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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    weight gain after gastric sleeve

    I'm sending you a private message; I don’t want to hijack the original posters conversation. Did you get the one I sent??? Look at the top right of your screen to open it.
  2. Healthy_life2

    What to have at home after surgery?

    only my opinion, I would use a scale in your first months. After you learn portion sizes, calories/macros, and real food plan, you can rely less on a scale. My fitnesspal or baritastic. Food logging has been eye opening and the best tool to get me to goal and maintaining. There are bariatric websites for recipes. Freeze leftovers in small portions for easy quick meals.
  3. After WLS, I Gain A Little Weight When…… I go on vacation and eat what I want and don’t weigh myself. Now that I’m years out, the weight gain is fast and its slow to get back off.
  4. Healthy_life2


    We are adults, we make our own food choices. We get to decide how strict or lax we want to be. Make sure your choices won’t slow or stop your weight loss. Your first months will be your best loss. Your weight loss will slow down as you progress. Take advantage of your first year, decide right now how you want to work your plan. Be mindful of slider foods and foods that trigger you. Some can have a Hershey’s kiss and stop. Others can’t stop. Once you add sugars, extra carbs and calories into your diet you crave them more and they cause hunger. My preference is healthy options for sweet and salty for cravings. Dannon light n fit Greek yogurt. (many flavors) I dip strawberries in sugar free cholate syrup. Sugar free popsicles in the summer. Quest bar on occasion. I’m maintaining. I indulge within reason.
  5. Healthy_life2

    weight gain after gastric sleeve

    Hi newbie, Regain is not one simple answer for people that experience it. Have compassion. Learn from the stories and experiences of everyone here. For people reading this thread and are new or researching surgery. Regain does not happen to all of us. follow this link to positive outcomes for a balanced perspective of weight loss surgery. https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/423992-what-you-had-no-surgery-complications/?tab=comments#comment-4758950 Have you had your pre op class yet? Surgery is only a tool. You must do the work. This is not the easy way out. Surgery restriction alone will not keep you successful long term.
  6. Healthy_life2

    Regained after GS

    I guess I should have been more specific. You have reposted the same question about your regain situation. Two threads of the same post with several people giving advice. Here is the link to the first time you posted this question. https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/425456-gastric-sleeve-revision/?tab=comments#comment-4777993
  7. Healthy_life2

    First half marathon

    I love the shirt! How did it go? How was navigating the race structure/set up? All your hard work and seeing how strong you truly are inside and out is an amazing feeling. Congrats on your race. Mine went fine. Still recovering a bit.
  8. Healthy_life2

    Regained after GS

    https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/425456-gastric-sleeve-revision/?tab=comments#comment-4777993 Repost?
  9. Healthy_life2

    weight gain after gastric sleeve

    You posted on may 13th Many gave advice on your thread titled “overeating after gastric sleeve” I hate the work failed. You are struggling with the disease of obesity. No need to beat yourself down for having a disease....Right? Many of us have different risk factors and issues to overcome. Surgery does not change are old behaviors. If you are struggling with staying on plan for two days, you may want to find a counselor or therapist to help you battle the mental side of weight loss. Many gave advice on diet, stretching, and staying on plan. So, I won’t give you information you already have. I do understand how emotional it is to have regain. You’re not alone.
  10. Healthy_life2

    When did you reach your goal weight?

    With the sleeve, I was told to expect to lose 65% of my excess body weight. I didn’t care if my loss was slow or fast. I just wanted to be healthy. you cannot control your age, sex, hormones, genes, medical issues, complications, medications, illness etc. These will be factors in the amount and speed of weight loss. You can control how you work your plan. Weigh and Log your food, keep within your calories/macros, hydrate and exercise. I reached goal of 140 in six months. This is not the norm. I’m five years out and maintain in the 130’s. I was more excited when I got under 200.
  11. You are not alone. . Some go the route of revision. Some get back on track and lose it on their own. Search box is at the top left. Type in regain (15,505 results) or revisions. (17,500 results) https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=regain https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=revision
  12. Healthy_life2

    How to avoid?

