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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    What complications have you lot had

    All good responses above. I had the same reaction after visiting some bariatric forums. It’s normal to worry and stress over surgery procedures. There are risks with ANY type of surgery. Talk to your surgeon about the statistics for complications. Know that your team will take good care of you. Your pain will be managed with medication. I’m five years out. No complications.
  2. Healthy_life2


    Lovin the summer outfits ladies. Showing some skin. *wink*
  3. Healthy_life2


  4. Healthy_life2

    Weight-loss funnies

  5. Healthy_life2

    Weight-loss funnies

  6. Healthy_life2

    Weight-loss funnies

    Liquid diet and you hear a bag of potato chips opened a block away.
  7. Healthy_life2

    Weight-loss funnies

    What....weight loss surgery is the easy way out?
  8. Healthy_life2

    Favorite underwear?

    Hip huggers, brazilian, bikini - Anything other than grannie panties. I personally don’t care for thongs
  9. Healthy_life2

    DO YOU

    Why should anyone here censor their experience or advice? This is how I feel about this site - We are adults. Take what’s useful and ignore the rest. All opinions and experiences are of value to me. Even if it’s something I don’t agree with. Some people are way too sensitive and offended by such small issues on this board. If you are one of these people offended then--- don’t read it, look away or block them. I am from a different generation. I have thick skin. It takes a lot to offend me.
  10. If a person posted, they had revision due to insufficient weight loss and not a surgey complication(GERD) would you have the same reaction?
  11. My insurance company required 6-month supervised weight loss. I had to prove I could change behaviors and lose weight before they would pay for the procedure. It was hard, But I lost 20lbs.
  12. Healthy_life2


  13. Healthy_life2

    Do you guys feel normal? Long Term Sleevers

    You had surgery in 2016? How are things going?
  14. Healthy_life2

    Do you guys feel normal? Long Term Sleevers

    I didnt have GERD pre surgery. I still dont have GERD five years out.
  15. Healthy_life2

    Do you guys feel normal? Long Term Sleevers

    Everyone handles maintenance differently. We each have our own weight gain risk factors. Its important to know yourself. Will you need to remind yourself you had surgery? Is it healthy habits? Precautions? Simply eating less? Do whatever works for you to maintain and not go back to obesity. Five years out, I never want to feel like my normal “obese” self before surgery. I feel better than normal after weight loss and maintaining in the 130's. I have no issues. I bounced back with minimal pain and I have no complications (Gerd, dumping or vomiting etc.) Personally, I don’t need to remind myself. I have a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining has become habit/mundane. I don’t put much thought into it. I eat mainly healthy and indulge within reason. I give myself a ten-pound bounce range. If I gain, I go back to weight loss mode and work it off.
  16. Sorry you feel sick and many foods you had to give up forever. This is only my experience and transparency - I'm a sleeve. I don’t get sick. Some foods may sit heavy and I feel bloated. I can tolerate ALL foods. (tolerating anything can a slippery slope with weight loss) I never gave up restaurants. I can order healthy and avoid things that don’t sit well with my stomach. All plans are different - Weight loss Mode: (My list of foods I gave up) real sugar carbonation processed food bread, white rice, white potatoes and white pasta (low glycemic carbs - brown rice, sweet potato and whole wheat pasta were allowed on my plan in very small amounts in recipes)- low carb 50/60 grams a day Maintenance Mode: No foods are off limits. I keep within my maintenance calories and eat I eat mainly healthy. Some days I’m off plan and over calories.. I can eat all foods within reason/moderation. I have carbonated drinks in small amounts.
  17. Healthy_life2

    What The Hell Man

    I love what you posted. I kind of expected to be treated a bit differently after weight loss (invisible when I was obese) It was weird to experience it for myself. For whatever reason, people are body conscious. Some will make positive or negative comment at any size you are. Comments may not be helpful when you are adjusting to your new size. Years out, People adjust to your weight and life becomes more normal. I stopped trying to explain things to people that don’t get it. Just smile and eat as you do. Some women (not all) can be competitive. I would rather be the woman that builds others up than tearing them down. A compliment from another woman is wonderful... Because it’s kind of rare for me. One of my friends confided in me that she hates how her husband checks me out. (he had an affair in the past) Its more about him than it is about me. Most men check women out and it doesn’t mean he’s going to cheat. My husband is an old fart and looks but does not touch. Honestly, I look. I hope I’m not as obvious as my husband *laughing*
  18. Healthy_life2

    What The Hell Man

    Find a weight you feel healthy at. Does not matter what other people think. (unless your BMI is underweight) I work a ten-pound weight bounce up and down the scale over the years. It’s just how maintenance works for me. I have times I indulge within reason. When the scale moves up, I get back in weight loss mode.
  19. Healthy_life2


    Same as the above replies. Calcium citrate chewable supplements Milk was on my plan. fairlife milk mixed with my protein shake powder. Real food stage, I could reach my protein goals without shake supplementation. I ditched shakes. (Exception is I use small amount premixed vanilla protein as coffee creamer) Personally, I don’t care for milk.
  20. Healthy_life2

    Obesity domino effect ?

    Obesity is an epidemic. Its sad to see the rate of childhood obesity. I am also thankfull to pass on healthy habits to my family. I grew up with two working parents that bought convenience food in the 70s/80’s. Any of this sound familiar to the older generation on this forum? Breakfast: Lucky charms before school. Hot lunch provided by the school hamburgers, French fries and cookie. Snack after school. Bag of chips (not a serving) two cokes. Dinner ordered domino’s pizza and more coke. My yoyo dieting became normal. I would stave myself to fit in my size 7 dress before school dances or dating. food additives to make you addicted and a repeat buyer. Convenience, processed and sugar laden products and fast food. Fad diets, pills and quick fix weight loss. Anyone remember Adys weight loss chocolate candy? IDK What is the answer to stop this health crisis? Education, food choices and exercise. How do you force that on people?
  21. Congrats on your upcoming surgery. What are their ages? You may want to talk with their parents on how to approach this subject. The wonderful thing is they are going to see you get healthy.
  22. Healthy_life2

    Your stall story

    My first stall was the dreaded 3rd week. Major stall in my third month. Two weeks for my body to settle. I reevaluated how I was working my plan. Honestly, I was slacking on walking. Sold my treadmill and bought a gym membership. I was doing the same type of exercise/resistance/speed over and over. I mixed up my cardio and added weightlifting. I continued to increase the resistance/speed on machines. The stall broke and my weight loss was rapid. My weight loss slowed down as I got closer to goal. (I had less body fat to burn) It was painfully slow and the last ten pounds took forever. I kept working my plan.
  23. Healthy_life2

    New Convert of the Sleeved

    First food stages (liquid, puree and soft) are hard. Hit your protein goal. All surgeons’ plans look different. Do you have copy of your dietician’s real food stage plan? I am curious to know what you are allowed to eat on your plan.
  24. Healthy_life2

    Trouble sleeping after Sleeve

    Yep, I have way too much energy with weight loss.

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