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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Sorry to the original poster I'm off topic. Fluff , You know I love you. your edit sounds less aggressive😉 The last thing the OP was asking for or needs is judgment. They already know their reasons for the weight gain. No need for anyone to restate what they should have been doing, where they went wrong and beat them down further. The depression, shame and guilt from a gain is enough. I agree, Therapy and talking with their surgeon about options including revision is a great place to start. Lifelong change means they can get the help and move forward. In a perfect world all of us would stay on track. We will continue to see people with weight gain. I want them to feel supported and see them take this on and get the help they need.
  2. People that gain (me included) already know how to eat and work our plan. No need for me to get back into bariatric instructions all over again, right? With less sleeve restriction I had to find ways to keep hunger at bay and fill the extra stomach space.(many of us can give you tips if you want them)
  3. No judgment, Glad you are asking for help Gains can happen to any of us. (I’ve had one) Weight loss mode and maintaining is work. None of this is easy, right? Reality is its not going to be easy. But you can do some things to turn this around. Therapy and counseling may help you address your relationship with food, why your discipline is lacking and getting back on track. Your surgeon can talk to you about all your options. Doing this on your own or with help is a mental battle. Except that you will feel crappy and have cravings while you detox off the extra calorie’s carbs and sugar. Many go back to bariatric basics, keto paleo vegan. Log your food is the only way you will know if you are eating your weight loss calories and macros. Joining a weight loss challenge can help you stay on track. Keep us updated. Your battle with this is going to help others dealing with the same situation. Many come here looking for solutions and then disappear from the site. I hope you stay around and give people insight from your experience.
  4. Healthy_life2

    Exercise After Surgery

    When you are released - Start slow and build up your fitness level. None of us are athletes out the gate lol. Find what you enjoy doing. Be consistent with whatever you choose for activity/exercise. Your fitness goals may develop and change with time. Congrats on your surgery!
  5. Healthy_life2

    Exercise After Surgery

    Your Dr will give you a release to do more exercise after you heal. Weight loss, toning muscles and belly. Some cardio and weight lifting after you are released. ab workouts https://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/finder/?muscleid=13 Full body workout Data base https://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/finder/? Research https://www.bodybuilding.com/
  6. 50 pound weight loss is " NOT A FALIURE!" Its fantastic. Don't compare your weight loss to others. Some of us lose slow and its perfectly fine. You are losing weight and that’s all that matters. Revision of the sleeve. Let your team diagnose if the procedure was done correctly or if your surgery was stretched by over consumption of food. What many people with the sleeve experience is "grazing ". Eating healthy and unhealthy food over their calories and macros - It is the same as never having surgery. You will gain weight. Weighing on a food scale and logging my food has been the best tool. It’s the only way I know my calories and if I am hitting 60 to 100 gram protein goal. Many free apps out there - I use myfitnesspal others use baritastic.
  7. Healthy_life2


    exactly what @GradyCat said. Stalls are frustrating. Keep working your plan. Here is a link on stalls.
  8. Healthy_life2

    Working out after surgery...

    Yep, follow you teams instructions. They will let you know when you can start weight lifting. Hope you heal quickly.
  9. Healthy_life2

    Feeling Defeated

    Hi Ellen, Your goals and decisions our yours. I’m not going to say what you can or can’t do with your weight. You are not alone, Weight gains can bring you down. It’s easier to work off a 20-pound gain than a 40, 60, 80-pound gain. You may want to start with a five pound loss as a goal. Think of this as being healthy Vs being 170. No one can predict how much you can or can’t lose @GreenTealael mention joining a weight loss challenge.(click on her link) It’s a great place to start and get support. Best of luck to you.
  10. Healthy_life2

    9 months post-op

    Welcome to the site. Congrats on all your weight lost! Comparing stats can bring you down and make you a bit crazy. Stop doing it. Some of us lose slow. It's that fact you are losing weight, not the speed.. As @GreenTealael suggested. The weight loss challenge is great for support and motivation to stay on track. Weight loss surgery is not the easy way out. When the honeymoon phase of easy weight loss is over, you realize that this is work. With he sleeve you will feel less restriction over time. This is normal. You can/will still lose weight. Time to get back on track. WLS basics - Weigh and log food, hydrate and activity/exercise.
  11. Hun it never stays at my low range. It bounces ten pounds up and down the scale. This is what maintaing looks like for me. The good thing is I know how to keep it in this range lifelong. My clothing still fits with a ten-pound gain. When I work the weight back down its not noticeable. Laughing* Have we become annoying thin people? My eyes would roll when someone said they had 10 or 20 pounds to lose (I wanted to slap them) I had over 100 pounds or more. I now wonder if people at the beginning of surgery are annoyed with people at or near goal when we obsess.
  12. Healthy_life2

    5 1/2 months

    800 to 1100 is great.
  13. You look fantastic and hot little chick. Your weight bounce is six pounds right now? Are you ready to maintain? What weight are you trying to maintain at?
  14. Your loss is fantastic. 347 to 173. Wish you the best on your first half marathon in two weeks. What an amazing feeling, Right? We need a bariatric distance runner’s thread. I would love to see peoples finish line photos and find out about other races in other areas. I have bucket list runs I want to do before I’m too old to keep doing this..lol - I’m running Mt. Charleston in Las Vegas in April. This is my first out of state run.
  15. Healthy_life2

