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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. @@Countrygrrl I understand the expense of gyms and trainers. The thought of not using my membership and still having to pay my monthly due's kills me. I cant take throwing money away. I guess its one way to keep me on track. There are other options out there that cost nothing. I'm still amazed at what I can find online. http://www.muscleandfitness.com/workouts/workout-routines/complete-mf-beginners-training-guide-0 http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/workout/programs.html http://toneitup.com/
  2. Healthy_life2

    your avatar... tell us about it

    @@CowgirlJane Where are these less than perfect attributes you mention. You are beautiful inside and out. My avatar is usually a corset. I just seem to change photos of different colors for the seasons. Why a corset? I have not had a waist for many years. Its just a simple reminder that I am in a new more approachable package. I was surprised to find I had a waist under all my weight.
  3. @@Countrygrrl You may be sore but you are doing amazing. I have reached goal now I'm working on my fitness goals. Right now I'm at the gym 5 days a week. Cardio I mix up (1) I jog on a treadmill for an hour at 6.0 per hour. OR (2) Eliptical for an hour on fat burn I have the resistance maxed at 20. After cardio I am strength training for an additional hour. My trainer has me on an all over body program. My legs are much stronger than my upper body. I'm increasing weight and can see that I am finally making gains. I do a Protein drink and liquid L-carnitine before a workout. a after workout recovery Protein Drink. Here is some information on things to eat before and after work outs. (some of the info might not fit your bariatic plan right now) http://www.msn.com/en-us/health/fitness/what-to-eat-before-and-after-every-kind-of-workout/ss-BBjBXV2 Lots of information out there. Right now I like MSN health.
  4. What advice can you give on ways to handle the mental game you have encountered with weight loss surgery? This can be anything from experience to recommendations on a book that has helped. Here is my example from experience. Self talk: anything said to oneself for encouragement or motivation, such as phrases or mantras; also, one's constant internal conversation. (My internal conversation has been negative surrounding my weight for years) All or nothing mentality: Either I am all the way in to my weight loss. Some times to the point of perfectionism. Or its nothing about my weight loss. If I have a weak moment and went off my plan. I find it now easy to give myself permission to be in my old bad habits and wallow in it. Had to ask myself how is my self talk and all or nothing thinking working for me? Are my self talk or all or nothing serving me well? Am I brave enough to try a new way of thinking and change? Because my option could be failure or death.
  5. Healthy_life2

    Natural hair and vsg

    @@homebondliz Lots of post on this. Just know the hair loss is temporary. Your health is for a life time. Many products to help hide thinning spots until it grows back. Even with my hair loss/thinning this is very much worth it.
  6. @@RichardVST This can happen to any of us. With more time away from surgery the weight loss game continues. I'm sure it has you down. My hope is you find what works for you to get over your slump.You have recognized this and yes! Its a destructive pattern. I am very much the same way. Not sure this will even help and most likely things you already know: Its easy to give yourself permission to go to the bad choices when you are having health issues. Try to keep them out of the house give yourself healthy craving options. Don't deprive yourself if you have a salty or sweet moment. Find the health options that satisfy it. Appetite can increase with types of food you intake. Find what makes you feel satisfied and not sluggish. Forgive yourself! If there is no struggle there is no progress. Hang in there my friend.
  7. Healthy_life2

    5k PR

    @@missysue Fantastic! thanks for the photo.
  8. Healthy_life2


    @@hellohealthy Make up, Spa day, girls night out, concerts learning and experiencing new things.
  9. Healthy_life2

    Don't you just hate it when you can't get out of your own way?

    @@roundisashape You are an inspiration. It is so true. No one cares about the people around them. They are to busy trying to fit their work out in, listening to music or watching TV's set up on the cardio machines. Congratulations on upping your work out. Soon you will be just another regular at that side of the gym. I understand the feeling like an imposter. Its still work to get your mind around this is who you are now. You are a work in progress. We all are.......even the people on the other side of the gym in spandex. :-)
  10. Healthy_life2

    It's all i think about

    @Babbs@nic_89 Amen to Babbs. Enjoy the research. The funny thing is even a year out I'm learning new things. I'm so excited for you.
  11. Healthy_life2

