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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Is it to prove you have been overweight for five years?
  2. Healthy_life2

    5 years out and trying to reset

    Welcome back! The veteran’s forum is not very active because many veterans don't stick around. Life goes on after goal. My surgeon told me a 15 to 20-pound bounce is normal. It was easy to maintain for my first two years. I freaked out with a weight gain my third year. I came back to the site and had great support. It took work to get it back down. Years out, I gain quickly, and I lose at a snail’s pace.
  3. Healthy_life2

    Gastric Sleeve after 50 (Senior Sleevers)

    Amazon books – Women’s strength training from home https://www.amazon.com/s?k=womens+strength+training+at+home&i=stripbooks&ref=nb_sb_noss Bodybuliding.com https://www.bodybuilding.com/category/women https://www.bodybuilding.com/category/womens-workouts https://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/ https://www.bodybuilding.com/topic/full-body-workout
  4. Healthy_life2

    Gastric Sleeve after 50 (Senior Sleevers)

    All surgeons’ instructions are different. I have some questions on your real food stage plan. What is your calories intake at this point? ¼ cup of food per meal and how many meals are you eating? Did your dietician set a calorie, carbohydrate, fats goal? do you log in a food app? Besides protein what other items are you allowed on your plan? Real food stage. Have you added in veggies and fruit? Some bariatric recipe sites for food ideas. (make sure they fit your plan) https://bariatricmealprep.com/the-ultimate-bariatric-resource-guide/
  5. Healthy_life2

    Losing weight Post Op ........

    Congratulations on your weight loss. You have done phenomenal. Is there a reason you feel you need to lose 100+ pounds? You can lose weight years out. Keep things realistic and long term sustainable. Make short term goals of five-pound increments. Give yourself a year of being consistent on your plan and make a goal of living and eating healthy. A healthy lifestyle should not be diet hell. I’m five years out. Weight loss is slow. My surgery restriction is less. I can hold more food volume (My stomach is not back to full size) I have had to find ways to fill the extra stomach space, keep hunger at a minimum and stay within my weight loss calories and macros. Sorry for the long response. Get some advice for your dietician first. I’m no expert. All I can offer is what works for me. You may have to tweak things to find your own weight loss mojo. Basics: Follow your plan, Log and weight your food, hydrate, drink 30 mins after you eat, exreccise/activity. The only reason we gain weight is eating over your weight loss/maintaining calories and macros. Ask your dietician for meal plan or research one you feel you will stick with. (Bariatric basics, keto, intermittent fasting, whole 30, paleo, low carb, vegan. The list goes on) Whatever meal plan you decide to follow log your food. (myfitnespal) or another food log app. Do you know what calories your body loses weight at? We are all different. Sometimes the numbers change years out. Using myfitnesspal app - Start with 1200 calories. You can dial your calories up or down by 100 to find the zone that works for your body. Set your protein, carbohydrates, and fats goals to fit the diet plan you choose. If you need help, ask. Real sugar, processed food and extra carbs cause craving and hunger. Detox off them. Get temptation out of the house – go shopping for things on your plan – Research some bariatric recipes to keep food flavorful. A few links Keep healthy options for sweet and salty cravings on hand. With your protein and other items allowed on your plan eat as much veggies until full to fill the extra sleeve space. The veggies will help keep your calories low. Depending on your plan use plant based or low glycemic carbs (sweet potato, brown rice, whole wheat) Stay within your carbohydrate goal. Low glycemic keeps your blood sugar from spiking. Join a weight loss challenge:
  6. Healthy_life2


    August 14th Starting weight 140 – Personal goal 5 pounds this challenge – Sleeve - losing my maintaining/10 pound bounce weight. Current weight – 139 Gained all my loss back.This month is not over. I'm back in weight loss mode. Ran this morning. Crap food for the last few days is hurting my speed. Hunger is back. Time to detox Take a day trip: Walked around a ghost town yesterday.
  7. Two-hour drive into the Owyhee Mountains. Made it to silver city ghost town.
  8. You are doing great. Try not to compare your weight loss and goals to others. It will make you crazy. We all lose at different rates. It’s not how fast, it the fact you are losing weight. Your surgery date is 5/28/19. Your only three months out? Congratulations on hitting under your programs goal by 18lbs. - Use the search on this site to see how common a third month stall is. My surgeon does not set goals for patients. I was told 60% total weight loss is the norm with the sleeve (Some lose less some lose more) Only a suggestion. Work on small goals. No need to pick a certain goal weight at this point. As you get closer to a year out, decide on a goal weight that feels healthy for you. I pulled my goal weight out of the air after looking at a BMI chart. I am a healthy weight and that is all the matters to me.
  9. Healthy_life2


