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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend/family heavy? My spouses’ weight is fine. He can eat whatever he wants and maintains. It makes me crazy I have two female family members that struggle with their weight. The relationships are strained and uncomfortable. My girlfriend and her husband had surgery a year ago. They initially lost and gained it back. She told me that being around me just reminds her of the weight gain. They stopped hanging out with all our friends. I’m sad because no one cares about their weight.
  2. Healthy_life2

    Before and After Pics

    It takes time for your mind to catch up. Can I ask why you are doing liquids and soft foods? I hope all is ok.
  3. Healthy_life2

    Before and After Pics

    Everyone that has posted, looks like a much younger version of themselves. Hope you guys are enjoying your weight loss and doing things that you were not able to do pre surgery. Have adventures and keep us posted.
  4. Healthy_life2

    Before and After Pics

    I’m envious that you are rocking the bikini. Congrats on all the hard work put in. Fantastic results. How are you doing with seeing yourself as a smaller person?
  5. Healthy_life2

    Almost 4 days post op

    Congrats on your surgery, The St Luke’s team in Idaho are amazing. The pain is temporary, and your results will be amazing. It's ok to be a slow healer.
  6. Healthy_life2

    adding in your "addiction foods"

    You are fortunate if you have a trainer that is familiar with bariatrics. (Most are not)
  7. Healthy_life2

    adding in your "addiction foods"

    How intense and the duration of exercise are you doing? All dieticians and trainers are different. Most contradict each other. When you add 100grams of complex carbs, keep an eye on the scale. You can always dial them back or change your diet if you gain. I hope their suggestions work for you. I'm almost 5 years out. I run and weight lift. I do a small helping of low glycemic carbs post workout for recovery. My carb range is still low while in weight loss mode. I don’t increase my carbs (carb load) unless I am running over 10 miles to a full marathon. Carbs are my vice but a necessary evil to fuel my training. I still have to keep them in check or I gain weight.
  8. Healthy_life2


    What does a day of food look like for you. Sent from my SM-G920T using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. Healthy_life2

    Dealing with long days?

    There are many foods that you can eat in quantity/bulk without going over your calories.Salads and veggies give you fiber and help with hunger. Lean meats/dense protein may help keep you more satiated. I eat 6 small meals a day and stay within my calories and macros. Another option to try is meal prepping.
  10. Healthy_life2

    Sleevers who Juice?

    Loved that show. Here are a few more.
  11. Healthy_life2

    Sleevers who Juice?

    Thanks for the link. I’m Years out I keep within my calories and macos. (even with my fruit ratio’s) I don’t use a juice machine. I use my food processor I like the fiber,
  12. Healthy_life2

    Sleevers who Juice?

    I love my veggies/fruit green juices in combination with protein. My diet includes many things this far out. I’m a sleeve. My restriction became less, and my sensation of hunger changed. I am not satisfied on liquids. Even protein shakes don’t give me the sensation of full.
  13. Healthy_life2

    TERRIFIED of gaining weight

    If the fear helps you to stay on track, then it’s useful. I smile when our bariatric minds can get so crazy. I get it. *laughing* I admit I have had to deal with my fear of weight gain. I always blew it when I’ve attempted to maintain my weight in the past. I would gain plus more just like you. Funny and not funny where the mental battles take you. I also obsessed my way through weight loss phase. I can’t say it was a bad thing, it got me to a healthy weight. I had to really think about if my fear was healthy. At times, it has not been. Third year I had a gain (I worked it back off) I freaked out. It really messed with my head. It took me on the crazy train trying every diet, logging and obsessing. Ugh not a healthy head space. It’s taken some work to relax and to trust myself.
  14. Healthy_life2


    Take what’s useful and supportive and ignore the rest. Everyone has different instructions. Can you call your Dr for concerns? I also had the monthly to yearly visits. But I could call them with questions. You are right, It’s a slow process at this point. Honestly, I had a hard time with food a t first. It takes time and your restriction will become less as you progress out from surgery. Taste does change and it’s not necessarily a bad thing. Give it time. Its finding what you can tolerate. It will get better. Keep pressing on. Food as fuel not so much taste. Find things for on the run at work. You got this!
  15. Healthy_life2

    What about excess skin?

    Many people are concerned about the loose skin issues. Its an unknown out come for each of us. Contact your surgeon’s office and insurance companies to see if its covered. Some insurance companies cover if the skin causes mobility issues or documented rashes. They won’t if its aesthetics. Will weight loss and plastics take away self-esteem issues? For some yes. I can’t afford plastics. My loose skin is livable. For vanity sake I look much healthier and better now with loose skin then I did obese. Body shapers and a good bra do wonders. lol
  16. Healthy_life2

    Getting cold feet...

