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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    Im panicking[emoji30]

    congrats on your weight lost. You may be eating your maintaining calories if the scale is stuck for two months. It’s choice to log. There is no way to lose weight guessing how many calories you ate. Surgery restriction alone will not keep your weight off long term. Follow your surgeons/dietitian’s food plan. Log and Stay within your weight loss calories/macros Food log apps Myfitnesspal. https://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/create https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.myfitnesspal.android&hl=en_US Baritastic https://www.baritastic.com/
  2. Healthy_life2

    Got off track

    I'm five years out after the sleeve I still can lose weight. I have gone under and over my goal weight at times. When I gain, I get it back down by logging my food and staying within my weight loss calories/macros. I had a gain my third year and worked it back down. Some things to try: To dial in the weight loss calories that work for you, log in an app (myfitnesspal) find where your current calories are. You can dial calories up by 100 or down by 100 to find your range. Hunger: Eat small meals. every 3 hours. (Don't go over your weight loss calories and macros.) Years out, shakes may not keep you full and satisfied. Real whole foods. Dense Protein with items allowed on your plan. All the low calories veggies until full. The bulk and Fiber keeps the sensation of full longer. keep healthy sweet and salty item on hand to satisfy cravings. Night snacking. a small protein snack before bed Keep a veggie tray in the fridge. Allow yourself to snack on veggies. If you try to bargain with yourself for other options, you know its head hunger. Some threads to check out intermittent fasting, doing the head work and the July weight loss challenge for motivation.
  3. Healthy_life2

    July 9th 2019 is the BIG day!

    I support your decision 100%. I didn’t have the pre op liver shrinking diet. Just liquids the day before and no eating the day of surgery. Wow, I always wonder why anyone would not support getting heathy and living longer. Is he afraid of the risks? Or Is it his own insecurities? does he think that you are going to leave him once you lose weight? Feel free to show him my before and after. Five year's out and I have no regret.
  4. Healthy_life2

    Anther protein DRINK question.....

    Natures best isopure ZERO carb protein drink/water many flavors. You can buy single bottles at GNC or the vitamin shop. Glad you can tolerate real foods. Amazon https://www.amazon.com/IsoPure-Zero-Mango-Peach-Count/dp/B007P39E3Y/ref=sr_1_14?gclid=CjwKCAjwmNzoBRBOEiwAr2V27TuWNzVKL_dowaesNz4B6qd2ePnyPxUAR4vhWJtMBIhAl9Ec8vPqWBoClkcQAvD_BwE&hvadid=174280253474&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=1016202&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1t1&hvqmt=e&hvrand=8863865558654896571&hvtargid=aud-648454669636%3Akwd-6310185882&hydadcr=21879_9445503&keywords=natures+best+zero+carb&qid=1561823808&s=gateway&sr=8-14 Direct http://www.theisopurecompany.com/product/isopurezerocarbrtd.html
  5. Again, well done and you look and are amazing! Something I observed today, I was talking with a group of women that have not had surgery. I had been obese for years and I remember how I felt when thinner people would complain about 10-20 pounds. I rolled my eyes because I had 100 pounds to lose. It’s amazing, heathy people also have body issues.
  6. I'm five years out. I still lose weight. I have gone under and over my goal weight at times. When I gain, I get it back down by logging my food and staying within my weight loss calories/macros. When does it stop? it stopped by eating my maintenance calories. I had a gain my third year and worked it back down. Some things to try: To dial in the weight loss calories that work for you, log in an app (myfitnesspal) find where your current calories are. You can dial them up by 100 or down by 100 to find your range. Hunger: Eat small meals. every 3 hours. Don't go over your weight loss calories and macros. Years out, Shakes may not keep you full and satisfied. Real whole foods. Dense protein with items allowed on your plan. All the low cal veggies until full. The bulk and fiber keeps the sensation of full longer. keep healthy sweet and salty item on hand to satisfy cravings. Night snacking. a small protein snack before bed Keep a veggie tray in the fridge. Allow yourself to snack on veggies. If you try to bargain with yourself for other options, you know its head hunger. Some threads to check out intermittent fasting thread and the July weight loss challenge for motivation.
  7. Would love to see more quick fix items. I'm in a food rut at the moment.
  8. Healthy_life2

    Fruit juice-really the enemy?

    It’s not surprising that you are not dumping eating sugar. My Dr suggested the sleeve because I am a type one diabetic. Less chances of dumping with the sleeve. My instructions are to drink watered down juice to bring my glucose back up (when they are in the 30 to 60 range on my glucose meter) All surgeons/dieticians’ plans are different. Juice is not on my plan for weight loss because its empty calories. It’s choice on how you want to fuel your body. Eating/drinking empty calories. or hitting your protein/nutrition goals with the foods you eat/drink or I can tolerate anything. Just because I can eat/drink it does not mean I have to eat/drink it.
  9. Healthy_life2

