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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    KETO? After surgery

    All diet plans and surgeries fail if you eat over your weight loss/maintaining calories/macros. Sorry you are feeling anxious. Your surgery is going to be a great tool to help keep you on track. This will be different than other diet attempts. We are adults. Learn your bariatric basics. Find a long-term sustainable plan that works for you. Call it what you want, we are all on a diet. (Dietitians plan, vegan, keto, intermittent fasting, low carb paleo…. the list goes on) If you choose keto, don’t eat over your calories/macros. If you choose your medical professionals plan, Dont eat over your calories and macros.
  2. Healthy_life2

    June 2019 challenge

    Check in 6/10/2019 - I am back on the high end of my maintaining bounce range. I'm here to get my weight back down VSG June 2014 /2017, High weight 254, Todays weight is 139 - Goal for this month is to lose 4 pounds this challenge.
  3. Healthy_life2

    pear shape to rectangle?!

    Funny, I though all women would be an hourglass after weight loss. I was wrong. I am an inverted triangle body shape. You are in good company with a rectangle body shape. Famous females with rectangle body shapes include Natalie Portman, Cameron Diaz, Gwyneth Paltrow, Nicole Kidman and Gwen Stefani. How to dress a rectangle body shape link below. https://www.sheknows.com/beauty-and-style/articles/1012259/how-to-dress-a-rectangle-shaped-body/
  4. Healthy_life2

    The Maintenance Thread

    My program has three dietician visits in the first year. Five yearly checkups with the surgeon. Honestly, after my first two years. I have not gone back to my surgeons check up's. I have blood work done with my family Dr. If patients need more than the three dietician consults, The hospital has free bariatric cooking classes with nutrition information, behavior change classes and support groups. They have been offering these programs for many years. They will keep these programs if the hospital can afford it.
  5. This may help. Top left is a search button. Type in any subject. I typed in autoimmune. It listed 963 posts on this topic. Link below. https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=autoimmune
  6. Healthy_life2

    6/5 sleeve experience

    Love your photo of you and your wife. Glad you bounced back well from surgery. 45 pounds to go, Right? It will be here before you know it.
  7. Healthy_life2


    I'm fit_chickx You can look at my food log. But, dont judge or follow my food.🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩
  8. For the majority, logging, exercise, not taking the elevator, being more active is simply our medical professional’s instructions. I don't quite get where you get the impression that its "simply the thing to do" "want to be in the team of successful losers” and "stuff that floats around" IDK - Is it beneficial for newbies that don’t have a grasp of nutrition or bariatric basics to wing it? We are all adults. Make your own choices. At the end of the day if your happy with your weight loss... all is good.
  9. Year’s out, I don’t feel obligated to logging. I’m maintaining. It’s a personal choice. Some can lose weight without logging and others (like me) log. I have had time periods when I don’t log. I know how easy it is to get in a comfort zone and gain. I’m maintaining a ten pound weight bounce up and down the scale. To get my weight back down I log. Logging has become habit. It’s not an inconvenience for me. I like the comfort in knowing I can control my weight. Logging has been one of the best tools I’ve used to get all my weight off. I use the app for more than weight loss. I’m type one diabetic, distance run, and lift.
  10. Healthy_life2

    The Maintenance Thread

    Loving tank tops and shorts in the summer. Air conditioning and Refrigerator/freezer isles at the grocery stores are killing me. Takes longer to warm back up. Pays off to keep a light jacket in the car.
  11. Healthy_life2

    Sleeve to Gastric Bypass???

    This link may help. https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=revision At the top left is a search box. Type in any subject. I typed in revision and got 17.500 results
  12. Healthy_life2

    The Maintenance Thread

    I sip with my meals. I'd rather fill up on food. Than fluids Sent from my SM-G930T using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. Healthy_life2

    The Maintenance Thread

    I guess I’m an outlier. I hit goal in six months. I struggled to up my calories. I added low glycemic carbs (sweet potato, brown rice, whole wheat bread/pasta *nothing white or processed*). Sweet potatoes were easier on my sleeve restriction. I still can’t eat brown rice. I feel bloated as it expands I eat a combination. Most healthy options and I indulge within reason. 1300 to 1500 is not a lot of food for me to get in. I eat small meals every 3 hours. I can eat this calorie range in healthy foods (protein veggies fruit low glycemic carbs) It just took time and practice. My diet changes when I distance run. I eat a lot more calories and carbs. It surprises me that I can 2500 to 3000 with surgery. I eat all day long. When I gain a bit, I go back to eating weight loss mode calories.
  14. Healthy_life2

    Help! Weight gain probs. Snack suggestions.

