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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    One Year Toady 254 June 2nd 2014 to 135 June 2nd 2015 119 pounds What 100 pounds looks like
  2. Healthy_life2

    Changes at 1.5 Years Out

    @@Andrew0929 Carbohydrates are a hard thing for me as well. It is way to tempting to have wheat thins in my home. I always regret it when I use them as a small meal instead of my Protein and vegetable meal. The carbohydrates kick in my hunger and my energy drops. I'm now listening to my body. I know I will feel crappy if I don't eat healthy. I had to tell wheat thins we cannot be friends. Kudos to you on not gaining and your fitness level!
  3. Healthy_life2


    @@sjuarez Its not how fast you drop weight. Its the fact you are dropping weight. Are you tracking food and working out?
  4. Healthy_life2

    Bariatric pal specials

    @@chunkycharlie Random ad. I used a local bariatric surgeon in my area.
  5. Healthy_life2

    What a long journey....

    @@kristinb123 Wow! so sorry to hear about the complications you experienced. Hope all will go smoothly from here. Wishing you the best, Jenn
  6. Healthy_life2

    Almost 6 months out....

    @@applegal79 Hey take this a a good sign that you are craving healthy foods. You will be adding healthy carbs in time. Congrats on being 6 months out!
  7. Healthy_life2

    Maintenance is not what I expected.

    @@MelissaKSea I'm sorry to hear you are struggling. I understand the frustration. With your band empty does this feel like loosing weight as if you had not had WLS? I wish I had some good advice. At four years out I'm sure you have read about band to sleeve revision. Finances and risk another surgery may be an issue
  8. @@Sunshine_Gal I am a year out on June 2nd. My taste buds have changed but not as drastically as what you have described. Out of curiosity have you tried a extra hot seasoning or spice?
  9. You all have herd of the high divorce rate with weight loss surgery. I just want others to know this can be a wonderful thing in your relationship. I would love to hear what challenges you have had in your relationship that involved weight loss surgery. Also any advice on ways to help get over these situations that come up. Include your partner. Have them come to a meeting. Ask them to join you on a walk. They may say no. But its the fact you asked. You are doing new things without them. They may be feeling left behind. Reassurance. Insecurity was a big issue in my relationship. His thought was if I received compliments I was going to leave. As ridiculous as this sounded to me. I needed to validate what was going on with him and give him that reassurance. Date night: Many of us are in the daily grind of work and home. A dinner date out is a great option. You can get into better conversations without distraction. Also before you know it you are acting like teenagers again. Couples goal rewards: Make some of your small goal rewards couples rewards. My favorite one was a trip to Victoria secret. As old as we are we had a good laugh and did not care about the people around us. It a good thing for us.
  10. Healthy_life2

    Lost 100lbs 10 months after surgery

    @@Gianacruz Outstanding! how do you feel at ten months out?
  11. Healthy_life2

    Changes after WLS?

    @@azsqwurl Many of my emotional/mental issues were brought to the surface because of my weight loss surgery. If I chose to avoid them like I have done for many years. I was going to stay in a very dark place. Like many that have posted I was a emotional/Stress eater. This has been more than the physical change. It has forced me to address my issues and changed me emotionally/mentally all for the better. I found the gym has become my adrenaline rush,my best way to process issues. My motivation and inspiration. It's my church. Issues will come up that a song I hear on the radio addresses. That song gos into my work out play list. I have never taken the time to do things for myself in the past. Always to busy and taking care of others. The gym is my time. It feels great to do something selfish for myself:). It feels good to have me back.
  12. Healthy_life2


    @@LousPeachy My dieticians directions was to add healthy carbs in to my diet after I had lost 75% of my weight. I'm now in maintenance phase. I do have special K banana nut Protein oatmeal. Check your instructions or ask your surgeon/dietician.
  13. Healthy_life2

    June 17

  14. Healthy_life2

    My naked kitty! Pics inside!

    @@LipstickLady Naked kitties with loose skin issues. I can relate.
  15. @@pinkbunies One person. She is a family member. Her option if this does not happen is death. She is high risk. Waiting and praying for her approval.
  16. Enjoying a summer thunder and lightning storm. Then it hit me. I have to go out in it to get to the gym.

  17. @@Countrygrrl I'm so glad I'm not the only one that has this stuff in my head at the gym. Had to laugh. But it motivates me so I'm open to it. @@VSGAnn2014 you are so right about putting these things back in our lives. For me its been the greatest gift in this process.
  18. @@Wynnie You are a success look what you have accomplished. Love what you said about honesty. It really hits home with me. Congratulations and happy one year anniversary..
  19. @@carolscience Love these story's. I completed race for the cure in memory of my mom. This was a goal I had before surgery.
  20. Healthy_life2

    Body Shape / Clothes

    @@JCP Congratulations with your progress. Yes, I can relate. Its funny you never know where the weight will come off in this process. I was also out of proportion. That situation did get better with time. Getting comfortable with your body is much of this process. Plastics are not in my future. Spanx help. I just learned to love myself with all my flaws.
  21. @@Sara51692 The pain is temporary. Your results will be amazing! Its not just the physical changes but the changes on the inside that seem to have surprised me the most. What has helped most: Having support: Friends, Family, Local support groups and support from BariaticPal After care programs: Working one on one with my dietitian. Bariatric cooking classes. Behavioral change classes. a therapist to work through the weight loss process. Fitness: Starting slow and building up. It is my stress relief, my adrenaline rush and best place to problem solve issues. ITS MY CHURCH! Motivation: Find what is fun and excites you. Reward yourself for the big and little goals. Document your loss with a photo each month so you can see how far you have come. Save a pair of pants.(If you have days you struggle put them on). Get involved with weight loss challenges, sporting events, fun physical activities, charity events and just savor life before it's gone. Be prepared that your motivation will elvovle and change as you progress. Apps and Websites: Love that you can find an app for anything. I use them to track food, blood sugars, workout's and weight loss. Information is power. I receive MSN health and fitness feed. Keeps me up to date on trends great new articles every day. Fitness sites like tone it up keep me motivated. So much info out there just google it Welcome to an amazing experience that you are fortunate enough to have in life I hope you heal quickly, Jennifer
  22. Healthy_life2

    Uncertain futures

    @@CanyonBaby My heart is heavy thinking about you after reading this post. My hope is the love you have for your husband, prayer and support will give you the strength to take on this unfortunate challenge in life.
  23. @@CowgirlJane Sometimes it is a good reality check when a compliment comes your way. Its nice to have someone break that negative feeling surrounding weight issues. Glad to hear it put a smile on your face when you needed it. No harm in that. Enjoy it.
  24. Healthy_life2

    VENT: Caught off guard

    @@Sharon1964 It speaks VOLUMES about the MANY people in this world who behave like this. Their behavior/words are not a true representation of you. It is however a TRUE representation of how ugly THEY are on the inside. Its actually been a great experience being a morbidly obese person to a more acceptable package. Does not matter what size you are. There will always be these type of people in the world. I choose to be a positive energy and build people up. It messes these types of people up even more when they know their negativity does not have an effect on you. I don't give people the time of day that knowingly tear people down to make themselves feel better. So many more wonderful thing in life to place my energy into.
  25. Healthy_life2

    Share your rants about the fashion industry!

    It disturbs me that models even the plus size models are sold to us as the standard of beauty we should strive for. Air brushed photos and clothing tailored to fit their body. When I try on the same clothing it never looked the way it looked on the advertisement or manikin in the store.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
