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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    We need Fat Moderators

    You also said" Can we please have some moderators who are not JUST women who started in the 200 pound range, in their 30's and 40's...who are now fitness junkies? I don't peticulay want any room moderators. I'm an adult I don't need a room moderator to direct and control a subject posted. I'd rather hear all views and opinions. I don't want things supreseed or silenced...The exception is people that violate the rules. but, that seems to be managed by clicking report on violators posts. I am sleeve patient - Starting BMI 42 "morbidly obese to a healthy BMI. 50 years old, postmenopausal, fitness and nutrition junkie. Is my experience of less value? Could be to you and that's ok.
  2. Healthy_life2

    We need Fat Moderators

    I have done the same over the years. Most guys get that it was our oversight . I apologize and leave...lol
  3. Healthy_life2

    We need Fat Moderators

    I like the idea of going back to weight categories... would work right? Ask specific questions that speak to your starting BMI and situation. Nice to also have the general populations take on things when you want. *laughing* You may get a few responses like the guys room..lol it happens all the time...It's not on purpose.
  4. Healthy_life2

    We need Fat Moderators

    A variety and diversity is great. Should we have inclusion and exclusion??? *only moderates allowed* *only small people respond* I admit, I'm offended by that thought. I guess my question is how can you control the population of members that join the site? We will never a perfect balance based on experience, weight lost, sex, race, income status, sexual orientation, relationship status and age. etc We do have vets, men and women only rooms...Getting more forum categories may help. I'm not sure how @Alex Brecher's team decides on categories.
  5. Healthy_life2

    We need Fat Moderators

    I'm not sure how @Alex Brecher moderates the site. It has changed many times over the years. I know we can report a post. it's up to the site moderators to decide if its in violation and make a decision on reprimanding or removing a member. Again I can be wrong.
  6. Healthy_life2

    We need Fat Moderators

    .*laughing* I'm here as another WLS patient...I have never been a moderator. Support group leader local Idaho chapter. We are adults. We pick and choose what we read and respond to on any website. No need to silence opinions even when you don't agree. Experiences and opinion are part of the diversity online. If a post upsets you or is in violation of the sites rules..feel free to report it. The other option is to not read it and go to a topic that may be more helpful.
  7. Healthy_life2

    We need Fat Moderators

    No issue with anyone offering suggestions to improve the site I'm not sure why you feel discriminated against and feel the need to discriminate against "smaller people" I still agree to disagree with you. ALL experiences are welcome This is not a us against them support for weight loss surgery site. You have not been around the site long enough to realize @Alex Brecher had subcategories of starting weights. You may want him to bring them back to the site so you can only talk with patients in your weight category or specific situation........ if that makes you feel more comfortable. @Alex Brecher Years ago the site had sub subcategories by weight and age..... Right? 300+ to lose 200+ to lose 100+ to lose Don't believe we have any room moderators...Not sure what your talking about.
  8. Healthy_life2

    So I fell off the wagon

    Welcome to the site, Many of us struggle with weight gain. We can give some tips and be your cheerleaders. Take what is useful and ignore the rest Some options for getting your diet back on track. I'm sure these are things you already know... Go back to your plan - Log your food hit your protein goal...May help to set it higher 70-130. I use myfitnesspal to track..Many other trackers out there Get rid of temptation foods in the house: Go grocery shopping cook your own meals. Salty and sweet healthy options. Take your own meals to school/work You may have noticed your restriction is less. Eat vegetables with your protein to fill the extra space and keep calories low. The bulk and fiber will help with hunger. Head hunger, snacking or when you are at the end of your calorie allotment for the day. Buy a veggie tray.When hunger kicks in eat as much of the tray as you like. If you try to bargain with yourself for other options..Ugg thats head hunger. Find your discipline to not go to the other options... Motivation: Finding motivation will be your walk...What motivates me may not motivate you. what has worked for me: We all have things to overcome in life - Sometimes it's not motivation it's perspective. A person in hospice care would gladly trade places with our weight loss struggle. Never give up !This video has been around a long time. I still like it.
  9. *laughing * Dang I'm off topic again - We are flawed humans no one is better than anyone. Patients are in different stages and time out from surgery. You may see some of these same trends in the room. The mine is the only path: You may get some people that truly believe there way is the only way. Me...I would send them a link to the success stories on the forum. All that needs to be said is "look at all the successes on different plans" I simply Ignore the rest of their post and move on. This may be someone new that has their instructions and did not know how different our plans can look. They may believe you are off plan. Give them time to learn. My plan is working so well..It's life changing you gotta try this! The honeymoon phase people (I love to feel their excitement and enthusiasm) It may come off in their posts as mine is the only path. a bit gradious at times...Let them enjoy the high! The fitness person: Overly excited, never believed this would be their life...Me I'm on a running high ..Don't kill my buzz. lol
  10. @jess9393 and participants I see how both sides can be passionate about weight prejudice. Each of us are explaining that we been judged on where we fall on the weight loss spectrum. It drives me crazy that many of the negative comments are from the bariatric community. these make me cringe when I hear them: Morbidly obese comments: "your lazy"" Fatty"""Lack discipline"" you have such a pretty face" "you would look better if you lost weight" Healthy weight comments - " I don't want to look sickly as you"" you didn't have to work as hard at wls as I did" "you over do working out" Not being at a lower BMI "you settled for less" "you need to work harder at this""why did you even have surgery" Wow, The new one I'm hearing --The fitness people are" obsessive", "extreme" "think we should do as they do" and wtf "They are making people leave" We live in a judgmental society... All I can do is me--->I am supportive and see value of any experience on the forum. I learn from all of you everyday.
  11. Great transformation. Congrats on your first year out. Celebrate big!
  12. My apology for going off topic - Your post gave me many things to think about. I'm not trying to hijack your original question. I hope people take what is useful from other WLS patients experiences. I agree, Set are own bars! Walk your own walk in WLS. Never do as others do. Quoting a movie I watched last night "look at all the lives being lived" Each of our experiences are unique.
  13. You have not seen someone set their expectations low or not work their program . That's ok. I have seen it and talked directly with a woman in my local support group. It's her personal choice. She has her own reasons. Her own walk with WLS The majority of us bust ass...And that's also ok. .
  14. I'm trying not to beat the dead horse. @Creekimp13 I agree, This and us against them thread. This is also not all about you or your post directly: This is observations over the years of weight based discrimination among bariatric patients. Is this about me? I guess that would be if I fit into the criteria of "extreme" I have no Idea what "extreme" means to you or other on the forum. Can be interpreted many ways.
  15. Healthy_life2