    August 10th Personal goal 5 pounds this challenge – Sleeve - losing my maintaining bounce weight. Current weight – 135 up two pounds since the 8th Ever have a dream about your husband and you wake up angry at him. (even though he’s done nothing wrong) I decided to go to the gym and not take it out on him. Ran 13 miles. My husband gets to live another day *laughing* Smile at as many people as possible: 5:30am is mostly seniors at my gym. I get the best smiles back, hugs and stories. Warms my heart. The downside of smiling at the gym. If I smile the entire time I work out, it gives off a serial killer vibe. I feel vulnerable in some of the positions the gym put you in. If you are all sweaty and on the good girl bad girl machine. The last thing I want to do is make eye contact and smile at someone. If I am foam rolling my legs, please don’t smile at me and I won’t smile at you.
  10. Healthy_life2

    The Maintenance Thread

    My maintenance instructions are to add healthy carbohydrates and up my calories to slow/stop weight loss. My maintaining 1200 to 1500. It takes time to find your calorie and carb sweet spot. Sent from my SM-G930T using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. Beautiful. Your skin is glowing.
  12. Healthy_life2

    Best exercise routines -100+ lbs weight loss?

    Congrats on your gym membership. There is no secret to bariatric weight loss – Work your plan. The best exercise is the activity you do consistently. Find something you enjoy. Each of us have a starting fitness level. (I was lucky to walk a half hour starting out) start slow and build up. Increase your pace, intensity, or resistance as you get stronger. My experience: Sleeve 2014, age 45 lost over 100lbs in six months (not the norm) I would have been happy if it took me a year or more. I was a true couch potato. I was not thrilled about exercise. My surgeon made his patients sign that they will add an hour of activity 5 to 6 days a week (mostly walking) I started walking and built up. My goal was to do a 5K for cancer in memory of my Mother. (she never got to see me fit and healthy) Third month My weight stalled. I sold my treadmill and got a gym membership. Best decision ever. I mixed up different types of cardio. I ventured into the weight room. Muscle has helped fill out some loose skin.😉 Be open to where fitness may take you. I went from an obese couch potato to distance running (10K half and full marathon) hiking, kayaking, bicycling. Never take your health for granted.
  13. I don’t think you can predict where you gain or lose weight. We all have different body types. My Surgeon said a 5 to 20-pound bounce after goal may happen. I had a gain my third year. I could have stayed at a higher weight; I decided to work it back down. A ten-pound gain goes to my mid-section but I can still wear the same size clothing.
  14. Healthy_life2

    Eating with the family post surgery.

    Meals ideas with the family. Protein and vegetables are my safe bet. You can add items on your plan. Your family can eat the extra carbs and sugar. (My husband knows what foods to hide or keep out of the house lol) My examples: I also eat this way in restaurants – I can opt the extra carbs/sugar for other items – (make sure my examples fit your plan) Chicken fajitas no tortilla any other items allowed on your plan- Let the family have tortillas Grilled salmon, garlic roasted riced cauliflower and any other items on your plan - let the family have garlic bread, corn or potato and pie. Hamburger patty (turkey or veggie burger if you like) Lettuce wrap or salad style no bun – let the family have the bun Pork loin - roasted/grilled vegetables let the family have their items Stir fry no rice – let the family have rice Eggs or omelet jimmy dean turkey sausage– any other items on your plan let the family have toast.
  15. Healthy_life2

    Weight-loss funnies

  16. Healthy_life2

    Weight-loss funnies

  17. Healthy_life2

    Kumbucha anyone?

    Your surgery date is 9/15/19, Pre-op Right? Is carbonation and sugar on your dietician’s plan?
  18. It’s strange to look back at old photos, right. You are young, healthy and happy. Look at that smile! Its all worth it.
  19. Healthy_life2

    Face to Face Friday!

    Almost 49 and in your prime!!! It’s amazing how different you look.
  20. Healthy_life2

    Face to Face Friday!

    Beautiful! Fashion and shopping gets addicting, right???
  21. @336Mike and @nenes78 Time to represent the men. Post here or on the face to face Friday thread.
  22. Grow that beard. *laughing*
  23. You look fantastic and younger. Love the red hair and your fashion posts. ( I have neck issues Camera angle is everything for me) *laughing at myself*
  24. I think you look younger now. Sent from my SM-G930T using BariatricPal mobile app

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