calories of all donuts is different than 2000 calories of healthy whole foods. We also have no control of body physiology or metabolic rates. But there are things that may improve your metabolic rate. Weight loss is in the kitchen. fitness and body composition is in the gym. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/weight-loss/in-depth/metabolism/art-20046508 Metabolism: Converting food into energy Metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. During this complex biochemical process, calories in food and beverages are combined with oxygen to release the energy your body needs to function. Even when you're at rest, your body needs energy for all its "hidden" functions, such as breathing, circulating blood, adjusting hormone levels, and growing and repairing cells. The number of calories your body uses to carry out these basic functions is known as your basal metabolic rate — what you might call metabolism. Several factors determine your individual basal metabolism, including: Your body size and composition. People who are larger or have more muscle burn more calories, even at rest. Your sex. Men usually have less body fat and more muscle than do women of the same age and weight, which means men burn more calories. Your age. As you get older, the amount of muscle tends to decrease and fat accounts for more of your weight, slowing down calorie burning. Energy needs for your body's basic functions stay fairly consistent and aren't easily changed. In addition to your basal metabolic rate, two other factors determine how many calories your body burns each day: Food processing (thermogenesis). Digesting, absorbing, transporting and storing the food you consume also takes calories. About 10 percent of the calories from the carbohydrates and protein you eat are used during the digestion and absorption of the food and nutrients. Physical activity. Physical activity and exercise — such as playing tennis, walking to the store, chasing after the dog and any other movement — account for the rest of the calories your body burns up each day. Physical activity is by far the most variable of the factors that determine how many calories you burn each day. Scientists call the activity you do all day that isn't deliberate exercise nonexercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT). This activity includes walking from room to room, activities such as gardening and even fidgeting. NEAT accounts for about 100 to 800 calories used daily.
  7. It's the struggles in this process that make you realize how strong you are. What struggles have you overcome? What helped you to conquer them?
  8. Healthy_life2

    New Avitar Photo - Jenn

    He says the chicken has glasses..lol pointing at your avatar. He has been talking about her all week. I can't wait to take him to the hospital to see her.
  9. Healthy_life2

    New Avitar Photo - Jenn

    Good morning! thanks, I clean up well..lol I'm waiting for grandbaby number two to arrive. I've been at the hospital on and off from 7:00 pm to 3:00 am. My grandson is staying with me until baby sister arrives. He is up and awake at 5:00 am . So here I am online once again lol....Waiting waiting waiting.
  10. Healthy_life2

