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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    June 2019 challenge

    Check in 6/18/2019 Maintaining - Challenge starting weight 139- Goal for this month is to lose 4 pounds of bounce range. 6/17 138 still at the high end of my bounce range but back on plan. Long run and lifting today. Company is gone and my schedule is back to normal. 6/18 137 Summer social events were worth the gain. working it down 18 - decluttering the nonphysical - Spiritual moment - quieting my mind while soaking in Epsom salt heaven
  2. Healthy_life2

    Feel like I'm taking 10 steps back

    Sorry for what you are experiencing. Your surgeon is in San Antonio Texas. Is there someone local that you can get a second opinion with? Click here -Mississippi Bariatric Surgeons
  3. Healthy_life2

    Retraining your brain does anyone understand it

    Know that all surgeons diet progression and instructions are different. What is the length of time on your Drs/dieticians written instructions for full liquid stage? You can call and get clarification of when you progress to pureed, soft and real food stages.
  4. Healthy_life2

    I can't stop losing weight

    We are all different. My doctors’ instructions for my reactive hypoglycemia may not work for other people. It may help to contact your Dr. that has your medical history or an endocrinologist who works with diabetes/hypoglycemia. I’m fortunate that hypoglycemia was a lesser complication after surgery. Just like a diabetic manages blood sugars you also learn to manage reactive hypoglycemia.
  5. Healthy_life2

    The Maintenance Thread

    I had the same thoughts. I wondered if my difficulty letting go of the rules and my fear of regain was normal. Changing into a maintenance had me questioning many things. I think this is true for many of us trying to find our balance with this new phase. You are all that and a bag of chips
  6. One of the best gifts out of my surgery was working and overcoming my old behaviors. I traded stress/emotional eating with exercise and did some counseling. I started with walking. My fitness level was not great. I could walk a half hour and built it to an hour after surgery. My exercise time is “me time” No one gets to interrupt it unless its an emergency. I use that time to process, bariatric issues, life’s stresses and major life events. I have cried tears on the treadmill. It helped me deal with a death in the family I have exercised out anger and frustration. I pedaled a stationary bike and worked on my relationship with food/behavior change. I wish I can say surgery changes old behaviors 100%. Years out, my stress emotional eating is less. I acknowledge when it slips back in as a coping mechanism. I know I can stop and do something else not food related to cope.
  7. Healthy_life2

    June 2019 challenge

    Not quitting. Check in 6/17/2019 - VSG June 2014 /2017, High weight 254, - Goal for this month is to lose 4 pounds this challenge.  6/10 weight is 139 6/11 weight 137 6/12 weight 136 6/13 weight 138 6-14/15/16/ friends and family staying with me and a fantastic block party. 6/17 138 still at the high end of my bounce range but back on plan. Long run today and lifting today. Company is gone and my schedule is back to normal. Mental health cleanse 17 – take your Day 10 reflections and turn them into a game plan. One way I want to be remember is for being the fun grandma. I’m hiding fairy’s and gnomes in a large willow tree for my grandkids. After I pass away, I am leaving instructions in my will. I’m leaving instructions/clues to find boxes buried under the tree with photos and memories.
  8. Healthy_life2

    What is most important to weight loss?

    Surgery is not for everyone. It’s ok to be afraid and back out of surgery. If you change your mind down the road, you can start the WLS process over again. Do what’s best for you. What’s more important diet or exercise? Only my opinion…Both diet and exercise are important. Where does your fat go when you lose weight? Many people don’t know…The video below explains. You can’t exercise your way out of a poor diet. 70% diet 20% exercise 10% genes. You can control how you follow your plan. Behavior change, eat less and move more. You can’t control, age, sex, hormones, medical issues, medications, genetics. These factors will control the rate and amount of weight you lose. What should I be counting? Calories or carbs? If you want lose weigh on your own, Why not hire a dietitian to find a sustainable diet plan that works for you. WIshing you the best, Jenn
  9. Healthy_life2

