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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. @@Wendyfm Congrats on your 95 pound weight loss. Constipation. Oh yes, I have been there. Lots of Water and ask your surgeons office about what stool softener they would recommend. 4 pounds can be frustrating. You got this! The scale will move again. you already know how to work your plan. You are on your way to goal my friend, Jenn1
  2. Healthy_life2


    @@Dprovie I'm sorry to hear about your complications. I hope your surgeons office and dietician can help you with this issue. With the warm weather Sip your liquids and get as much in as you can. Sometimes this is a chore but it is important not to become dehydrated again. Wishing good things, Jenn1
  3. http://www.enasco.com/prod/images/products/66/AC113792l.jpg
  4. @@grumpy09c1 Your plan may be different than mine. Below is what I was instructed by my dietician. In weight loss phase low carb high Protein meals. After a 75% weight loss I could add healthy carbs. Plant based and whole wheat. Whole wheat Pasta Sweet potatoes and regular potatoes Whole wheat breads This is a photo of a bariatric plate.It helped me with proportions.
  5. This is a small issue in the scheme of things. I'm over a year out. I just don't feel like eating when its this hot. I'm busy more than ever this year. Just trying to get my food and liquids in is becoming a chore. Enough of my little rant. Just hot and cranky.
  6. Healthy_life2

    Psyc appt, what are they looking for?

    @@quiltermom65 Its pretty basic stuff. I agree with the posts above.They are looking to see if you are in a good mental state to change behaviors. They want to make sure you are successful.. They are not trying to stop this process for you.
  7. @@TexasGirl86 There is always pain with any type of surgery. You will heal with time. Since this is your first experience I understand the freak out. If you have questions ask your Dr. I hope this will put your mind at ease. The pain is temporary your results will be amazing.
  8. @@Soma I love fajitas. I just don't eat a tortilla with it to keep carbs down Web sites for food Ideas below http://insidekarenskitchen.com/bariatric-friendly-recipes/ http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/
  9. Healthy_life2

    Self Conscious....

    @@Rebeccaabrooks86 Sorry for the length of this post. I was the same. I felt like I would be judged for my size and being out of shape at the gym. The majority of people are concentrating on their own goals and not to concerned about people around them. The funniest things seem to happen to me at the gym and makes me laugh at myself every day. I know if this crap is happening to me. I know it has to be happening to other WLS patients. If you or anyone has a gym story I have to know about it. First I found my personality changed. I'm competitive and aggressive when I workout. I had to give my gym persona a name. Her name is holy hell girl friend Second. I seem to get lost in my music. It drives and motivates me. Before I knew it I was keeping up exercising to the beat of the music. Here is where my mind takes me at the gym. I was listening to a warriors call by Volbeat. I started picturing myself in camouflage and the added camouflage face paint. OMG had to chuckle at myself and hope no one knew about my twisted self at the gym Third..Here is one of my NSV. Three tread mills were empty. I stepped up to the middle one. I noticed two people on both sides stepped up at the same time. To my right was a young guy. to my left a guy about my age. I start jogging a song walking a song. The young guy wont be out done by the old lady next to him. He starts jog/walking. Now the guy to the left sees this and he begins jog/waling. In my twisted mind THE RACE WAS ON! Soon the young guy to the right is breathing heavy and can't quite keep up. In my twisted mind I hear a sports announcer giving me a play by play of this guy struggling. Soon he gives up stops the treadmill and hit the locker room. VICTORY! I was on the treadmill longer than the young guy. I finish my hour on the treadmill the guy to the left thanks me for keeping him motivated. ( instant shock for me) He introduces himself and he was a physical education teacher at a local high school. BIG NSV these are things that have never happened to me in my life time. Its been one of my biggest joys after my WLS. I hope it never ends.
  10. Bought my first bathing suit after goal. Bring on the hot weather!

    1. JamieLogical


      I am jumping on the pic demand train.

    2. Healthy_life2


      Jamie You are an instigator. Lol I think I need a drink or two to be brave enough for that my friend.

