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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    Binge eating-14 months after surgery

    Congrats on 14 months out and 142 pounds down. Only my opinion, If you are binge eating, look into counseling/therapy or self-help resources to address it. Binging and restricting can be a vicious cycle. High exercise and low calories can cause hunger/binge. If you are at a higher fitness level it may be time to check in with your bariatric dietician or sports medicine dietician. They may change up your diet to fuel you calorie burn. I hope you find what works to stay healthy
  2. Healthy_life2

    Failed EVERYTHING, need to know I'm not alone.

    Wow, 20 pounds and back on track! You are inspirational. I hope you stay on this site because you are not alone. I wish there was one thread that could adress regain issues instead of sifting through all the other regain posts. Most here are new and in the honeymoon phase and cant relate. You have not failed. We are all a work in progress. You are the proof this can be done.
  3. Healthy_life2

    Pre-op and obsessed?

    Raising my hand. I am an outlier and fascinated with nutrition and fitness. I am addicted to the baraitricpal drama and comedy. Its all good if it keeps me maintianing years out.
  4. Congrats on your surgery date! Best exercise is one that you stick with. Find what you enjoy. Start slow and build your fitness level up. Be consistent.
  5. Healthy_life2


    Date night with hubby.
  6. Healthy_life2


    Woohoo! Congrats on size L shorts. Out of plus sizes and so close to onderland.
  7. Healthy_life2


    20 years and looking the same. Great NSV.
  8. Healthy_life2


    Representing the men! Looking great.
  9. Healthy_life2

    Weight loss in feet?

    Yep, two sizes. Also lost weight/swelling in my hands. My ring size drastically changed.
  10. Your weight loss will be specific to you. Try not to compare weight loss with other people. Things you cannot control: genetics, metabolism, Health/medical issues, medications, age, sex, hormones. These will be factors in the rate and how much weight you lose. What you can control is how you work your plan. Log your food, hydrate activity/exercise. Sounds like you are finding ways to get activity in with your medical issues/pain. Weight loss may be more dependent on diet if you have mobility issues.
  11. Healthy_life2

    Post sleeve weight gain

    Losing ten pounds is much easier than 60, 80 or 120 pound gain. With the sleeve you will have less restriction as you progress. Its not back to full size. If you are concerned, have stretching diagnosed by a surgeon. I gained my third year and worked it back off. The only reason we gain is eating over our weight loss/maintaining calories. Go back to basics. Real food stage plan.(or find a new plan that’s sustainable) Log your food, stay within your calories hydrate and exercise. There are strategies that help with hunger and filling the extra space. If you are interested ..Ask. If you are struggling with food issues/old behaviors counseling is an option
  12. Healthy_life2

    Weight-loss funnies

  13. Healthy_life2

    Weight-loss funnies

    exercise and protein for dinner
  14. Healthy_life2

    Weight-loss funnies

  15. Healthy_life2


    Everyone looks great. Thanks for the fashion ideas. I’m trying to keep a simple capsule wardrobe. Thank you ladies, I’m back to my shopping addiction. Fluffy, Size is still a weird thing. My bone structure - Narrow in the hips, no butt and wide shoulders. Its ok I’m rocking it *lol* Size still kills me. It depends on the designer and vanity sizing. Jean size is a 4 - top size is a med to large. Workout clothing. XS bottoms medium tops
  16. Healthy_life2


    Outfit of the day. Out the door for a long run.
  17. Healthy_life2


    It was easier when I was a size 22 to 16. As I got out of the plus size store, I noticed fit and size are different with each designer. I try everything on. I can wear the same clothing with a ten-pound bounce as long as it’s not super fitted.
  18. Healthy_life2

    Lifting heavy

    Shoot for your dreams, you can heavy lift/ body build and get results. Building muscle is a commitment of time. Nothing happens overnight. Are you a new lifter? Using a trainer or doing this on your own?
  19. Healthy_life2

    Stretched Pouch?

    I agree. Years out, You will have less sleeve restriction but your stomach wont be back to full size.
  20. Healthy_life2

    Weight-loss funnies

    I lost all my weight with a shake weight routine.
  21. Healthy_life2

    Weight-loss funnies

  22. Healthy_life2

    Looking for encouraging positive stories

    Nawww never too old.
  23. Healthy_life2

    Weight-loss doctor molesting patients...

    Of course, not all surgeons are sex offenders. Its old, but a good reminder that sex offenders can be people we see as trustworthy,
  24. Healthy_life2

    Stretched Pouch?

    What??? stretched out his pouch so much he gained 188 pounds in 2 months ???. Think of how much food you would have to binge eat in one sitting to stretch your surgery. I wish they would screen better for eating disorders. This person should have been denied until they got counseling. I wonder why he didn’t contact his team after a 50-pound gain? Stretching is possible but rare. Get it diagnosed by a surgeon. Most people that gain eat around their surgery with grazing. It’s easy to eat small meals of healthy/unhealthy choices all day long that total over your weight loss/maintaining calories. Enough calories that it’s like you never had surgery 3000+. You also don’t feel your surgery restriction when you graze/eat small meals.

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