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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    Hydration and fueling issue Cycling

    Century ride, that’s impressive Keep your bariatric dietician informed on your cycling. They will need to know where you are at with training. (distance, calories burned, workouts per week) As your endurance increases, your dietician may change up your food plan. (don’t try to fuel like an athlete it can slow/stop your weight loss.) Once you get to your athletic zone and your weight is closer to goal, Consult your dietician and a sports medicine dietician. Some things to try for hydration. Isopure zero carb Protein Drink/water.. Protein and hydration all in one. Purchase single bottles is more cost effective. GNC or Vitamin Shoppe. http://www.theisopurecompany.com/product/isopurezerocarbrtd.html Nunn tabs. Saved me from dehydration https://nuunlife.com/pages/products?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1d_e9J_d4QIVAcpkCh17CAltEAAYASAAEgI4cvD_BwE Hydration vest. it’s easier for me to take small sips on the bite straw during a race. I still cannot gulp. What works for me may not work for you. I never carb loaded until I was closer to goal. Some things I learned about fueling along the way. I only carb load and increase calories on half to full marathons. (I cycle to cross train) With a small stomach, it takes eating seven days pre-race to fuel glycogen stores. I eat low glycemic carbs with my protein. Find foods and hydration your stomach can tolerate. Your food tolerance may be different than mine I use liquid carbs (powder form add to water) I cary it in a baggy and add it in my running vest for fuel. I am carb sensitive. Carb loading is a necessary to stay healthy but, I will see a weight gain. I go back into weight loss mode after I recover.
  2. We all expereince surgery different - Wow, What has your Drs said about all your post op symptoms???? No, This was not m experience with surgery. My pain was managed well with meds. No vomiting. Walking went well. I got my food in and the rest was recovery at home. I bounced back well.
  3. Healthy_life2

    Bypass or Sleeve

    These links may help Bypass vs Sleeve https://www.obesitycoverage.com/gastric-bypass-vs-gastric-sleeve-surgery/ Click the top procedures tab to research https://www.obesitycoverage.com/category/weight-loss-surgeries/ My personal thoughts. I have the sleeve. I lost 120 in six months. The rate and amount of weight loss can be different than what the statistics say. I liked that my intestines are not altered. The only draw back is many of us don’t get dumping syndrome. If sugar is an issue you may want to investigate a procedure( like bypass) where your intestines are altered and sugar will cause dumping. Whatever procedure you choose it all comes down to following your plan and behavior change. Bariatrics is not the easy way out. Its work.
  4. Healthy_life2

    Anyone else eat melba toast?

    It was not a part of my dieticians weight loss phase plan. If its on yours great.
  5. Healthy_life2

    Favorite restaurant meals post WLS?

    Love the cheese cake factory skinny licious menu. https://www.thecheesecakefactory.com/menu/skinnylicious/
  6. Healthy_life2

    This is why....

    This is why I went into type 1 diabetic ketoacidosis. Eight days ICU, My internal organs were systematically shutting down and my heart stopped. I had WLS a few months after. Five years out, I am a well-controlled type one. I don’t take my health or this second chance in life for granted.
  7. Healthy_life2

    This is why....

    his BMI is 20.6 not underweight - normal is 18.5 -24.9 - Your BMI at 185 is 25.1 https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/BMI/bmicalc.htm
  8. Healthy_life2


    Real food sage - Are you allowed a lettuce wrapped burgers or turkey burgers no bun to fix the craving? Hang in there you will feel better as your diet progresses. 1 month for solids. Cravings can be satisfied with healthy sweet and salty foods. Make sure the examples below are on your plan. Salty - Jerky - Chicken fajitas without the tortilla – Quest protein chips and salsa Sweet - Sugar free cheese cake pudding with protein powder - Strawberries dipped in sugar free chocolate syrup
  9. Healthy_life2

    goal has been achieved

  10. Healthy_life2

    New here

  11. Healthy_life2

    Pros and cons

    https://www.bariatric-surgery-source.com/duodenal-switch.html https://www.bariatric-surgery-source.com/
  12. It takes time for your brain to catch up to your weight loss. It's a strange thing to adjust to your new smaller self.
  13. https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/351046-embrace-the-stall/ Sounds like a stall. The link above may help
  14. Healthy_life2