    Me and the husband advice please

    We are here to support you Don't feel bad, you recognized the slip and that’s what’s important. We are all in this for the long haul. Be consistent not perfect.
  16. Do you think you need a revision with a 17 pound gain? I don't think I understand your question "why or When the sleeve no longer works?" Some people may need revisions for various reasons. This does not mean all surgeries will need them.
  17. Healthy_life2

    Me and the husband advice please

    Some things to think about..Not intended to sound preachy LOL Food choices are yours to make. You already know these old behaviors are not serving you both well. What will it take to change them? If you continue the path of enabling will you gain the weight back? Can you work your plan if he's not changing? Home cooked meals are not hard to make or time consuming (Make sure anything I mention is on your plan) My examples are real food stage. Find ready to eat proteins and quick cook veggies: Chicken fajitas, precooked john soles chicken and frozen peppers and onions - Microwave and done Canned chicken, bagged salad mix, strawberries and skinny girl raspberry vinaigrette john soles frozen precooked beef strips, market side French green beans and bacon Eggs and jimmy dean turkey sausage (frozen) How hard is it to cook protein choices? Chicken, beef, pork or seafood add seasoning put it in the oven. Try not to make a habit of fast food -order healthy menu items - Do a salad or lettuce wrapped burger- Grilled chicken at chick filet - My dietician’s recipe site for food ideas https://insidekarenskitchen.com/recipes/bariatric-friendly-recipes/
  18. Healthy_life2

    I Failed myself.

    Another option to think about is counseling/therapy. It can help with the fear of following your meal plan and your relationship with food. Sent from my SM-G920T using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. Congrats on your surgery. I had other bariatric runners help me out along the way. Keep us posted on your weight loss and running.
  20. Healthy_life2

    Re: When Did Weighloss Being to Slow Down

    Congrats on getting to goal. Maintenance takes time to settle into. Sounds like you are getting your weight to slow/stop by adding the calories and carbs ratios you need. First year out, was an adjustment for me. I’m almost 5 years and life is normal.
  21. Forgot to mention. I run 5K to 10K without carb loading- If you are in weight loss mode//walking, Be careful of carbs. they can slow/sop your weight loss.
  22. Wohoo! a fellow runner. Understand you are going to get way too much info from me. I am so excited for you. The last thing you want is to find porta potties on the route because your stomach is upside down (Yes. I have been there) Do not do sugar running gels. They hand out full sugar gator aid on the route.... do not drink it..lol Fueling is going to be trial and error to find what works for you. Things to try Pre-race taper: http://www.teamhotshot.com/blog/tips-taper-race-day/ How much carb load do you need? Its going to depend if you’re walking or running. I carb load with my protein for seven days on my pre-race taper. With our stomachs, it takes several meals spread out for each day to consume the fuel you need for the race (Again, no sugar) Find a good running hydration vest I cannot gulp the water from Styrofoam cups that they hand out along the routes. The running vests have pockets to carry car keys, ID, debit cards and food. https://www.amazon.com/LANZON-Hydration-Marathon-Leak-Proof-Reservoir/dp/B075QHF9KK Food along routes: If you can tolerate food that’s great. Meal bars, bananas or hard-boiled eggs- Things that fit in your vest- My stomach cannot tolerate the above – I had to find what works for me. Liquid carb’s: Powder form. https://www.amazon.com/Cytosport-Cytocarb-II-1-98-powder/dp/B000ZER1TO/ref=sr_1_5?hvadid=153663361878&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=1016202&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1t2&hvqmt=b&hvrand=4380164672213505228&hvtargid=aud-648454669636%3Akwd-1059092411&keywords=cytocarb&qid=1551630585&s=gateway&sr=8-5&tag=googhydr-20 For me the pre-race taper carb load and glycogen stores carry me through a race. . I add liquid carbs in my water in my vest. I drink them driving to the race and along the route. It gives me the carbs, calories and hydration to sustain me. I carry extra powder carbs in a zip lock bag and add more when I refill water at stations along the route dehydration: I use Nuun tabs. I also add them in my running vest. Easy to carry. https://nuunlife.com/ Don’t knock this. Baby food pouches. Some runners make their own mix. ( read lables for sugar) https://www.walmart.com/c/kp/baby-food-pouches https://www.familyfoodonthetable.com/homemade-baby-food-pouches/
  23. Healthy_life2


    @AtlantaGirl Does it take off the weight faster? This is a great video that can answer that question. Where does the fat go when you lose weight? I am four years out. I walked until I was released to exercise by my surgeon. I started working out slow and had to build up my fitness level. Wow, I can remember being out of breath after a half hour. I was a true couch potatoe. You never know where your WLS journey can take you. Be open to possibilities. Fitness goal are different for each of us. Find what you enjoy and motivates you. My personal experience, I went from 245 to 140 in six months. I do believe exercise helped my weight loss. My exercise routine was elliptical (an hour) and a bit of weight lifting. My fitness level and routine developed over time. My goal was to do a 5K race for cancer in memory of my mother. Even if I walked it I would have been happy. I ran the race and cried like a baby at the end. I met that goal and continued to do a 10K, half marathon and a full marathon. I am 50 years old. Never in my life did I think I would be doing this.
  24. Healthy_life2

    Isn’t it really annoying when........

    Ugg yes, it’s annoying when people are the diet police. Everyone seems to have strong opinions on what a healthy diet is. Many think their way is the only way. It’s like getting in a debate about politics or religion. I understand when people are new and in the honeymoon phase. Many are just finding out that we have different instructions and phases.
  25. Healthy_life2

    When does it get better?

    You are going to feel a bit crappy while you heal. The pain is temporary, your results will be amazing. Rest up.

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