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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. I understand you are new to this site. Your success is dependent on you and the choices you make. Eat the way you currently are and gain or log your food and stay within your calories, protein, and carbohydrate ratios to lose the weight. Fruit is organic but has a lot of carbohydrates. You are asking for help and ignoring the amount of carbohydrate and calories you eat. 1802 calories – 74 grams protein – 267 carbohydrates - 51 fats.
  2. Healthy_life2

    I did my first exercise in bed today.

    Congrats! Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out. You got this. Sent from my SM-G920T using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. We get our share of fakes and trolls on this site. My response is more for other readers that are researching or new. Many people come into this thinking they can eat whatever they want in small portions and the weight comes off. Sadly, with the sleeve, I can eat a whole banana and a cup of papaya. Not that I want to…but, I can.
  4. What foods are allowed on your surgeon’s plan? Do you have a print out? I can’t stress enough to log your food. You will never know how many calories and carbs your eating unless you log them. You can’t guess your way through weight loss. Restriction alone will not make you successful in the long term. food log apps - free download. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.myfitnesspal.android&hl=en_US https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.baritastic.view&hl=en_US Processed carbs are going to make you crave them more and make you hungry. Seriously, I hope you are not eating 267 carbs in the estimate below. My carb range is 55 grams of plant and low glycemic carbs. You didn’t give brands or how many ounces/serving sizes you ate. This is a estimated based on the information you gave. If this is correct you are eating weight gaining calories and macros – You can log your information correctly and get a better look at what you are doing with your diet Logged in Myfitnesspal: 1802 calories - 74 grams protein - 267 carbohydrates - 51 fats 1 cup Black coffee 5 calories .5 cup soy milk 50 calories 1 cup fresh squeezed Orange juice 112 calories Nabisco rice crackers 48 calories 2 table spoons cream cheese 99 calories 1 banana 105 calories oats 1 cup 300 calories meat balls 171 calories .8 cup rice 150 2 oz sweet potatoes 51 calories 1 Banana 105 calories 1 cup papaya 62 calories 2 light n fit Greek yogurt 160 calories 2.5 oz Brie cheese 238 calories 15 small pretzels 145 calories
  5. Healthy_life2

    Hardest part

    After goal, it was hard to Let go of the weight loss “bariatric rules” Maintaining has been a different animal. With less surgery restriction, I had to find ways to satisfy the extra sleeve space and stay with in my calories/macros. (easy to gain slow to take off this far out) Life doesn’t stop because of surgery or fear of old habits. We recognize the slips and change the behavior. I absolutely agree it’s not a jail sentence, I’m having the time of my life living and eating healthy. Nutrition is still flavorful. I can’t wait to start barbequing.
  6. Healthy_life2

    2.5 years post sleeve and major struggles

    Congrats on 4 years out. A fifteen-pound gain is manageable to work back down. Is it realistic for you to lose fifteen pounds by 4/22/19? If you are having mobility issues with your knee, diet will be key to get the weight off. What you should eat? What is your (real food stage) plan they gave you after surgery? Protein, veggies, small amount of fruit, and low carb (carbs plant based and low glycemic) Log your food in MyFitnessPal or baritastic app. Stay within your weight loss calories, Protein 60 to 100 grams and carbs 50 grams. My dieticians website for food ideas (make sure it fits you plan, calories and macros) https://karenmangum.com/recipes/bariatric-friendly-recipes/ https://karenmangum.com/category/bariatric-friendly-main-dishes/ https://karenmangum.com/category/bariatric-friendly-salads/ https://karenmangum.com/category/bariatric-friendly-snacks/ Get temptation out of the house Detox off processed carbs and sugar. They will make you crave them more and cause hunger Eat dense protein and as much veggies as you like until full. Keep health sweet and salty option foods on hand for cravings
  7. Healthy_life2

    Portion Sizes @ Restaurants

    I appreciate good service. I’ve been treated rudely in some restaurants. Guess the wait staff didn’t want a decent tip. *snicker* Did you get a bariatric restaurant card from your surgeon? Some restaurants will honor smaller portions if you use the card. I never used mine Red Robin - I order a turkey burger, no bun, steamed veggies instead of fries. To go boxes for left overs are great. I can make one restaurant portion into several meals.
  8. Healthy_life2

    i hate cardio.

    If you can live through this 30 min’s you can do anything! There is magic in the misery. Embrace the suck and reap the reward of November-ish. \
  9. Healthy_life2

    Non Scale Victories

    Congrats!!!!! Here is a visual of what 100 pounds looks like.
  10. Healthy_life2

    Best Bralette?

    Some stores provide a bra fitting service
  11. Healthy_life2

    Best Bralette?