    Meal Prep

    I can tolerate anything – I do a combination of clean foods (I meal prep) and little to no prep foods. To save money, freeze leftovers in small batches for convenience meals later. I meal prep proteins. I can refrigerate some and freeze the rest. I don’t eat the same things all week, I have items that are little to no prep on hand. (make sure any of my examples are on your plan) Breakfast: Mix up your veggie cups with other items, Dannon lite n fit Greek yogurt, For out the door convenience in the morning – Protein iced mocha shake – (Instant decal coffee, sugar free chocolate syrup and vanilla protein shake and ice) fried egg and precooked jimmy dean turkey sausage links. Lunch: With what ever you are meal prepping for lunch – Keep flavored tuna pouches, I make chicken salad (Canned chicken, chopped celery, onion, apple and dried cranberries and olive oil mayo) hard boiled eggs bought in a bag in the deli section. I can make deviled eggs or egg salad. - I eat veggie trays and strawberries dipped in sugar free cholate syrup for a snack Dinner I have my prepped dinners- my little to no prep is precooked john soles beef or chicken meat from frozen section – Its Easy to chop and Sautee my green red peppers and onions add fajita seasoning. (They also sell frozen peppers and onions) Precooked chicken and frozen stir fry vegetables. Last night’s quick meal was ground turkey, canned deiced stewed tomatoes, deiced green peppers and onion, frozen garlic roasted riced cauliflower and four cheese spaghetti sauce, I log and keep within my calories and macros. Here is a link to low to no prep meal ideas https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/411624-no-to-low-cooking-ideas-for-real-foods-stage-4-post-op/?page=2
  10. Sorry you were not expecting pain and the medication is not helping you. We all have different pain thresholds with any type of surgery. My pain was minor and well controlled with medication. Giving birth was a more painful experience than having my sleeve done.
  11. Healthy_life2

    Short and Well Endowed

    I'm not sure if you would consider 5'5" and a DD. Large. I have no hips or butt. At 130 pounds. I look top heavy. I'm 50. I'm final at an age where i dont let my body type stop me from wearing comfortable clothes and distance run. Even with two sports bras i get looks and comments. If they are offended then they can look away. Sent from my SM-G930T using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. I understand your fears and questions Food no longer rules my world. Pre surgery It’s hard to even imagine what your sensation of full or hungry feels like. I don’t think I had a real sensation of full before surgery. It’s amazing to feel full on a small amount of food. My hunger is much more manageable after my sleeve. My taste buds have changed and it’s a good thing. What you’re getting into: Surgery does not take hunger 100% away. You will feel the sensation of full at an earlier point than you do currently. Your surgery restriction is going to stop you from overeating, you can satisfy hunger signals on smaller amounts of food. Healthy sweet and salty options manage cravings. Ask your surgeon/dietician for your weight loss food plan. Also get your maintaining plan to see what food will look like after goal. Nutrition is still flavorful. You can make old favorites in a healthy way. - Google bariatric real food stage recipes. You won’t be eating 500 to 900 calories forever. Protein shakes are only for the first stages when your surgery restriction is tight. Real food stage: You will be able to get your protein in with real whole foods (you can ditch the shakes) Your calories will increase as you progress. When you hit maintenance stage your diet will change once again. New calorie range and healthy carbs to slow/stop your weight loss.
  13. Healthy_life2

    The Maintenance Thread

    I work a ten pound bounce (BMI 20 to 23) up and down the scale to maintain. I am still vigilant. I eat my weight loss calories/macros to work my high range back down. Over the years, I occasional go under that range. I know where I personally feel healthy at. My goal is to stay in this range lifelong. My ten pound range allows me to take breaks, relax, indulge, and enjoy. I still have times I recognize old behaviors. I real them back in. It has taken years to trust myself. ^I agree with you on this.
  14. Healthy_life2

    The Maintenance Thread

    Body Image and comments. Wow, they were out of line to talk to your daughter. Many people don’t realize comments “your too thin “you look sickly” “stop losing weight” “do you have cancer” are messing with your head/body image. People that have never been morbidly obese or experienced rapid weight loss don’t understand how hard it is to see ourselves correctly. I’m sorry their comments are making you question your appearance. It takes time for your mind to catch up to your weight loss. You are smoking hot. Keep that in mind as you adjust to your new size. If you are ready to maintain, you know what you need to do. Goal/maintence weight is such a personal thing for each of us. Choose a weight where you feel healthy at. You are at a healthy BMI. Many people that don’t know what a healthy BMI looks like. Family members mean well when they make comments on apearance. They are also adjusting to your rapid change. Cut them a little slack. I understand How hard it is to wrap your mind around comments after goal. My personal experience. I went to my local support group after goal. The nurse leading the group said, “you would look less skeletal if you gained five or ten pounds” The same day (my six month checkup) My surgeon told me “you would be your ideal weight if you lost ten more pounds”
  15. Healthy_life2

    Fruits and Veggies

    All plans are different – Add what’s on your plan. Try small amounts at first to see what your stomach can tolerate.
  16. Healthy_life2