    No weight loss, unable to eat more

    sounds like the third week stall - Read embrace the stall below. https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/351046-embrace-the-stall/#comment-3952027 Posted September 18, 2015 It seems that at least 50% of the posts on BariatriPal are bemoaning a stall. Daily, and sometimes hourly, I am reading about how someone ONLY lost x number of pounds and now the scale hasn't moved in ___ [fill in the blank] days/months, etc. Oh no, they write, I am a failure/unique/my surgery didn't work/life is not fair, ... Why am I in a stall? I know I am exaggerating but I think you get the idea. Guess what? STALLS are a NORMAL part of the PROCESS of losing weight. If you want to lose weight, you will stall. Not just once, but over and over. And, guess what? A stall is where your body actually does the hard work of becoming smaller. It takes a lot of work and energy to dismantle a structure that has been holding up, in some cases, hundreds of pounds. For those who think they have to DO something to somehow "break a stall" (in my opinion, you do not break a stall, you just ride them out), here is my response: What can you do to "break" a stall? 1) STAY OFF THE SCALE Relax and stay off the scale if it bothers you so much. Weigh no more than once a week, or even less often. Weighing only at your doctor's appointments early in the process is a good strategy if your mood and self-worth are dictated by the numbers on the scale. 2) PICK UP A TAPE MEASURE In addition to using the numbers on the scale to measure your progress, take your measurements. Inches lost are also a great way to see physical progress when the scale isn't moving. Most people see the biggest physical changes in their body when the scale seems stuck. 3) TRACK YOUR Protein AND Water AND MEET OR EXCEED YOUR PROTEIN AND WATER GOAL EVERY DAY As long as you are getting in all your protein and water and following your NUT and surgeon's instructions, you are doing what you are supposed to do. If you aren't getting in all your protein and water, then increasing your protein and water is something you can do (and should be doing anyway whether or not you are in a stall). 4) EXERCISE If you aren't exercising, then you can exercise (and should be whether or not you are in a stall). You can start slowly by walking or even moving more around the house. Exercising will help you feel better, tone your skin and build fat-burning muscle. 5) MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH YOUR NUT If you are unsure or unclear about what you are supposed to be, or should not be eating, then make an appointment with your NUT (which you should be doing whether or not you are in a stall). 6) REASSESS AND REEVALUATE About the only good result I see that comes from complaining about a stall is when you take an honest look at what you are doing and realign with the program recommended by your NUT and surgeon. Have you started eating more outside of your plan? Are you restricting calories? Are you eating enough carbs and protein for your exercise? Are you taking your Vitamins? Are you eating often enough? Are you eating slowly with protein first? Sometimes, all you need to DO is go back to basics. 7) JOURNAL One of the biggest things I have noticed from the various posts is how anxious and out-of-control some people feel when they notice a stall. Journaling can help you gain some perspective and deal with some of the emotional turmoil. -- Write about how you are feeling about the stall and your weight loss, and surgery in general. -- Write about why you had the surgery in the first place. -- Write about what life was like before surgery. -- Write about what you hope and dream about accomplishing in the future. -- Write about your fears. -- Write about your NSVs. -- Make a gratitude list. -- Make a bucket list. -- Write a letter to your old self; write a letter to your new self. Just write. 8) SEEK HELP Stalls are when too many people seem to revert to old, counterproductive dieting behaviors (restricting calories, over exercising, bingeing, etc.). If this is you, then another thing you can DO is to talk to a counselor or therapist or consider joining a bariatric support group or a twelve-step group like Overeater's Anonymous. The discomfort of being in a stall can also drive people to develop new, unhealthy coping habits or even transfer addictions. This is where you want to marshall all the resources you have available to you and use them. The last, and most important thing you can DO is: 9) EMBRACE THE STALL Stalls are a normal and natural part of the process. Our bodies are complex systems and not simple machines. Stalls go hand-in-hand with weight loss. If you had Weight Loss Surgery, then you probably want to lose a significant amount of weight. So, get ready to embrace the many stalls you will experience as your body is transformed. It will be worth it.
  11. Healthy_life2

    14 days out

    What food stage are you in 14 days out? Sounds normal for pureed or soft food stage to me. 440 calories - 48 grams protein - 51 grams carbs. I'm using myfitnesspal to log your example of food. (this is an estimate because I have to guess your brand and amounts of food) Myfitnesspal food log app. https://www.myfitnesspal.com/mobile/android https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=myfitnesspal+tutorial concentrate on hitting your protein goal.(Mine 60 to 100 grams) I'm not sure what your dietician set as your goal. 1 Premier protein shake - 160 calories 30 grams protein 1.3 cups of refried bean throughout the day 260 calories 15.6 grams protien 1 cup sugar free fat free jello cherry flavor gelatin 20 calories 2 grams protein 440 calories - 48 grams protein - 51 grams carbs
  12. Healthy_life2

    Today’s lunch picture!

    Oh my! I love your tiny plate. Barbeque season is my favorite time of year! There are some serious bbq pitmasters on this site.
  13. It's ok to feel crappy and cranky.
  14. Healthy_life2

    Tiny red bumps on belly

    Ask you surgeons office.
  15. Healthy_life2

    Tingling in legs

    Might want to check with your Dr if this is concerning you.
  16. Healthy_life2

    Well Alert the Media!

    Oh yeah the easy way out comment. That's why I don't mention surgery. No use in explaining they will never get it. Some people have this idea that the weight loss is due to a small stomach and you can eat pie and cake and lose weight. It's frickin work! it's discipline, consistency dieting, logging, changing habits and exercise.
  17. Healthy_life2

    Less Restiction

    I was told that I would be able to eat more food volume. But, I was surprised when I experience the sensation for myself. It was kind of a scary moment. My thoughts and emotions went to.....What if I gain it all back. I miss the days of great restriction and quick weight loss. I have to have more discipline to keep in maintenance mode. I give myself a ten pound weight bounce. I do indulge in moderation. When the scale moves up. I return to weight loss mode. It's finding balance.
  18. Healthy_life2