    Sports bra may have more support.
  12. Knee injury is not timely. Set back and I have a Marathon in May

    1. Orchids&Dragons


      Oh, no! Get better soon!

    2. FluffyChix


      Heal quickly!!!

    3. ProudGrammy


      ahhhh bud, why you?? you'll be back on the "run" soon - feel better

  13. Healthy_life2

    Exercising I can do at o over 600 lbs

    @Summer56 Google youtube seated exercise. These work well for Seniors, people recovering from injuries and mobility issues. Get it approved by your Dr. Start seated on a bed and work up to a chair. A whole series of seated workouts! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxEW_OukMMspitJJFyUzvCJk5XcaQmvtL Even chair yoga
  14. Healthy_life2

    Chasing that Full Feeling

    Its great you recognized what’s going on. I like @MegPRN advice. There are some great books that can help you address stress emotional eating. My two cents on stretching your sleeve: You will reach a point where less surgery restriction is noticeable. This is normal. Your sleeve has not grown back to full size. (If you think you stretched your surgery It’s rare. have it diagnosed by a surgeon. Logging your food becomes important -Just because you can eat more food, does not mean you have to. There is no reason eat over your weight loss calories and macros. Be aware of Grazing/Eating around your surgery- Consuming many small meals of healthy and unhealthy that total over your weight loss calories and macros – The sensation and result is as if you never had bariatric surgery. You will gain weight. Hunger strategies: Add as much veggies with your dense protein until full. This will help satiate the extra sleeve space. The bulk and fiber will keep your calories low. Once you add extra carbs and sugar you crave them more. They cause hunger. Detox off them Eat five to six small meals and keep within your weight loss calories/macros Keep healthy sweet and salty items on hand for cravings. Allow yourself a veggie tray for night snacking Get temptation out of the house
  15. It’s normal to struggle with your protein and water because surgery restriction is tight. Your restriction will become less with time.
  16. Healthy_life2

    Dumping syndrome with VSG?

    Some of us experience dumping, and some don’t. Odds are less with the sleeve because our intestines are not altered. It’s good and bad that I can tolerate sugar without dumping. I'm a type one diabetic. I have times I need sugar to raise my blood sugars. The bad part is it’s easier to add sugar back into my diet.
  17. Healthy_life2

    I Can't Believe It...

    That was fast. Congrats!
  18. Healthy_life2

    20 yrs

    Oh, congratulations You are close to getting a surgery date, or do you have one?
  19. Healthy_life2

    20 yrs

    Check with your local surgeon’s office. Ask about an information seminar. They will go over all the procedures pro’s, cons, risks, and statistics. It’s a great place to start.
  20. Healthy_life2

    Easter candy problems

    Candy and food holidays. Great that you recognized it’s an old habit and started over. Holidays don’t have to be about food. Just enjoy the people in your life.
  21. Healthy_life2


    Your restriction is going to be tight first out from surgery. Drink slowly. Your body will give you signals when to stop. Your food will progress from liquids, puree, soft then real food. It will give you time to feel your new sensation of full. Full is not painfull for me. I also get the hiccups and know it’s time to stop.
  22. Healthy_life2

    Six months post-op+ : The Sophomores Thread

    Are veggies/fruits sliders if you stay within your calories and macros?
  23. I am grateful to have this second chance in life. The pain was temporary, My results were amazing. (I experienced more pain giving birth to my children) I was well taken care of by my team and my pain was managed with medication. I healed with no complications. I will be five years out in June. I’m maintaining in the 130’s. Having my health and my life back was worth having surgery, all the food stages, logging and weighing my food, mental battles/behavior change, learning to cook/prep and getting myself to the gym.
  24. Healthy_life2

    Sleeves Any regrets????why and why not????

    My wake-up call. My heart to stop beating in the hospital. I shouldn’t be here. I regret that it took that moment to understand that my weight was slowly killing me. Going back and forth and questioning your decision is normal. Pre surgery jitters are normal. You and your family are going to be nervous about treating any disease with surgery. Complications are a risk. Staying obese is a risk. Surgery is not for everyone You can back out. If you change your mind down the road you can start the process again. Learn from all the good and bad experiences But, know your experience will be unique to you.
  25. Healthy_life2

    Weight gain

    I'm sorry you are struggling. Some things to try Eating too much? Are you logging your food and seeing that you are going over your calories and macros? With the sleeve, you will feel less restriction. Its finding ways to fill the extra space without going over calories/macros. Cravings and hunger. Keep healthy options for sweet and salty on hand. Cook healthy recipes with flavors that you enjoy. If you have added carbs and sugar back into your diet, you will crave them more. Detox off them.

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