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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    List your Favorite Mini Meals...

    @@miller1109 sugar free vanilla Jello brand pudding. Add Peanut Butter.
  2. Healthy_life2


    @@CanyonBaby http://www.caltrate.com/calcium-supplement-products/600D3-soft-chews I like the chocolate soft chews. They also have vanilla.
  3. @@Rockhound6165 A few things to try with your Protein add a good portion of vegetables if you are able to get them in at this point after surgery. The Fiber helps you to feel full Keep healthy snack options available. If you have a craving of salty or sweet. don't be afraid to satisfy it. Its good to get the craving out of the way. Salty (Jerky etc ) Sweet (sugar free chocolate pudding etc)
  4. @@mi75 I'm right with you at 10 months. The weight loss has slowed down. I have been working with a bariatric vet who is more than a year out. He is a body builder. I have learned so much from him. I seem to get great advice from the vets that my Dr's and dieticians don't seem to have. I'm not knocking my bariatic dieticians. They are very busy and have the standard instructions for all patients.I have had to do some adjusting to my diet that my dietician could not help me with. I have added a Protein pre workout drink. protein gummies or liquid fuel while working out. After work out Quest bar. My protein is above my dieticians standard. But it is what works for my body. I'm feeling so much better. The weather is perfect for getting out. Keep moving. The standard diet is great. I have also herd great things from the vets forum on dropping weight as you are further out from surgery. Fine tune what works for you.
  5. Healthy_life2

    What is your work-out regimen?

    @@heynowkc Pre surgery: Couch Potato After surgery: Walking 30 mins progressed to an hour Weight loss phase: Hour of cardio mixed on 3 machines added additional hour of lifting 10 months out 30 mins cardio 5 times a week .An hour of lifting 3 time a week
  6. Healthy_life2

    Of course I'm losing weight where I don't want to.

    @@kyrickchick64 Stay away from wooden chairs my friend. You may be suffering from boney butt syndrome. it's funny we have no control of where the weight comes off. During my weight loss I had chicken legs, no butt and weight around my middle. at 10 months I still have no butt.
  7. Carbs we cannot be friends! Just because my dietician told me to add carbs does not mean for me to justify having almost a half box of weat thins. They are now out of the house

    1. ProudGrammy


      good for you on getting rid of them - anything i can't "handle" is not allowed in the house - temptation is all that it is cracked up to be - keep up the good work - congrats kathy

  8. Healthy_life2


    @@agalindo17 lol Its just a good indicator to slow down or stop eating
  9. Healthy_life2

    March 20,2013 two years later

    So glad you posted. Look at you! amazing..It's great to see that you have maintained well after two years. Congratulations on your success.
  10. Healthy_life2

    Sick of the drama

    I personally would rather build people up. It's like in life...Always keep the positive around you. You can choose what you read and who you respond to in a forum. So many amazing people in BariatricPal. It far out weighs the people that choose to drag people down.
  11. Healthy_life2


    While in weight loss mode I have to cut carbs. If I eat them the scale does not move. A good carb exchange for me is Jerky (not sure why) It might be the salt and my head still thinks of it as a snack food...Anyhooo. That is how my messed up food mind works
  12. Healthy_life2

    Strawberry Cheese Cake

    strawberry cheese Cake sugar free cheese cake pudding Sliced starwberries Sugar free smucker strawberry jam mixed with lime juice, Microwave and drizzle over berries Crust depending on how far out fro surgery You can go without crust Chopped nuts Crumbled sugar free short bread cookie
  13. Healthy_life2

    Strawberry Cheese Cake

    @@CanyonBaby I'm also a type one diabetic. Splenda and stevia don't raise my blood sugars. Real sugar I have when my blood sugars are low but I don't make a habit of real sugar. My dietician does our local bariatric cooking classes. She loves to add Protein powder to sugar free pudding recipes. If I have a sweet tooth...Two bites of this and my craving is over.
  14. Healthy_life2

    Overweight! Including Progress Pics

    @@JamieLogical Woohoo! you are just over weight...I love it! Congrats...
  15. Healthy_life2

    BariatricPal video gallery

    @@JamieLogical Thanks for the feed back. I have seen so many videos when I was researching having surgery. I was amazed at the results that people had. It still does not seem real that I have posted my own progress with my sleeve. Looking back i was so impatient. Nothing was happening fast enough for me. Now it seems it's gone so quick. Yep, its still emotional to look at it. But everything was so worth it.
  16. http://www.bariatricpal.com/videos/view-10-goal/ I just added my goal video to the gallery. I don't know why but I'm a bit emotional about posting it. I have never posted a video of something so personal ever. Feeling pretty exposed and vulnerable.
  17. Healthy_life2

    BariatricPal video gallery

    @ Thanks the compliment that my mom and father in law would be proud means a lot to me.
  18. Healthy_life2


    oops I'm at goal not a vlog..sorry
  19. Healthy_life2


    @@mimibandtosleeve BariatricPal has a new video area. I posted my video today. http://www.bariatricpal.com/videos/view-10-goal/
  20. Bought a cute summer dress today. XS. So excited for warm weather

    1. Healthy_life2


      I'm jealous. It's been too cold for my hubby to participate in things with me... Still pushing him *smile*

    2. Stephanie Salsera Perrott

      Stephanie Salsera Perrott

      Woohoo!!!! Get it girl.

    3. Kathy812


      Xs! You go girl, I wanna be like you when I get younger (lol).

      Jenn, I looked at your stats and you are rocking that sleeve! I'm going to private message you, I need to ask you some questions.

    4. Show next comments  375 more
  21. @@Laydee_G Sound's like the honeymoon phase is coming to an end. Reality is that this takes work. Great that you have recognized that emotional and stress eating are no longer a good coping mechanism. It's time to find what works for you to cope (hobbies exercise etc) Finding what will satisfy your hunger is a real issue. Protein, add your veggies to fill up on Fiber and have healthy Snacks available. Find things to satisfy cravings. Find healthy sweet and salty options. Hang in there. Letting go of some of the people around us happens. Just know more positive and supportive people will come into your life.
  22. Healthy_life2

    Food Waste?

    I make meals and freeze things. I can reheat chicken fajitas and not have to prepare a full meal for the family.
  23. i have compassion concerning people that are obese. I give people that are interested the information. I don't feel the need to save the world when it comes to this issue. I believe they need to get the info and save themselves. I have taken a wheel chair bound 500 pound person to a info seminar. The rest is up to her. I am a big advocate for weight loss surgery. I believe Michelle Obama is working on the obese issues with our younger generation. Hummm not sure if I'm on board with everything in that program. But its a start.
  24. Healthy_life2

    How have you changed?

    @@gowalking Before surgery I flat lined in ICU and then watched my mother and father in law gracefully except they were dieing from cancer. I changed. I want to live a life my mother was not able too. I have wasted too many years. I don't take any thing for granted. I have to take my enthusiasm down a couple of notches. I have realized my level of of enthusiasm is not everyone's. I am a genuinely happy person. Trust me this is a big change from my negative miserable past. I would rather build people up then tear them down. Far too many people out there that are negative. I just refuse to be that way. I'm an adrenaline junkie. Kayaking, distance running, challenging my self... i want to experience every thing. Life is just far too short. I am GIRLY! from years of working in a prison supervising men, wearing polyester uniforms with combat boots. Being one of the guys with my co workers. I now watch youtube tutorials on make up. paint my nails and even wear dresses. Who knew..

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