    Someone who's a year post op

    @@Aribay1 You are doing fantastic. You already know about comparing yourself to other people on here. The rate you drop weight is not important. Its the fact that YOU ARE dropping weight that matters. My advice is find a good motivation. What ever that is for you. Its summer. Great time to up your work out game. Find some fun and exciting active things to do. Mix it up You already know the basics.protein Water track food. Look at what you have accomplished so far! I'm 11 months out. I hope my mind will catch up with the weight loss. A few things to try: Put some pictures up to remind yourself how far you have come. I hope you saved a piece of clothing from your high weight. It helps on days when you cant see the loss to try on the old clothes and feel how big they are to you now. Stalls will happen. Just keep going! it will break.
  12. I finished race for the cure just in time for mothers day. This was a goal I set at the beginning of my weight loss. http://www.bariatricpal.com/videos/view-47-race-for-the-cure-5k/
  13. So glad someone started this subject. It has been on my mind lately. I am happily letting my old self retreat. I used my weight to be invisible and to keep people away from me. I have been in the process of finding myself. learning to forgive myself for many things, love myself again, never taking my health for granted and experience as much as I can because life is short. I have more confidence but it funny the things I'm struggling with right now. I still find that I am uncomfortable and awkward. I'm learning t how to dress a new body and how to act in social situations. These things are trivial. But I just have to laugh at myself that I'm this old and such a kid inside.It is a strange and wonderful experience to walk in the same shoes as a morbidly obese person to a healthy weight person.
  14. @ Thanks for your honesty. With weight loss surgery the work is never over..Right? Bravo to you for getting back on the horse. No point in beating yourself up over the weight gain. Push forward. We know you have done this before and you can do it again.
  15. Healthy_life2


    @@BrennaBoo The big day! so excited for you. You are doing this in part for your 11 year old. He/She will be so happy that you are healthy and a great roll model. You get to prolong your life and spend more of that time with your 11 year old. Get ready for the amazing things on the other side of being sleeved. Hope you recover well, Jenn
  16. @@Brigiter you are not a weirdo. The pain and discomfort is telling you you are full. For me its when I get to the point of burping. that is a sign to stop eating. Your hunger will come back. Enjoy not feeling hunger at this time.
  17. Healthy_life2

    Food, food, food

    @@dema24 Your relationship with food will change. But it will change in a good way. Check out some of the bariatric friendly recipes online. I still eat chicken fajitas just no tortilla. Many new and tasty things to try. here are a few links to check out. http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/ http://insidekarenskitchen.com/bariatric-friendly-recipes/
  18. Healthy_life2

    Victorias Secret

    @@kimpossible67 I do understand the addiction. Just enjoy it! lol
  19. Healthy_life2

    VIP Member Check In

    Age sex location. 46, Female, Boise Idaho. I grew up in Washington State. I started working in a male close custody prison at age 21 where I met my husband. (no he was not not incarcerated there. He was another staff member) I figured he passed a background check he was ok to date. He has been my biggest cheerleader throughout my weight loss process. He is amazing! So after 15+ years of working with criminals and victims of crime and WLS. I changed my career to have more positive things in life. I have two grown sons. 3 grown step daughters and grand babies are my life. I am 11 months out from my sleeve surgery. Things are so different for me post surgery. I am a adrenaline junkie. I open to all new experiences. I do charity distance run's. I'm a girly girl love shopping and make up. My energy and positive out look on life have been off the scale. Too many people in life that tear people down. I would rather build people up. LIFE IS SHORT! make no excuses for living an amazing life.
  20. Healthy_life2

    New "addiction"?

    My addictions are off the scale these days Looking for a holy hell drop dead clothing...its amazing to find dresses to go out on the town with my husband and see his jaw drop. Love him. Oh yes! even work out clothing. Finding music to fuel my inner bad ass at the gym. Gym Gym and Gym!!!! loving running and strength training. Running for race for the cure this weekend in memory of my mother. Great way to Celebrate mothers day. Make up tutorials on youtube. Wow what a difference this has made. When I reached a small goal I invested in some make up. nice treat. Even great self tanning info..Just in time for summer.
  21. Healthy_life2

    First day with a personal trainer

    @@JustWatchMe Way to step it up! Enjoy. Its great to have some one that has the knowledge to direct you into your goals. You will be amazed at the results you get.
  22. Good idea to check in with your Dr. Be prepared to experience cold in new ways as you drop weight. But the other issues..Yep get with your dr.
  23. Healthy_life2

    Quick question about hair loss

    @@Jennifer4775 I was told by my dietician that it will last about 6 months after the hair loss starts. For me It started at three months out. I'm 11 months out and I still have hair loss going on.
  24. @@vsg_vixon300 I'm not as far out as you. I do catch myself getting complacent/comfortable and not working as hard at myself as I should. Congrats on loosing 16 on your own! I am trying to shake myself into motivation again. Send me a private message if you ever need to talk.
  25. Healthy_life2


    @@Comeflywithme Congratulations on your one year anniversary. Any plans to Celebrate?

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