    Jogging under clothes

    Some things to try: Compression boy short running underwear. I layer them under my regular shorts or leggings. they protect my thighs from friction burn. They are lighter weight than yoga shorts Tummy control leggings or yoga shorts
  10. Healthy_life2


    Unfortunately, it took a serious health scare (my heart stopped in ICU) and my mother and father in-law passing from cancer to take my heath seriously. I had the sleeve done June 2014. High weight 254 day of surgery 234. I’m maintaining in the 130’s. There is no secret to bariatric weight loss. Follow your plan. Learn the basics. log in an app, hydrate, exercise/activity. If you gain call your team. Never be afraid to ask for help.
  11. Healthy_life2

    The Maintenance Thread

    People that mean well “me included” Sometime comments that you are too thin or a post about orthorexia is not helpful. Weight loss is hard enough for you to deal with.
  12. Healthy_life2

    The Maintenance Thread

    Please ignore this information If does not apply to your situation. (newbies and people in weight loss mode this is not for you) Are there similarities in bariatric lifestyle and disordered eating? I had to wrap my head around this question in maintenance mode. Where do I draw the line between bariatric healthy habits “rules” and unhealthy obsession? (I’m not diagnosing anyone – Just information to think about) Finding your balance test: http://www.findingbalance.com/eating-issues-test-part-1/ The following was copied from a website: click here Orthorexia: The preoccupation with eating healthy. desire to consume pure, healthy foods, obsessing over maintaining a perfect diet rather than an ideal weight. They may cut out any food that is considered unhealthy or impure. Wanting to eat a healthy, pure diet can be a great thing. However, when these compulsive behaviors and mental preoccupations with healthy eating start to impair your quality of life, you may end up suffering from severe weight loss, malnutrition, or some other type of medical condition based on severe diet restrictions. If you are suffering from Orthorexia Nervosa, you may also suffer from negative self-worth, negative body image, and become obsessively dependent on your healthy eating lifestyle to the point of social isolation.
  13. Healthy_life2

    I can't stop losing weight

    What is your surgeons team including your dietitian advice about your situation. I'm concerned. You are one lb from being underweight. I would trust your medical professionals. No one here can give medical advice. Sent from my SM-G930T using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. Healthy_life2


    if you can afford it, why not?
  15. Healthy_life2

    June 2019 challenge

    Check in 6/12/2019 - I am back on the high end of my maintaining bounce range. I'm here to get my weight back down - VSG June 2014 /2017, High weight 254, - Goal for this month is to lose 4 pounds this challenge. 6/10 weight is 139 6/11 weight 137 6/12 weight 136 6/13 weight 138
  16. Healthy_life2

    The Maintenance Thread

    Skip the celery , it will take up stomach space. 4 table spoons of jiffy peanut butter 380 calories.
  17. “Protein first“ is the bariatric mantra of the first stages out from surgery. (your calories are so low its all you can fit in). Over time it’s easy to hit your protein goal and all other foods on your plan.
  18. Healthy_life2

    The Maintenance Thread

    @ms.sss In your experience starting maintenance mode, What would you say to people approaching goal Is transitioning into maintenance what you thought it would be? How easy has it been to “break the weight loss mode rules”? Did you ever think you would struggle to eat more after being obese? Do you have some fear/anxiety about food, continued weight loss or gain?
  19. Healthy_life2