    Advice needed

    You have the right to medical privacy. It's none of their business. Once people see your rapid weight loss they will speculate that you have cancer or had bariatric surgery. It's still none of their business and you don't owe them an explanation.
  16. Healthy_life2

    Goal accomplish

    Happy first year anniversary. Any goal celebration reward?
  17. Moderate quite versus loud extreme? I'm getting an us against them vibe. I would hope I'm not being lumped into this category of an extreme obsessive perfectionist that is driving people to leave shortly after they arrive. It would be great if we valued all experiences, approaches, success levels and personal goals. That would include valuing people that are loud, have aggressive goals and push themselves to extremes. Congratulations on doing well, being enthusiastic and loud.
  18. Healthy_life2

    I fell off my wagon :/

    Thanks for the clarification. I'm so sorry to hear about your daughters health issues. My heart goes out to you. Halfway through the process of having surgery and dealing with a major life stress. I can understand why you are considering putting off surgery. I'm sure you will do what's best for you and your family. Wishing you the best, Jenn
  19. Correct me if I'm wrong....This topic was not intended to make people feel crappy about not making goal. It was about setting their own goals and bar. Some patients set their expectations low and choose not to get the most out of surgery. I see the majority of people here working hard and busting ass for weight loss. This has been on my mind ....... What does weight loss success mean to each of us? We all have our own journey and weight loss goals. If the norm for the sleeve is 60% weight loss. Someone starting out with a high BMI/ Super morbidly obese range may get to obese or overweight category. That is successful weight loss for that person...Right? For others they shoot for the stars and go above and beyond. ______________________________________ I apologize @FluffyChix I'm off topic. I just want to say this to the people that did not have much weight loss, did not make their goal or feel they like failed (I hate that term) with surgery. I remember the days when I tried and failed or could not maintain weight loss on my prior diet attempts. I would be absolutely devastated if I lost the battle with weight loss surgery. I have nothing but compassion for what you must be going through.
  20. Healthy_life2

    I fell off my wagon :/

    Give yourself credit for 110 pounds of weight loss. I'm sorry your struggling. None of us are perfect at this. Don't give up just because you had a setback. This is worth fighting for. Stress can get us back to old habits. Nothing about surgery is easy. The mental battles have to be fought and overcome. If you fall off the wagon you can brush yourself off and get back to your plan. Head hunger can be redirected by removing temptation foods from your home. Buying healthy options for sweet and salty cravings. Keep a veggie try in the refrigerator..If you try to bargain with yourself for unhealthy options....then you know its head hunger...Find your discipline. Be consistent not perfect. If you need a nutrition consult call them. If you need to figure out how to stay on the wagon counseling may help. I'm confused your stats say sleeve...In your post it says RNY. Your surgery date unknown. Are you halfway through pre op weight loss or post op weight loss?
  21. Healthy_life2


    What does your dietitians plan say? My dietician instructions: No real sugar. I can use splenda or stevia in weight loss mode. Depends on how far you want to take what is healthy........Artificial sweeteners are chemically processed. I don't have the time to grow, dry and grind stevia leaves. lol In recipes my dietician may use a bit of agave, molasses and raw honey in small amounts.
  22. Healthy_life2


    So sorry, I just realized this is the guy's room... I just keep healthy options for sweet and salty on hand. Kick the craving. Healthy food can still be flavorful. I love chicken fajitas without the tortilla. I enjoy the flavors and spices and I'm full on a smaller amount.
  23. Healthy_life2

    Weight loss journal

    Same here myfitnesspal https://www.myfitnesspal.com/mobile/android https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=myfitnesspal+tutorial
  24. Healthy_life2

    I confess....2018

    I confess....My gym crush actually talked to me...Can't wipe the smile off my face.
  25. Healthy_life2


    What does eating "enough" favorite foods mean to you?

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