    3. Healthy_life2


      I'm in my late 40's girls. If I show you better believe you better give me your pics!!!!!

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  11. Healthy_life2

    Am I really that vain?

    @@Sylvia13 Soon you will get the look of shock on peoples face and the complements. It really is nice when it all settles down and they except that this is you.
  12. Healthy_life2

    Did everyone have a drain?

    @@Missbliss14 I did have a drain. Only in for two days then removed. It was a piece of cake compared to a catheter :-)
  13. Healthy_life2

    What I have gained...

    Fantastic! Congratulations
  14. Healthy_life2

    Friends or foe

    @@vgbranch What kind of friends are they if they cannot be supportive of you. Some relationships will change with this process. Some people will be unnerved or even threatened by your changes. They are not comfortable for things to be out of the norm. You might have to distance some relationships. Or even cut them off if they are trying to sabotage what you are working so hard for. Just know this is normal for a lot of us after surgery. Keep supportive positive people in your life. Why waste your time and energy on the negative.
  15. Healthy_life2

    9 months - with pictures

    @@*Lexie* only 9 months out. You are looking and doing great!
  16. Healthy_life2

    Maintenance is not what I expected.

    @@Rogofulm I have issues with snacking. My time is crunched at work so I grab a quick meal out the door. The problem is I grabbed a box of wheat thins and had no room for Protein. My body did not respond well. I now have Quest bar. I seem to have no time to eat at work these days.
  17. @@tera1982 Type 1 also. My Dr suggested the sleeve. I'm now having lows and eat my glucose tablets on occasion. I have no dumping syndrome with the sleeve. (which I guess is a good thing) My A1C is well controlled. I hardly use my insulin. I'm just eating right and exercising. This has made all the difference in the world to me.
  18. Healthy_life2

    Waist training

    It is a body modification. We are all adults this is a choice that may not be for everyone. I like that you train for a few months and you get an hour glass figure. After not having a waist for so long it's a nice change.
  19. Healthy_life2

    Waist training

    I started waist training in my 5th month out from surgery. Your size of corset will change rapidly with weight loss. I'm on my third corset.
  20. Healthy_life2

    Waist training

    @@sugabear44 Are you talking corset waist training?
  21. After years of being invisible to men. I'm not quite sure what to think about attention I get now. I am happily married and not looking. I am baffled that men even look at me. I have my wedding ring on. What is going on???? A younger man asked if he could pay for my groceries. I told him that was sweet but no... I have it...He was fine and smiled and went on his way. A month later I had two younger men in front of me in a grocery store check out. They insisted on buying my groceries. They would not take no for an answer. I brought home a free dinner for me and my husband. Is this a new way to pick up women that I am clueless about? Holiday's I was at a sports pub for a drink. Bar tender asked for my ID. (I'm an old chick) I said..I'm a grand ma and you want my ID? He laughed and said he wanted to know if I was close to his age. My drink arrived and he paid for it. ..Again I'm clueless. I guess I should be flattered about the attention. I'm so used to being invisible that I don't pick up on what the motivation is from men sometimes...laughing at myself. I'm clueless. Does the attention seem a bit amplified because I'm not used to it? Does it mellow out and go away?
  22. Healthy_life2

    I hit my 100lbs lost today! WOO HOO!

    Fantastic! love your reward idea.
  23. Healthy_life2

    One year out today.

    254 June 2nd 2014 to 135 June 2nd 2015 119 pounds What 100 pounds looks like
  24. Healthy_life2

    Support Groups!

    @@tlemieux220 I am also proud of what I have accomplished. For me I don't feel the need to be the spokes person for bariatrics. And I really don't want to be in that roll. There are people I will open up to about WLS. Only if they are truly interested.
  25. One year out today. So much on on my mind. It's strange looking back to see where I was.

    1. Healthy_life2


      Babbs. Thanks so much. I'm so happy you are so close to goal. Hope you celebrate big.


    2. Stephanie Salsera Perrott
    3. cookiecody


      Thank you so much!!!

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