    The Maintenance Thread

    but don't understand (the week when I was at 1000/day, I lost 2.5 lbs?? 1000 calories is still your weight loss calories. 2.5 loss is because your body needs more calories. See article below. https://www.webmd.com/diet/news/20140529/fast-weight-loss-may-mean-muscle-loss What are your fat percentages? I consume enough calories to build muscle mass. my body fat percentage is in the 19-24 zone. I'm athletic in the fit/lean zone. do you put any importance on this statistic to yourselves, personally?  I put importance on my goal of healthy. I don’t pay attention to my body fat percentage. Many of us lose muscle with rapid weight loss. There is a difference between a low body fat percentage with burnt muscle and with muscle mass. My personal experience after goal, I continued to exercise and not consume enough calories. The result was I burnt muscle and dropped to the 120’s. (not a healthy look for me) Here is the maintance meal plan off of the bariatric pal website: https://store.bariatricpal.com/pages/meal-plans-for-one-week-for-a-weight-loss-maintenance-diet Meal Plans for One Week for a Weight Loss Maintenance Diet Congratulations on getting to goal weight! Now your goal is to stay at this weight and prevent weight regain. This meal plan can help you do that. Sample Daily Pattern: 3 meals, 3 snacks Sample Meal Plan for Week 1, Sample Day 1 Breakfast Cheesy Garden Scramble with 2 large eggs, 1 ounce cheddar cheese, chives, 1 cup diced tomatoes, and ¼ cup avocado slices (350 calories, 22 grams protein) Morning Snack 1 cup fat-free Greek yogurt with 1 cup raw vegetables (your choice, such as broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers, celery, snow peas, etc.) (130 calories, 14 grams protein) Lunch BariatricPal Protein Soup – Broccoli and Cheddar with an extra 1 cup cooked chopped broccoli and 1 ounce shredded cheese;BariatricPal Lite Bites (360 calories, 33 grams protein) 1 ounce cheddar cheese (190 calories, 22 grams protein) Afternoon Snack 1 large apple plus 1 ounce walnuts (300 calories, 5 grams protein) Dinner Stuffed eggplant with 1 medium eggplant, 4 ounces ground turkey (or beef or soy crumbles), 1/3 cup whole wheat bread crumbs, Italian seasoning; 1 ounce mozzarella cheese melted on top; ½ cup tomato sauce (520 calories, 35 grams protein) Evening Snack Kay’s Naturals Protein Cookie Bites – Mocha Espresso (120 calories, 12 grams protein) Totals: 1780 calories, 121 grams protein Sample Meal Plan for Week 1, Sample Day 2 Breakfast BariatricPal Hot Protein Breakfast – Maple and Brown Sugar Oatmeal made with skim milk; 2 tablespoons peanut (or almond) butter (380 calories, 30 grams protein) Morning Snack Quest Nutrition Protein Bar – Cookies and Cream (180 calories, 21 grams protein) Lunch “Naked Burrito Bowl” with ½ cup nonfat refried beans, 3 ounces shredded chicken breast with taco seasoning, 1 cup shredded lettuce, ½ cup diced tomatoes, 2 tablespoons salsa, ¼ cup guacamole (360 calories, 33 grams protein) Afternoon Snack 1 medium pear plus 1 ounce blue cheese (200 calories, 7 grams protein) Dinner 4 ounces broiled salmon with rosemary and lemon; ½ cup brown rice; 1 cup roasted bell pepper strips with 2 teaspoons olive oil (450 calories, 29 grams protein) Evening Snack BariatricPal Protein Desserts – Creamy Cheesecake (120 calories, 12 grams protein) Totals: 1690 calories, 132 grams protein Sample Meal Plan for Week 1, Sample Day 3 Breakfast Protein shake with 1 cup kale, ½ large banana, 1 container low-sugar nonfat vanilla Greek yogurt, 2 tablespoons peanut butter or PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter, 1 cup skim milk (370 calories, 33 grams protein) Morning Snack 2 hard-boiled eggs (160 calories, 12 grams