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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. I apologize for my post. I realize I can be an @ss hat somedays. I do respect anyone’s choice to have plastics or live with the situation. I have a former obese woman’s body issue/chip on my shoulder. After many years of having people say negative things about my obese body. I have a hard time with people describing my current loose skin as something to be ashamed of. Your fear/concern is legitimate. I had the same thoughts. I googled worst- and best-case photo scenarios. If your skin causes rashes or mobility issues some insurance companies will cover them. Many do self-pay
  2. Healthy_life2

    The Maintenance Thread

    Congrats on getting to maintenance. Glad you both can support others as they hit this phase. I understand how you are feeling about the transition. My head space was the same when I hit goal. It’s hard to let go of the bariatric weight loss rules. I hit goal early. my restriction was still great at that time. I recommend grazing to increase your calories. It is a good strategy. You may feel like you are eating all day long, it’s ok. Did you ever think you would be wishing to get more food and calories in after surgery? Your sleeve restriction may become less as you progress out. Hopefully that will make things easier. Your still losing weight at 1000 calories. Keep working to increase them My dietician had me increase carbs to stop my weight loss. It was a chore to get my calories in. My fear of weight regain was not at a healthy level. It took some time to relax and trust myself. I know I can maintain my ten-pound weight bounce range up and down the scale. ***Big edit*** I’m not suggesting anyone eat 3000 or anything over your maintenance calories. 3000 calories was a one-time thing for me. Not to be done again. This may be hard to relate at this point. It’s a bit crazy how much I can eat at five years out. I’ve had times where I can eat 3000 calories grazing with no sugar in my diet. I never thought that would be possible after surgery. Knowing that my restriction is less, I must be mindful.
  3. Hair situation is temporary. No one goes under the knife lifelong. you’re being a bit dramatic. We get it, the loose skin is an unknown factor. It’s a bit unnerving to think about. The choice is yours if you want plastics. For vanity sake what photo looks better to you? I'll take my loose skin, saggy boob and butt on the right. Never expected to be a bikini model after weight loss surgery. My skin is livable.
  4. Healthy_life2

    Help! Thighs are dying!

    ***BIG RANT*** 2.5 months out are you training to compete in something??? or to lose weight???? Did you tell him your workout goals??? Am I reading this correctly? How many hours a day? Why is he having you workout every day and some of it returning to the gym for 2 to 3 times each day? No rest days? Look into building muscle...It builds on rest days. I would love to see if he is certified. and what type. ACE or ACSM? Your trainer may have worked with other patients. Ask what type of education he has in bariatrics. Majority have none. https://www.bodybuilding.com/content/make-the-most-of-your-rest-days.html Only you can gage if what your experiencing is normal DOMS or needs medical attention. None of us here are medical professionals. I don’t give medical advice. Trust your professionals. Check in with your Dr. for medical issues, dehydration or unusual inflammation. Dehydration is nothing to mess around with. You are 2.5 months out. We all start out with a lower fitness level and work our way up. I would caution against upping your calories this early. The last thing you need it to sabotage your weight loss. Talk to your dietician for nutrition advice due to increased work outs. Give them your calorie burn and your workout schedule. They will advise you if you need to change up your diet plan to support your workout, May advise you to seek a different training program. Many of us here are competitive lifters, power lifters, and endurance sports, I am a distance runner. - If you choose to become an athlete look into a sports medicine dietician -
  5. Healthy_life2


    https://www.obesitycoverage.com/mini-gastric-bypass-the-good-bad-and-ugly/ BENEFITS OF MINI GASTRIC BYPASS COMPARED TO GASTRIC BYPASS SURGERY Shorter operating time. Less re-routing of the intestines. One fewer anastomosis (connection of intestines), which in theory means less chance of a complication. Technically easier for the surgeon. Similar weight loss and recovery. ADDITIONAL RISKS WITH MINI-GASTRIC BYPASS COMPARED TO GASTRIC BYPASS Severe acid-reflux. Because the pouch is small and the remainder of the stomach is still connected to the intestines. It is possible for gastric juices to travel down the intestines and into the new pouch. RECOVERY, PAIN AND COMPLICATIONS Recovery, pain and complications are very similar to traditional gastric bypass surgery.
  6. Bariatric 101 https://www.obesitycoverage.com/the-complete-patients-guide-to-bariatric-surgery/
  7. Healthy_life2

    Sleeve or mini gastric bypass

    Mini gastric bypass https://www.obesitycoverage.com/mini-gastric-bypass-the-good-bad-and-ugly/ Sleeve https://www.obesitycoverage.com/gastric-sleeve-reference-manual/ bypass https://www.obesitycoverage.com/the-experts-guide-to-gastric-bypass/
  8. Healthy_life2

    Does anyone have ibs

    @jennifer47 Please ask all your questions on one thread.
  9. Healthy_life2

    Is lap band that bad?