    I also said “ I will never gain it back” and had a 16 pound gain my third year. (I worked it off) Weight gain can mess with your head. You caught it before it became a major regain. You can get this back down. Some of us can have a piece of cholate and stop. I know myself, I keep temptation out of the house. Maintaining I indulge within reason. Some of us do the pouch reset (liquid progression to real food) It’s a good way to restart healthy habits again. Some of us go back to bariatric basics.( Real food stage, Log food and stay within your weight loss calorie/macros, hydrate and exercise) Others change diet plans. (keto, intermittent fasting, vegan etc) Its finding what works for you. Whatever diet you choose; Logging has been the tool that helped me get the weight off. Here are a few threads that may help: Weight loss group challenge to keep you motivated. https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/425758-june-2019-challenge/?tab=comments#comment-4781757 If you choose intermittent fasting here is a group of people that can help https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/419144-intermittent-fasting-daily-menuresultsaccountability/?page=173&tab=comments#comment-4780742 Mental Weight loss battles thread. https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/425354-the-importance-of-doing-the-head-work/?tab=comments#comment-4776743 Wish you the best. Glad to see you back on the forum.
  15. Healthy_life2

    shorts 4 summer.

    Rock those shorts and the tattoo. You are a young chickee babe at 30. **giggling** Only my opinion but, I hope the tattoo reveal was a big finger in the air to your dad. Bring on the shorts in the beautiful summer weather.
  16. Healthy_life2

    It's almost my surgerversary!!!

    I would love to see the dress. (Most of us have a clothing addiction after goal)
  17. Healthy_life2

    To Tell or NOT to Tell

    Choose who you disclose your medical information with. You know who is supportive and respectful. It’s a choice to tell people that are genuinely interested. Skip telling judmental people. Can you keep it a secret? You can’t hide rapid weight loss. People will talk behind your back, ask blunt questions and speculate surgery. Don’t invest your time trying to educate people that are negative about your choices in life. You owe no one an explanation. After goal, conversations no longer revolve around your weight loss. It’s a fantastic feeling
  18. Healthy_life2

    It's my Birthday!

    Happy Birthday! You look much younger than 53. Celebrate big,
  19. Healthy_life2

    It's almost my surgerversary!!!

    Happy anniversary! Any plans to celebrate your first year?
  20. Healthy_life2

    The Maintenance Thread

    Currently you are at a healthy 125 BMI 22 . At your height, underweight is 104 pounds BMI 18. You have some wiggle room while you work on increasing calories Think back on how hard it was to eat in your first month after surgery. It’s also hard increasing your calories for maintaining. Your ickiness feeling is due to the change in calories and volume of food. You and your body are not used to eating like this. 100 calories at a time is a good way to do this. Baby steps.😉
  21. Healthy_life2

    The Maintenance Thread

    Thanks for sharing your experience. Sorry you are struggling to gain. What is the weight you feel your healthiest at? I also have a bit of not seeing myself correctly. I maintain the same ten pounds up and down the scale. I can gain or lose ten pounds and wear the same size clothing. My head will view a ten-pound gain as I’m obese…it’s not reality. I’ve had comments that I’m looking too thin or stop losing weight. It messes with my mind because I can’t see what they see. I’m a healthy BMI many people don’t know what a healthy BMI looks like.
  22. You are approaching goal. Congrats! Have you asked your dietician about your maintenance plan? It will look much different than weight loss mode diet. You will be increasing calories and carbs to slow/stop your weight loss. talk to your dietician.
  23. Healthy_life2

    10 years out and Almost back to pre-op weight

    Many have come back and posted after weight regain. You are not alone. Your options are to have a surgery revision or Get back on track. The only way to know if you stretched your sleeve is to have it diagnosed by a surgeon. Many sleeves have less restriction years out, but our stomachs are not back to full size. I can hold more food volume. I had to find strategies to fill the extra space and satisfy hunger with out regain. Many people confuse grazing/ eating around your surgery with stretching. Grazing is eating many small meals healthy or unhealthy choices that total over your weight loss/maintaining calories. When you eat small meals, you don’t feel your surgery restriction. The calories quickly add up and you will gain weight. When you eat around your surgery the sleeve will no longer works. If you get back to basics and control what you eat again, you can start losing weight. Getting back to basics and finding the right mindset and discipline is not as easy as it sounds years out. I would suggest getting a counselor and dietician to support you through all this. Bariatric Basics. Eat your bariatric real food plan - Weigh your food on a scale, log your food in a food app,(my fitness pal or baritastic) drink a minimum of 64 oz of water, exercise. **stay within your weight loss calories and macros ** You can ask a dietician for a meal plan and calorie range. Other people here that are years out are willing to share their plans. I'm five years out with the sleeve. Some do the pouch reset suggested above. Some find it too restrictive. Real food plan can be more satisfying.
  24. Healthy_life2

    To Sea or not to Sea

    I hope you can enjoy the beach and feel comfortable in your own skin. Realize that there will be other body types on the beach. Many people share insecurities in the summer. In a perfect world. body image issues would disappear with surgery. 🙂 I found a swimsuit with underwire and a short sarong helped. It’s frustrating but try many on to find a flattering one that you can feel comfortable in.

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