protein) Lunch Wrap on a low-carb, high-fiber tortilla spread with 2 tablespoons hummus; filling includes 3 ounces grilled chicken, 1 cup raw veggies (such as lettuce, sliced mushrooms, chopped tomatoes, etc.), 1 ounce shredded or sliced provolone cheese, 2 tablespoons sliced black olives (400 calories, 39 grams protein) Afternoon Snack 1 cup Greek yogurt with 1 cup blueberries and BariatricPal Cinnamon Crunch Protein Cereal (290 calories, 23 grams protein) Dinner BariatricPal Beef and Bean Enchilada; ¼ cup guacamole; 1 ounce cheddar or jack cheese; 2 cups lettuce and chopped vegetables (such as tomatoes, mushrooms, cucumbers); 2 tablespoons fat-free dressing (460 calories, 21 grams protein) Evening Snack Hot Cocoa with Marshmallows (80 calories, 15 grams protein) Totals: 1760 calories, 143 calories Sample Meal Plan for Week 1, Sample Day 4 Breakfast Omelet made with 2 large eggs, 1 cup sliced mushrooms, fresh basil, and 1 ounce Swiss cheese (310 calories, 20 grams protein) Morning Snack ½ cup cottage cheese; 2 tablespoons sunflower seed kernels (170 calories, 16 grams protein) Lunch BariatricPal Beef Stroganoff; 1 cup grapes (360 calories, 21 grams protein) Afternoon Snack Turkey roll-ups with 3 ounces turkey breast spread with 3 tablespoons cream cheese mixed with ½ cup diced apple (290 calories, 18 grams protein) Dinner Veggie burger patty; 1 whole grain hamburger bun; 2 tablespoons hummus (spread on bun); 1 medium sweet potato baked into fries (baked with 2 teaspoons olive oil) (440 calories, 20 grams protein) Evening Snack BariatricPal Protein Oatmeal Cookie with Vanilla Drizzle (170 calories, 15 grams protein) Totals: 1740 calories, 110 grams protein Sample Meal Plan for Week 1, Sample Day 5 Breakfast BariatricPal 35g Protein Shake Meal Replacement – Strawberry (240 calories, 35 grams protein) Morning Snack 1 container vanilla Greek yogurt with Kay’s Naturals Protein Cereal – Honey Almond and ½ banana (290 calories, 26 grams protein) Lunch ¼ acorn squash baked with 2 teaspoons olive oil; ½ cup cooked quinoa mixed with ½ ounce chopped pistachios and 1 ounce parmesan cheese (390 calories, 16 grams protein) Afternoon Snack 1 cup carrots; 2 tablespoons peanut butter (240 calories, 8 grams protein) Dinner 4 ounces lean ground turkey topped with 1 ounce cheddar cheese; 1 cup cooked spinach; 1 medium apple (370 calories, 28 grams protein) Evening Snack BariatricPal Strawberry Cheesecake Protein Bar (160 calories, 12 grams protein) Totals: 1690 calories, 115 grams protein Sample Meal Plan for Week 1, Sample Day 6 Breackfast BariatricPal Hot Protein Breakfast – Maple and Brown Sugar Oatmeal made with skim milk; 2 tablespoons chopped pecans (280 calories, 23 grams protein) Morning Snack 1 cheese stick (string cheese); ½ cup shelled edamame (green soybeans) (270 calories, 24 grams protein) Lunch BariatricPal Vegetable Lasagna; 1 ounce melted mozzarella; 1 cup cooked cauliflower or broccoli (340 calories, 20 grams protein) Afternoon Snack 1 ounce almonds; (290 calories, 18 grams protein) Dinner 1 cup chili made with garbanzo, pinto, and black beans, diced celery and onions, stewed tomatoes, and chili seasoning; ½ cup cooked barley; 1 cup roasted beet root (350 calories, 15 grams protein) Evening Snack Chocolate Chip with Chocolate Drizzle Cookie (170 calories, 15 grams protein) Totals: 1700 calories, 115 grams protein Sample Meal Plan for Week 1, Sample Day 7 Breakfast 1 container nonfat Greek yogurt; BariatricPal Protein Cereal – Cinnamon Vanilla; ½ cup honeydew melon (260 calories, 28 grams protein) Morning Snack 5 cup tuna with 1 serving Moon Cheese (160 calories, 25 grams protein) Lunch BariatricPal Protein Soup – Cream of Vegetable cooked with ½ cup pinto, kidney, or garbanzo