    Glad you can balance the good and bad experiences Many of us had no complications and are maintaining. Most of the vets and people that maintain leave the site because life has become normal. Many of the people you talk with are new, in weight loss phase, had a weight gain or complications. IDK about this being expensive. Almost 5 years out and that’s not my experience. Once I got to real food stage it's cheaper on groceries. You ditch the shakes and meal replacement products with whole foods. I eat less and my family eats pretty much what I eat. Example: Chicken fajitas. I give the family tortillas and I go without. Vitamins are my only expense at $29.00 a month. Some have found better prices. Congrats on your surgery date.
  17. Healthy_life2


    I’m assuming you are new out from surgery. What food stage are you in? you may want to call your surgeons office If your food is coming back up and you are concerned about not absorbing your vitamins. You may have some medical issues that need to be addressed. You are also worried about what foods are good for you. What does your plan say?
  18. Healthy_life2

    Food Funeral

    Congrats on your surgery date. Some of us have food funerals some of us don’t. We are all adults and make our own food choices. You get to decide when you are going to change your relationship with food. Your decisions will affect your WLS outcome from here on out.
  19. Healthy_life2

    Getting cold feet...

    Yes, I felt the same. Anxiety about any surgery is normal. Change is hard. Being obese is also hard. Choose which hard is a happier path in your life. Surgery is not for everyone and that’s ok. Know that you are more than your weight. Heavy or thin you are the same person with the same core values. You will not lose yourself after weight loss Never stop making positive changes and learning life’s lessons. We are all headed to the grave…Have no regrets. Wishing you the best in whatever you choose, Jenn
  20. There is no guarantee what your weight loss outcome will be after surgery. We are all more than the statistics. I started at 254 pre surgery - I got to goal 140 in six months with the sleeve. Almost 5 years out, I maintain in the 130's.
  21. Healthy_life2

    Anyone hitting a slump with gastric sleeve?

    Congratulations on 100 down. Weight loss can get slower after a year out. Did you get off track or is this a stall?
  22. Healthy_life2

    HELP! Sleeve vs MGB?

    Starting I was 254 BMI. 42.3 Six month supervised pre surgery weight loss 234 (bmi 38.9) day of surgery. My surgeon suggested the sleeve because I'm a type one diabetic. I still need to ingest sugar to raise my glucose levels. With the sleeve, I can do that without dumping syndrome. Average Weight Loss Results MGB On average, within the first 3 months after the surgery, patients lose about 30 percent of their excess body weight. Within a year, 60 to 75 percent of excess body weight is often gone. After 10 years, most patients still show a total weight loss of 70 percent of their excess body weight. Results depend upon the patient’s adherence to diet and lifestyle changes. Average Weight Loss Results Sleeve Individuals who have this surgery may lose up to 60 percent of their total body weight, sometimes even more, within two years. The likelihood of success greatly depends on the person’s adherence to lifestyle changes and eating habits. https://www.ALM.com/gastric-sleeve-vs-mini-gastric-bypass/
  23. Healthy_life2

    HELP! Sleeve vs MGB?

    Revisions can happen with any type of surgery for many reasons. Many of us with the sleeve have lost the weight and kept it off with no revision. I'm almost five years out I maintain in the 130's. Understand not many vets stay. Life becomes normal they maintain their weight and have no need for this site. You will meet mostly new people and people that gain. What I wish people knew before choosing the sleeve: If you have issues keeping on a diet plan and changing behaviors, I would look into another type of surgery Sleeves usually can tolerate sugar no dumping syndrome because our intestines are not rerouted. If sugar is an weakness you may want to go for MGB When you get to maintaining phase don’t think the work is over. Not everyone will gain. But if you don’t monitor your weight and diet it can turn into a 20, 60 100 pound gain. This is what I see repeatedly with sleeve patient on this site: Frustrates me that they are not told this pre surgery. Sleeve restriction becomes less as you progress out from surgery (your stomach is not back to full size) Our pouches are banana shape the other surgeries are egg shape. Just because you can consume more food does not mean you need to over eat. You can fill the space without going over your calories and macros Many confuse less restriction with stretching (stretching is rare, have a surgeon diagnose it) Many eat around their surgery (you can eat around/graze any type of surgery ) Grazing is eating many smaller meals, healthy and unhealthy that total over your calories and macros. It’s the sensation of no restriction. It’s as if you never had surgery. You will gain weight. Bariatric surgery is not the easy way out. Its far more than restriction. Its work.

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