    Good morning,

    Baritastic is another to try
  15. Healthy_life2


    Enabling: I won’t give permission or condone choices/behaviors that sabotage the work to get healthy. Peoples success is not dependent on the members here. The only one who has to be happy with your WLS outcome is you. When does a response become abusive? Interpretation is part of it. Trolling and personal attacks I would consider abusive. When you post on a forum you have no control of how people respond If a post or member offends you don’t read or respond. (you have the option to block them) Some people want a light touch while other do better with tough love. Take the advice, examples, and experiences that are useful and ignore the rest. I value all the opinions and input, even if it’s something I don’t agree with. I learn from the successes and mistakes. Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing.
  16. Healthy_life2

    Latest style of training tights

    If you are easily offended then look away…Alex may pull this..*laughing*
  17. Healthy_life2

    Plateau since month 6

    Hope things are going well. Any updates?
  18. Healthy_life2

    Plateau since month 6

  19. Healthy_life2

    Latest style of training tights

    Congrats! Posting these to bring a smile to your day.
  20. Healthy_life2

    Weight gain

    Pouch reset diet won’t shrink your stomach. It will help you feel your restriction better. It's a kick start to get back on track with healthy habits. Yes, I’m on my soap box because this topic comes up so often. Your best restriction is in your first six months to a year. With the sleeve you feel less restriction as you progress *it’s not back to full size* this sensation seems common for sleeves but, won’t happen to everyone. I wish people knew this before choosing the sleeve. Just because we have more space does not mean you have to eat over your calories and macros and gain weight. You can eat more bulk in food and keep your calories in range. With the other foods allowed on your plan, Eat dense protein and as much veggies you want to fill the extra space. ***For anyone who feels they have stretched their surgery, get it diagnosed by a surgeon. Look into revisions. Address why you are over eating so you don’t stretch your next surgery***
  21. On the positive side, you know your sleeve works. Lesson learned
  22. Healthy_life2

    Wrapping My Brain Around My Post-Op Diet

    Surgeons plan all look different. All I can suggest is follow your plan. Get clarifiaction if you need it. You will be concentrating on hitting your protien goal.(60 to 100 grams)
  23. Healthy_life2

    Not satisfied after eating

    You are going to eat real healthy foods and great recipes in "real food stage" (protein shakes are only first stages) You will learn how to order at restaurants, how to navigate the grocery stores and stay on plan. Here is a link to my dieticians’ site to get ideas of what food can look like after surgery. (follow your own dieticians plan) https://karenmangum.com/recipes/bariatric-friendly-recipes/ https://karenmangum.com/category/bariatric-friendly-main-dishes/ https://karenmangum.com/category/bariatric-friendly-desserts/ https://karenmangum.com/category/bariatric-friendly-snacks/
  24. Healthy_life2

    Not satisfied after eating

    @gabrielle1 Being obese is hard and weight loss surgery is hard. You have to want to change. Life does not stop just because you had weight loss surgery. I absolutely enjoy life. It’s a great feeling when food does not rule your world. I eat at restaurants, social events and holidays. Nutrition is still flavorful, and I’m not deprived. (sitting here eating healthy pizza) You are afraid of WLS becoming the center of my life instead of eating. Like I said above, you have to really want to change. Either you can focus on your weight loss surgery and getting healthy. ...Or you can choose the path you’re on, eating and gaining more weight. Are there people that just don't adjust? Pre op psych evaluation . It’s a good thing to be denied until mental issues/eating disorders are addressed pre surgery. Are there people that just don't adjust? Yes, many that can’t follow plan and have gained weight use counseling to battle their eating issues.
  25. Healthy_life2

    Measurements and hunger post op?

    Try not to google and self-diagnose. It will give you anxiety. Anything medical complications should be diagnosed by your Dr. I didn’t feel satisfied until real food stage. You are right, liquids to soft foods don’t stay in your pouch long. Are you getting your 60 to 100 grams of protein? Are you logging in a food app or tracking it by hand from food labels? Protein is going to help with hunger.

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