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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2


    From the album: Before & After

  2. My dieticians instructions. Three meals and two small snacks or eat every three hours to keep blood sugars level. keep all meals/snacks within your calorie and macros for each day.
  3. Healthy_life2

    Happy St Patrick's Day 5K

    Beautiful day for a run. Overall 13th - 1st in my age group. Ran with my friends. It was their first 5K. We rocked it!
  4. I'm not upset. Just bit perplexed by this. Been at this gym for three years. I like to give off the I'm working out leave me alone vibe..lol. No make up, sweaty, ball cap and headphones on. lets people know this is not my chat time. I was one of four people in the stretching area. It's a pretty quiet private area. I have a bit of an idea of what this hand gesture is..But not totally. The three men in the area were not stretching . One was pretending to slide dollar bills at me quickly....Something to do with strippers.... right? When he realized I saw him he walked away freaking quickly.
  5. Just looking for your experience/perspective. After maintaining your weight, do you feel like a WLS patient years out? Has Anything besides the fear of gaining and keeping weight maintained come to your attention?
  6. Healthy_life2

    My skin is pale now.

    Your healing from surgery. If you are concerned call your surgeons team.
  7. Healthy_life2

    Can it be a secret?

    Is it realistic to not want to make it public? I also did not disclose my medical procedure. Only told my family and support people. It's hard to keep a secret or hide rapid weight loss. Once people see your body changing.. They may speculate cancer or bariatrics....Let them speculate. It's none of their business. You don't owe anyone an explanation. _______________________ Some things you may experience: Weight loss phase: Your weight loss seems to be that topic of conversation. It's annoying and uncomfortable at times.... You will get questions on how you did it, people ask for weight loss advice, comments on the way you look, comments on what you are eating and the amount you eat. Maintaining: Once you get to your goal/maintaining. Weight loss stops being the topic of conversation.....Life is normal.
  8. Healthy_life2

    Protein Powder

    It's a good Idea to sample the products before you buy. What tastes good to me may not taste good to you. Many shake recipes online. Vanilla flavored protein powder to make your own combinations. coffee Mocha - Add decaf instant coffee and sugar free chocolate syrup. fruit creamsicle - add crystal light fruit flavors. Even a bit of the coconut flavor for summer. Peanut butter cup - PB3 powdered peanut butter and sugar free chocolate syrup Pumpkin spice - pumpkin puree and pumpkin pie spice.
  9. Healthy_life2

    bias against weed.. so tired of it.

    Social worker? is that a pre surgery thing? Is this a part of your medical team?
  10. Only my opinion.. I had a few sessions with an eating disorder therapist.... Your situation with the therapist may be a few things Sometimes therapist see a fine line between eating disorders and bariatrics...She may be trying to see if you are afraid of foods, have extreme views of good and bad foods and following rigid rules. Yes, We have healed from surgery, Thats a non issue. Protein, and adding healthy carbs is a standard bariatric maintaining instructions by our dieticians. Ask yourself . how rigid are you about following low carb high protein....Do you indulge once in a while? Are you still in the process of finding what works for you personally and your body to maintain weight? What does healthy eating mean to you? The mental side of bariatrics sometimes is fighting with the former fat person that fears regain. Wishing you the best Jenn
  11. Healthy_life2

    Holy shit...what do i do?

    People can be crappy and judgmental. You did the right thing by making this person a former friend...lol Let them be a miserable negative person. Enjoy the conversations with positive people. Keep them around you.... ignore the haters. An option to think about if you get outed. Be proud and blunt! post: I make no apologies for living an amazing healthy life. :-)
  12. Healthy_life2

    Changing eating habits

    Wow !!!! that would limit many foods. I think a dietician consult would help. Make an appointment with your team.
  13. Healthy_life2

    When did you join a gym?

    Not trying to hijack or take away from your poll. Visit and check out gyms in your area before you join. It's finding your comfort zone. Some are more family friendly. Ask the staff what hours are less crowded.
  14. Healthy_life2

    When did you join a gym?

    I had a treadmill at home for exercise. My third month I had a major stall. I had to reevaluate what I was doing. My treadmill was being used more to hang clothing on than exercise. (story of my life) I sold the treadmill on craigslist and bought a gym membership in my third month. @Apple203 You are fit enough! All of us have a starting point. The gym will help build your fitness level.
  15. Here is success stories off the site https://www.bariatricpal.com/forum/1297-tell-your-weight-loss-surgery-story/
  16. Healthy_life2

    11 months out and 130 lbs gone

    11 months out you have done amazing. Thanks for inspiring.
  17. You are inspirational. Fantastic loss!
  18. Healthy_life2


    In my past diet attempts...I'd hang on to larger clothing fearing the rebound weight gain. I also invested in some great pieces..Ugg killed me to let them go. Once I got to maintenance mode. I started investing in clothing again. Shopping became an addiction lol I needed space in my closet. Cleaned out the last of the larger clothing (with the exception of one pair starting weight jeans) Donate or give your friends the last of your larger stuff. It's going to give the excuse *smile* to go buy new things for yourself.
  19. Healthy_life2

    help with regain

    Gains are frustrating! Some options to think about. Make an appointment with your surgeons team. Great time for a check up. (blood labs and all) ask it there is a medical reason for not having weight loss. Your dietician. They should help you dial in your diet where your body starts losing weight again.(its different for each of us years out) My personal experience with weight gain years out: My restriction is not the same. it's a normal experience for my type of surgery. My weight starting going up and it was harder and slow to lose I had to weigh and log food again. I found what calories and protein goal puts me back into weight loss mode. Painfully slow.... at best 2 pounds a month..But I will take it. I'm back up again..uggg mine was indulgence of food..Takes nothing for me to gain now...I know I can get it back to where I'm comfortable. it's just at a snail's pace.
  20. Healthy_life2

    Cooking for your family!!

    Would have been nice for one of them to cook while you are on liquid pre op. Hummm some things to try: *evil laugh* microwavable healthy choice meals. Give each person a frozen one and point to the microwave. Toss a can of chilli, a can opener, a pack of hot dogs and buns on the table..... point to the microwave. Box of cereal and milk on the table...walk away.
  21. Healthy_life2

    NSV shares

    Embarrassing moment and an NSV: Four years ago I had a few cocktails pre surgery with my husband. I slipped and fell back on the toilet and cracked the base. He is replacing the toilet today.........Buh bye evil reminder of my high weight.
  22. Healthy_life2

    Body lift done!

    I'm speechless! I'm also so jealous of your procedure. Can I ask where you had it done and cost?
  23. Healthy_life2

    We need Fat Moderators

    I think most of us would like to see the category of BMI's to come back to the site. It's great to have the option of similar experiences. I also like the option that I can get all perspective in the general area.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