    Do you qualify https://www.obesitycoverage.com/am-i-morbidly-obese/ Baraitric surgery 101 https://www.obesitycoverage.com/the-complete-patients-guide-to-bariatric-surgery/ Lap band https://www.obesitycoverage.com/category/weight-loss-surgeries/lap-bands/ Sleeve https://www.obesitycoverage.com/category/weight-loss-surgeries/gastric-sleeve/ By pass https://www.obesitycoverage.com/category/weight-loss-surgeries/gastric-bypass/
  10. Healthy_life2

    Questions about wls

    Ask your Dr.
  11. You will have to change your relationship with food. For me, It was one of the best gifts from my surgery. I had to change my stress/emotional eating. I would eat to cope and then gain more weight. I now have better ways of coping. We all have our stuff to work through in life – Never stop growing and learning. A good place to start looking at the head work of weight loss surgery – Link below. https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/425354-the-importance-of-doing-the-head-work/?page=3&tab=comments#comment-4781549 Honestly, I don’t grieve my old bad food habits. Nothing feels or tastes as good as having my health and life back. Food is still flavorful. I make healthy versions of my old favorites. Healthy pizza and chicken fajitas. Here a site to give you an idea of what your food world can look like after you get to real food stage. (make sure they fit your food plan) pinterest bariatric food https://www.njbariatriccenter.com/healthy-or-not-cauliflower-pizza-crusts/ https://www.bariatriccookery.com/recipes-2/ https://www.bariatriccookery.com/category/recipes/green_bariatric_recipes/
  12. Healthy_life2


    Had surgery in June 2014 (age 45) June I will be five years out (age 50) I bounced back from surgery easily with no complications. Surgery is my second chance in life. I feel much younger and healthier than I did in my 30’s. I can keep up with the grand kids and have more adventures in life.
  13. Healthy_life2

    What's Your Fave BP Store Foods?

    Only my preference, I don’t buy off this site. I prefer real whole foods and I can get better prices on Quest chips etc. locally
  14. Healthy_life2

    Pouch re-set

    Hi Jess, I had a 16 pound gain my third year. It was work and slow to get it back off. It can be done and you have a lot of support here. Pouch reset works for some of us. For me the calorie range was too restrictive. Liquids never kept me feeling full. I went back to real food stage basics. Logged my food, hydrate and exercise. I had to find the calorie and carb range my body started losing again. Get temptation out of the house Eat dense protein sources and real whole food to keep you feeling more satisfied Realize you will feel crappy detoxing off sugar and extra calories and carbs. It will pass. The mental battle is a big part of getting back on track. Here are a few threads that may help. Doing the head work https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/425354-the-importance-of-doing-the-head-work/?tab=comments#comment-4776743 Intermittent fasting as an option for weight loss https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/419144-intermittent-fasting-daily-menuresultsaccountability/?page=172&tab=comments#comment-4779301 Weight loss challenge for motivation https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/424941-❤-may-2019-challenge❤/?tab=comments#comment-4771502
  15. Healthy_life2

    figuring out an ultimate goal

    Congratulations on your amazing accomplishment. So my question is, how do we determine what our final goal should be? I don't go by BMI because I have a rather large bone structure. I've even have the beginnings of a six pack. Goal is finding a weight you feel healthy at and can maintain long term. BMI is only a guideline. How did everyone decide on an ultimate goal? I never really had an ultimate goal. Honestly, I would have been fine at a BMI of overweight and healthy. My first goal of 140 I pulled it out of the air. Its what I weighed in high school. My lowest weight was 125. I've maintained in the 130's for five years. You look healthy and happy now…First year out, You can continue to lose and see how you feel. If you don’t feel comfortable at a lower weight you can always gain some back. I wish you the best in what ever you choose.
  16. Healthy_life2

    When did your weight loss slow down?