    The Maintenance Thread

    I think you know what you need to do. I’m saying this out of concern. I’m not sure what it will take for you to get out of weight loss mode “rules” or get over your fears. We can tell you all day long to graze more calories, eat carbs and exercise less. It’s up to you to take a different approach. Ball is in your court. Time to own it : You have a carb phobia, You recognize an issue with restrictive eating, You don’t want to reduce you activity, you intentionally exercise when you know you are struggling to get calories in. “because not doing it would be dumb” Mr. is correct. I agree - Exercise less, increase your calories and carbs. reasons below. MARY GARRETT· Common causes for weight loss and muscle wasting Dietary Issues Weight loss that is a result of intentional undernourishment, such as anorexia, or extreme calorie reducing diets, causes the body's metabolic rate to slow down and conserve energy, in this case fat. Since muscle is metabolically active, meaning it requires energy to perform, breaking down muscle tissue for fuel helps to reduce the energy requirements and provide nourishment for the rest of the body. Simply put, the body may burn muscle for fuel while storing fat for emergency. This is called muscle catabolism. This is why proper nutrition and exercise plans should be implemented to prevent muscle loss as you lose weight, the 2008 text "Physiology of Sport and Exercise" notes.
  17. Healthy_life2

    New Podcast for Bartiatric Fitness?

    Yes, I would listen. I think your idea would be fantastic. I don’t see your idea as a niche. Many baraiathletes and people in maintenance don’t use this site. Most sites are geared toward weight loss mode. Not much support and info for maintaining (google bariathletes) Things your post made me think about. I’m five years out and I distance run and lift I would love to see videos or photos of other people’s meal prep/food plan, what a day of food looks like and how long does it take to get that meal in. How to problem solve eating if you have good surgery restriction – Recipes Life after Maintaining Photos - Lifting/running/sports/training/recovery/competition events how to begin with fitness and build up. Exercise with mobility issues. Goals developing a plan Runners - Training, carb loading and pre race tapper. Hydration - there is no way I can gulp from cups handed out on routes. product reviews Personal fitness stories with photos of progress, results or competitcans they were involved in. @Diana_in_Philly She fences at a national level and is ranked 23rd among women age 50-59 in the United States. I started fencing after I lost the weight. Just ideas I googled. The woman below is well known and a bit over enthusiastic. But why not.
  18. Healthy_life2

    Overtraining & Stalls???? Frustrated.....

    I'm not going to give diet advice on bariatrics and fitness level. It's not as simple as a one size fits all. I've used my bariatric and a sports medicine dietician. Problem is bariatric dietitian had no idea of what to do with my fitness level. Sports medicine had no education in bariatrics but, they were great resources. Much of my diet changes with distance running has been trial and error. I've had some advice/opinions came from vets that are bariathletes. It's a learning curve to fuel your body to stay healthy an reach your goals. https://www.google.com/search?q=bariathletes&oq=bariathletes&aqs=chrome..69i57.5198j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Another person I've been following is @NurseMichael Some posts of his.
  19. Healthy_life2

    Gained weight, oh no!!!

    A weight fluctuation of four pounds is workable. Stay calm and press on. Our minds can see gains and panic. Know that this can be water weight or a slight fluctuation. Acknowledge it. Work on any old behaviors/night snacking. Keep health low calorie snacks on hand. Much of weight loss is the mental battles. Surgery does not take away our old behaviors. It’s the work we put in. Keep working your plan and congrats on your trip. Great thread to work on behaviors by @FluffyChix https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/425354-the-importance-of-doing-the-head-work/?tab=comments#comment-4776743
  20. 7 months out and 139 down is phenomenal and noticeable. A bit of perspective – Someone struggling with obesity at a higher BMI is wishing they were at your current weight. Have gratitude and know you are amazing. Many of us have body issues. It may take self-help or counseling. It takes time for your mind to catch up with your rapid weight loss. It may become easier to see yourself correctly after goal and your weight settles. Well done! keep going.
  21. Healthy_life2

    Plateau for last 4+ years

    Glad you have therapy to help with all the things you’re dealing with. I’m sorry you’re not getting your back issues/pain resolved. The Dr’s statement “You just need to lose weight, that's really the only thing that will help." was unnecessary, ignorant and less than helpful. We all know things are not that simple. Food may be the lesser of the evils now, but you also know its just as damaging to keep in this cycle of food to cope. I don’t have answers. I know how dark of a place that has been for me in the past. My heart goes out to you. You’re not alone in not exercising. It’s your situation. Some bariatric patients are in wheelchairs. Many exclude exercise due to mobility issues/pain. What is your physical ability currently?
  22. Healthy_life2

    Plateau for last 4+ years

    I’m sorry that you are frustrated. No one can walk in your shoes and fully understand how you are feeling. Even if you don’t get useful feedback. Its still good to vent what your experiencing. I am five years out. I wish I could say surgery takes away old behaviors, addictive patterns and mental battles with weight loss. For me obesity is a lifelong issue I work on. If you are cycling between being too strict (causing diet burn out) compulsive eating, eating in secret. Make taking care of your head space a priority. How you do that is your choice. Self-help books, counseling, or therapist that specialize with eating issues. There are many people here that have mobility issues that cannot exercise. You are not alone in your situation. If your weight is stalled out due to medical reasons, I would get a medical professional’s advice. Call your team or hire a dietician that has your medical history. Give yourself credit for all the weight you have lost.

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