    Less Restiction

    What sleevers need to know: After 6 months the tight restriction starts to fade. At about a year or more out you will definitely be able to hold more food. Understand your stomach is not back to full size. Only a small percentage of sleeves that need revision. The problem is when people confuse grazing with stomach capacity/stretching. If you eat several meals with excess calories. (Can be healthy or unhealthy food choices) you will start seeing weight gain. I can easily get in 3000 calories in a day if I graze. The sensation is as if I didn't have surgery at all. Surgery does not take away hunger for most of us. You will feel head and real hunger. Eating sugar and carbs will make you crave them more and increase your hunger level. . My disclaimer: low carb is not everyone's weight loss plan. (carbs may/will increase maintaining and higher fitness level. ( if you gain go back to low carb or your plan) If you are struggling with the extra space and hunger : Some tips to keep you full and satisfied within your calorie range. (I'm not a medical professional this is just my experience/opinion) increase your protein goal. Add veggies. The bulk and fiber will help fill the increased stomach volume Detox off carbs and sugar. Keep healthy sweet and salty snacks on hand for cravings night snacking or head hunger - Buy a veggie tray. If you are at the end of your daily calorie allotment for weight loss mode. Eat from your veggie tray. If you try to bargain with yourself for another option then you know its head hunger.
  19. Healthy_life2

    how long did you lose?

    I'm not sure if I should respond I'm a sleeve. So flog me if you must @JohnnyCakes Your body should settle in a weight that its comfortable with. I would wait a bit before buying a full closet of clothing. I settled at my goal weight (140) at 6 months out. A year out (125) I burnt muscle and looked sickly. I am four years out and I can still lose weight.
  20. Key Lime pie. Yep, You already know what foods cause dumping syndrome......Right? All foods are trial and error to see if you can tolerate them. Keep on your plan to get your weight loss going.
  21. Healthy_life2

    New journey

    Side note and off topic - @FluffyChix Maintaining takes the same discipline as weight loss mode. If you gain it comes off slow..lol I think both phases are hard work.
  22. Healthy_life2

    New journey

    definitely give yourself credit for 71 pounds down. This is about you and your goals with weight loss surgery. Keep your eyes off of the weight rates and stats of people around you. Focus on what you want out of your surgery. What will it take for you to wake up and move? This is a big part of the mental game of weight loss. The weather is beautiful. Go for a walk and make it a goal to take photos of the destination. Make it about the photos and achievement of how far you got on the trail. If you want to talk more about starting at the gym. message me. I have some strategies that help get past the gym intimidation. How and where do you find motivation to exercise? A few that work for me. Sometimes its not motivation it's perspective. Don't take the strength your body has for granted - A person in a wheelchair would gladly trade places with us for our weight loss struggles. We have the ability to go for a walk in a beautiful area and take photos. (don't let life pass you by sitting around) Anger can be a motivator. Any haters in your life? Anyone who has said you can't do this or you are just going to gain this weight back? Use that hate as your own motivation. I placed my haters photo on the treadmill. Anytime I felt like stepping off early I looked at that photo. I'd stay on the full hour. Gym/ exercise as your counselor/therapist. - Take it to your workout. Get a playlist that speaks to what issues you are working on. You will find your body moving to the pace of the music...lol you will feel better mentally when you get done. Do it even when you don't want to do it...Be pissy and kick your teddy bear about exercise! Use your bad attitude/anger to sweat it out...You will sleep better.
  23. Healthy_life2


    Some insurance carriers will help pay for plastics if you have mobility issues or a history of rashes. Other than that its self pay and expensive. Costs less if you have it done in mexico. here is a link to the bariatricpal forum on plastics. https://www.bariatricpal.com/forum/393-plastic-reconstructive-surgery/
  24. It's never too late to make changes. So many people are struggling with weight gain. Your experience and support in this area is needed. People need to know you can get back into weight loss mode. Keep inspiring! thanks for your post.
  25. First stages you will need shakes to get your protein in. The goal is to learn to fuel your body with real food. You shouldn't have to be dependant on shakes for nutrition long term. It's a choice if you still want to use them. After my 5th month I could hit my protein goal with real food. Shakes also are a liquid they don't make me feel full or satisfied.

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