    We get to choose how strict or lax you want to work your plan. Find what works best for you. Be mindful and make sure food choices do not slow down or stop your weight loss. For me, I was consistent not perfect. I stayed on plan for the most part. Some may see me as being on the stricter side. I know what my trigger foods are. I keep them out of my home. I wanted to make the most of my first year. Weight loss is harder as you progress months/years. After surgery it was easier to make healthier choices. food no longer rules my world. My taste buds changed. I eat healthy options of sweet, salty and old favorite foods (example healthy version pizza) I don’t feel deprived. Shopping and eating healthy has become habit. Prepare for the food holidays. Being healthy options to potlucks. Pack your own meals for work with a healthy sweet option. (It will keep you from the break room goodies) Know that Its ok to tell people no. Just say “I’m full but thanks for offering” Remaining successful: Nothing magic. I follow my plan. Logging my food. staying within my weight loss/maintaining calories and macros, hydrate and exercise. I’m in maintenance phase. My diet is different than weight loss mode. I can indulge within reason.
  13. Healthy_life2

    Hijacking a Group Session

    Our local meeting is open to anyone researching bariatrics. (referred by the surgeon’s office) We had a gentleman show that monopolized the conversation. The RN who facilitates our local group has no control over who shows up. The RN tried to redirect him several times. He was told him to keep questions brief and give others time to talk. He would not stop. Several people got up and walked out. He still had no clue. Start your question or answer with “I will keep things brief to give others a chance to talk” Hopefully it will give her a hint.
  14. Do what’s best for you. No regrets that I did this. I am maintaining five years out in the 130s. I needed a long-term solution. I have lost before but have struggled to keep it off. I am a sleeve and I bounced back from surgery quicly with no complications. My weight loss was fast (not the norm) I'm maintain. I do indulge within reason. If I gain 5 to 10 pounds, I go back to my weight loss mode diet and work it back off. Here is my dietician’s recipe website for food ideas. (note category tab – click bariatric friendly recipes.) https://karenmangum.com/category/bariatric-friendly-main-dishes/ https://karenmangum.com/category/bariatric-friendly-desserts/
  15. Healthy_life2

    Regrets, regrets, regrets

    I'm worried about you, It shouldn’t be this way. Your health comes first. Make an appointment even if you must take a day off work.
  16. ** pre op information seminar video** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dE4NQvsd_AM
  17. I don’t carb load unless I'm running a half or full marathon. I'm forever carb sensitive and its automatic weight gain. This is my week leading up to my half marathon. I’ve gained five pounds with two more days of carb loading to go. Looking forward to race day on the 18th. Weight loss mode starts the 19th
  18. Healthy_life2

    Onederland, 5 yrs ago. Now...

  19. Healthy_life2

    Onederland, 5 yrs ago. Now...

    My two cents on what to expect five years out…for whatever its worth. I feel real and head hunger. I have since I was six months out, I had to find ways to satisfy hunger. Eating Added carbs and sugar will cause hunger and make you crave them more. Detox off them Ditch soft proteins, shakes and bars. Years out they will never keep you feeling full. Eat dense protein with the other foods on your plan. Eat as much veggies as you want until full. It will help keep your calories in range. Keep healthy sweet and salty items on hand for cravings It’s very common feel less sleeve restriction as you progress out from surgery. It’s not full size but you can hold more food volume. Just because I can eat more food does not mean I have to eat over my weight loss/maintain calories and macros and gain weight. I log my food in myfitnesspal.
  20. Healthy_life2

    Onederland, 5 yrs ago. Now...

    I understand how re gain messes with your emotions. I’m five years out. I had a gain my third year and worked it off. It was not easy. I am concerned that you don’t want to “fight” for the weight loss. Even with a revision it still takes work to lose the weight and maintain it. Search around the site and get perspective from people that had revisions. They can help you research that option. If you are interested in losing without revision, many of us can give you advice on how to get back on track I wish you the best, Jenn
  21. Healthy_life2

    Onederland, 5 yrs ago. Now...

    Does this mean that everybody 5 years out will need to be re sleeved. Do you really need to be re sleeve to lose 27 lb? Sent from my SM-G930T using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. Healthy_life2

    SLEEVE regret

    @Mikeyy Just an observation. @SeattleLady said she has GERD. That is one of the main reasons people have revisions. Choosing a surgery is so personal. What may be right for you may not be a good fit for others.
  23. Easier? There is nothing easy about bariatric weight loss. This takes work. Breathe, relax, and take this one day at a time. You didn’t gain weight overnight. You won’t lose weigh over night. Some lose slow some lose fast. Either way you are getting to your goal and healthy. Don’t compare your loss to anyone else it will make you crazy. This is your journey. Work your plan and envision where you will be in a year,
  24. Healthy_life2

    Protein in vs Calories in

    Ignore what myfitnespal says for calorie range. It may help if you set up your own calorie, protein and carb goals in the app. Trust your dieticians plan. As you progress you will be able to consume more food and calories. Your dietician will give you a calorie and carb range to stay within. Information on stalls below. https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/351046-embrace-the-stall/
  25. Healthy_life2


    All plans look different. Make sure you are following foods on your dietician’s post-surgery plan. Some carbs may be allowed on certain diet stages. Check your plan for the type and amount allowed. Bariatric Basics - Log your food, stay within your weight loss calorie and carbohydrate range. Hit your protein goal.

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