beans and ½ cup mixed vegetables; Kay’s Natural Protein Chips – Crispy Parmesan (330 calories, 36 grams protein) Afternoon Snack 1 banana; 2 tablespoons peanut butter (300 calories, 8 grams protein) Dinner Dinner scramble with 1 cup tofu, 1 cup veggies, 1 ounce cashew pieces, and 2 tablespoons teriyaki sauce stir-fried in 2 teaspoons sesame oil (420 calories, 17 grams protein) Evening Snack Chocolate Protein Wafers (200 calories, 15 grams protein) Totals: 1670 calories, 129 grams protein Sample Meal Plan for Week 2, Sample Day 1 Breakfast 1 packet BariatricPal Oatmealwith 2 tablespoons pecans and ½ cup diced apple plus cinnamon. Or other Healthy Breakfast Morning Snack Lunch BariatricPal Chocolate, Strawberry , or Vanilla Meal Replacementor other Healthy Lunch Afternoon Snack 1 bag Protein Chipsor Protein Pretzelswith two tablespoons hummus Dinner Cheese Steak Macaroni1 cup steamed green beans with 2 tablespoons sliced almonds or other Healthy Dinner Evening Snack Sample Meal Plan for Week 2, Sample Day 2 Breakfast Vegetable Omelettopped with 1 ounce shredded cheese, served and with 2 ounce turkey (or vegetarian) breakfast sausage links or other Healthy Breakfast Morning Snack Pancakes with Carbquik Baking Mixand 2 tablespoons of PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter Lunch Salad with fresh spinach leaves, 3 ounces grilled skinless chicken breast, 1 cup sliced strawberries, 2 tablespoons chopped pecans, 2 tablespoons light raspberry vinaigrette dressing or other Healthy Lunch Afternoon Snack or another flavor of Quest Protein Bar Dinner 4 ounces of broiled salmon, 1 cup baked sweet potato fries made with olive oil, and 1 cup of steamed broccoli or other Healthy Dinner Evening Snack Creamy CheeseCake This is a very low calorie diet. Use only under the supervision of your doctor. This diet gives you about 1200-1400 calories per day. You may need more calories, especially if you are a man, if you are a taller person, or if you are especially active.If you need more calories, you can add in extra snacks. Go for protein and nutrition! Here are some suggestions for healthy snacks. Each has 150 to 250 calories, and at least 10 grams of protein. 1 ounce Turkey Jerky plus ½ apple 1 BariatricPal 10 g Protein Bar 1 cup edamame (green soybeans) plus 1 ounce low-fat cheese 1 cup celery sticks plus 2 tablespoons peanut butter 1 package BariatricPal Protein Pretzels plus 2 tablespoons hummus
  20. Healthy_life2

    June 2019 challenge

    I’m thinking this loss is water weight. Unfortunately, I’m stress eating. working on it.
  21. Healthy_life2

    June 2019 challenge

    Check in 6/12/2019 - I am back on the high end of my maintaining bounce range. I'm here to get my weight back down - VSG June 2014 /2017, High weight 254, - Goal for this month is to lose 4 pounds this challenge. 6/10 weight is 139 6/11 weight 137 6/12 weight 136
  22. Healthy_life2

    June 2019 challenge

    Check in 6/11/2019 - I am back on the high end of my maintaining bounce range. I'm here to get my weight back down - VSG June 2014 /2017, High weight 254, - Goal for this month is to lose 4 pounds this challenge. 6/10 weight is 139 6/11 todays weight 137 Day 11 – drawing or painting a good cry. This is my last week with my grandkids. My son’s divorce is finalized. I don’t even know where to begin. How do you explain to a four and one year old that they won’t be seeing dad and grandma often. Grieving for what they are going through. Cried while running six miles.
  23. Healthy_life2

    Exercise 4 months after mini sleeve

    When did your surgeon release you to exercise? Mine had me walking right after surgery. Sent from my SM-G930T using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
