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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. "This is more of an academic question, I'm not concerned about my own adjustment and am not looking for encouragement or advice - just curious." None of us are medical professionals on this site. All we can give is our own experiences...Take what's useful and ignore the rest. QUESTION: Is bariatric surgery designed to stop patients from over indulging in taste and capacity? None of us can say how you will experience satisfied, cravings, taste, (tasted enough) feeling content, capacity. It is specific to each person. I can't predict how this will feel for you years out from surgery. All I can say is four years out eating healthy is normal. It's not an endless head game for me. I feel satisfied by taste and quality over quantity.
  2. It takes some time to get used to the new sensation of full. It gets better.. The feeling I had at Thanksgiving was over stuffed. Unbutton your pants and take a nap stuffed..lol. Healthy feels better than any holiday food coma. You had your sleeve about two months ago...Right? Are you chewing and eating slow? For most of us, The first few months best sleeve restriction and weight loss.. Enjoy it now... Understand that your restriction will not be the same as you progress out from surgery. Your stomach will not be back to full size but you will notice a defiant difference in increased volume.
  3. Healthy_life2


    Go hawks!!!! (I'm originally from Washington State ) Congrats on 80 pounds down! I don't agree that it's ridiculous to stall before the 3 or four months out. The third week stall is so normal. Doing amazing work! keep going.
  4. Were you given a surgery diet progression from your dietician? Liquids, pureed, soft food and real food stage.
  5. Healthy_life2

    I think I'm mental...

    53.8 down! Great work. Therapy and counseling are great advice. With the rapid weight loss, Your mind might not be able to see your physical self correctly. It took me a year to see myself as smaller. It's a bit of body dysmorphia for me. I hid from photos and mirrors for a long time. Some things to try: Keep a pair of pants in the size of your high weight. When you are having a bad day put them on to remind yourself how far you have come. Changing the way you talk to yourself. All the negatives things you tell yourself (fat, worthless, not doing well, failure) It takes practice and time. It's time to make peace with your life. Forgive yourself, heal from past hurts and love yourself again. Be your biggest cheerleader. The only validation needed life comes from you. Another bariatric patients gave me this advice: Once your weight settles around your goal. If you are still not seeing yourself correctly. Place a photo of your smaller self on your bathroom mirror. Look at it daily before you head out the door to work etc...
  6. Healthy_life2


    You are right on point with this.
  7. Healthy_life2


    Some of us can tolerate it while others can't. Is your fear sugar because of dumping syndrome or weight gain? If I have sugar and carbs I crave them more. I don't get sick from it in small amounts. I also feel bogged down when I don't eat healthy.
  8. Healthy_life2

    6 months post VSG

    Great transformation.
  9. I did nothing magic for weight loss phase. I just stuck to my plan and worked out to get to goal in 6 months.
  10. Disclaimer - lol I used the BMI for a guideline...Yes I know it's not perfect...
  11. How do you know when you have truly reached it? I selected a weight that put me in a Normal BMI range. I knew I reached it when I hit that number range- See bmi chart below Does your body signal this or will you come up with a goal with your team? My team gave the statistics - you will lose 60% of your body weight with the sleeve. I gave myself a goal weight of 140. My weight plateaued and stalled. I kept working until I hit my goal. I could have stopped during my stall as if it was a signal from my body.....I kept going to get to a healthy BMI. The only person that has to be happy with your results is you. It's a choice of getting back into weight loss mode or to be satisfied where you are at. (exception goal weight may not be your choice if you have medical issues etc) I can only speak for myself on maintaining...I'm four years out I can still gain and lose weight. I give myself a ten pound bounce range to maintain.
  12. I will forever be diligent and a bit obsessive to keep my weight in line. It's not up to me to rescue other people. I can only rescue myself. This is so much like Alcoholics Anonymous...Nothing worse than a recovering obese person..lol I try not to come off as judging or preaching . I realize that my enthusiasm level may not be everyone's enthusiasm level..*laughing at myself*
  13. Pre surgery 254 Date of surgery 234 .... 94 pounds in 6 months
  14. I've met people that don't have food addictions. One said he just didn't care about nutrition or his weight. Living life on the run and quick fast food..Everything took its toll over the years. Had to get things right for health reasons.
  15. Healthy_life2

    Clothing - buy stuff and it doesn't fit

    I only bought a few items at a time...I Invested in clothing once I got to goal. I had some awkward weight loss stages. You can't control where you hold weight. Made it hard to find things that fit. Clothing designers will sizes things differently. Vanity sizing Is to make you feel better about buying because you fit into a size 3........when reality is it's a size 6.
  16. Healthy_life2

    1 year 5 mos out and I'm gaining

    Sometimes a loving slap upside the head from the members is a good reality check..lol
  17. @FluffyChix Is it accepting your best shot? Is it accepting if you don't make goal? The goal is healthy. That will look different for each of us. I don't want to overlook people that may have more things to battle and overcome. I am sympathetic to anyone that doesn't make goal or gain weight. (medical issues, mobility, eating disorder, medications etc.) It can take a toll on you mentally. I'm like you, I didn't have surgery to settle. I fought to get the most out of it. My personal choice was not to be a bariatric statistic. Made goal in six months. Side note - I love all the research, chart's formulas etc. There is a fine line between useful charting and obsessive compulsive lol I have to be careful, I have an addictive personality and fear of weight gain.
  18. Posting my most recent because I worked hard for the muscle chicken legs. @BigViffer
  19. Healthy_life2

    Poll: What is your goal?

    Starting HW 254 Goal weigh 140 I set my goal because it was my highschool weight (years ago lol) My lowest weight 125. Current weight 141 this morning Maintaining weight I want to get back to 130's I was most excited/celebrated weight loss mark was being under 200 pounds. I just never thought it would happen...brought me to tears of joy...lol
  20. Post an updated one i won't send you a creepy message.....Or will I
  21. Pre or post op? What type of surgery did you have and date? Can you give us an example of a day of food from your food log?
  22. Google the restaurant menus to preplan your meal. Restaurants always serve a protein and a veggie. Easy for me to order extra veggies to replace the carb...If you are allowed carbs on your plan you can just eat the smaller portion... Those of you in the first stages can order an appetizer or kids meal. Nothing wrong with a full meal size. You can box it up and have the leftovers for another meal (for some of you three meals lol) I like qdoba.(yes fast food place) I can get a kids size burrito bowl - fill it with meat veggies salsa black beans guacamole. ( I don't do rice and tortilla wrap) On the run meals - Carry a small thermal lunch bag in your car for emergencies - Ice pack for summer - Good to have on hand if you get stuck in traffic or the snow in the winter - Protein bars quest chips Jerkey tuna packet P3 protein pack Fork & hand whipes
  23. Each of us have personal fitness goals. Goals may change and evolve over time. You never know where the WLS process may take you. Be your own awesome !!!!!
  24. Oh yes, You are fit. I've seen your lifting photos. @BigViffer Hope you don't mind me re posting photos @336Mike
  25. You may be over thinking WLS. I've read the study. People with larger lung capacity are not naturally thin. Work your dieticians surgeons plan. Exercise your entire body.

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