    My weight loss was at its best in the first three months. It slowed down over time. Just because its slower does not mean you will stop losing weight. Woohoo! you are close to goal.
  17. Healthy_life2

    How to stop losing and maintain

    You are at a healthy BMI of 22. Don’t let it go to 18 (underweight) Its up to you on how you want to approach maintenance. You can increase your calories on your own without logging and see if it works. If you start dropping underweight, you may need to log for a while to see how much you need to eat to keep your weight up. At the end of the day its all about being healthy. You will find your balance with this. I’m five years out and maintaining. I maintained with ease my first two years out. Third year I gained 16 -ish *lol* and worked it back off. I was one of those people that said “weight gain will never happen to me” I hope not dieting and not tracking works for you long term.
  18. Healthy_life2

    How to stop losing and maintain

    My dietitian’s food plan changed for maintenance mode. She increased my calories and carbs (low glycemic) to slow/stop my weight loss. Maintaining calories and carbs will be in your own range. Mine are about 1300 to 1450. I'm active and burn a lot of calories. People that are not as active may maintain with lower calories...All depends on the person.
  19. Healthy_life2

    Questions about stalls! New here!

    Search bar top left. https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/351046-embrace-the-stall/
  20. You have our support here, How do I deal with unsupportive people? I keep the supportive people around me and I don’t waste my time on negative people. Life is far too short. Choose wisely on who you disclose your surgery to. Some will be supportive and respectful of your decisions and others won’t. There is no point in educating people that already are against bariatrics and think it’s the easy way out. Some may change and be supportive when they watch you lose weight and get your health back. Some relationships may change with weight loss. Be prepared.
  21. This is the original posters activity on this site - @MaryNa activity log First post on this site Posted March 30 I was sleeved on 22 Nov 2017 I hit my lowest weight 96 lbs then gradually on next year I gained weight to 125 lbs I am 4'8 height so its so hard I am afraid and terrified to gain all my pre op weight back any help or recommendation or advises ? Thank you much for this valuable advises and motivation . I am trying now to get back on track it is a real struggle as I don't feel restriction anymore and I can eat anything but I will keep trying also I had severe acid reflux I am trying to be healthier in my food choices hope it will work thank you so much t had been so tough week so i have been overeating since then I have already gained 30 pound but I don't want to get it worse since I had my procedure on Nov 2017 . I still feel pain and full but I can eat more than I could right after the surgery I am so afraid from stretching I have become so obsessed with the idea of stretching can the stomach stretch with this fast ? I never reach my goal weight and went back to overweight . I am thinking that even if the gastric sleeve was the right procedure for me as it didn't help me with my overeating . as I isn't easy anymore as I don't have the full feeling as before. It was a huge decision for me to have that surgery, and I feel like I wasted that opportunity. I'm feeling really defeated. I feel so hungry a week may be more before my period time and I feel like I can eat anything and any portion actually I do this I ate 3 toast and 200 gr of cheese and then in dinner I ate chicken fajita with white rice and two large bars of chocolate. I am craving sweets the whole time Is that normal or something... I believe I have ruined m y opportunity I had my sleeve procedure on Nov 2017 ans since then I have lost 100 pounds but in last few months I have gained like 30 pounds I trying hard no to gain more now I can eat more I am hungry all the time I can eat like the normal person I am so depressed and whenever is eating whole wheat tortilla okay ? as I ate half tortilla made from whole wheat is this okay ? as I feel this is too much I got sleeved on 18/5/2019 and today I ate a large chocolate croissant even before the two weeks liquid end and I still don't begin the puree phase what is wrong ? how can i finish a croissant in this phase I felt a lot of pain but I didn't vomit I know that I did something so wrong but I never thought I can do it. does my... Todays last post: You had sleeve surgery in 2017 - another sleeve surgery five days ago????? I'm done posting to you.
  22. Healthy_life2

    Pouch reset

  23. Healthy_life2

    Pouch reset

    You are a sleeve about a year out? (looked up your past posts) I’m guessing your asking about pouch reset because of a regain? For some pouch reset works to reboot and get back on plan again. Some find it too restrictive. Another option is simply going back to real food stage basics. Activity/exercise, hydrate diet plan. Log your food, stay within your weight loss calories and macros (Calorie and macro range may have to be dialed in specifically to where your body loses weight) Years out its not realistic for me to eat 800-900 calories. It’s a common experience to have less sleeve restriction years out.(it’s not back to full size) There are strategies to ty to fill the space and help with hunger. (make sure examples are on your plan) Get rid of temptation in your house Log your food in a food app.*keep within your weight loss calories and macros* Dense protein sources will keep you feeling more satisfied than soft foods. – Get rid of shakes and bars.(use only as emergency food) Real whole food will keep hunger at bay. Eat your protein and other items on your plan. Eat as much wonderful low-calorie veggies until full. Real sugar and extra carbs make you crave them more and cause hunger*detox off them* If you deprive cravings you want them more – Keep healthy options for sweet and salty on hand EXAMPLES Salty: chicken fajitas, jerky Sweet: Dannon light n fit Greek yogurt, strawberries dipped in sugar free chocolate, sugar free popsicles.

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