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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    What now?

    @@KatrinaGrace Well said my friend. Love life. Have new adventures and goals. No need to let WLS take up all your time anymore.
  2. Healthy_life2

    Right of Passage

    @@joatsaint The changes made to get my life back was the best part of my weight loss surgery. Rediscovering who I am and what I wanted out of life has been such a joy.
  3. @@Julie norton Summer is great this year. I now go out in the warm weather without trying to cover up my body with a cardigan sweater over a sundress. Bought a swim suit. I am spending my evenings after work and the gym in my hot tub. Looking forward traveling to visit family and friends this month. They have only seen pictures of me since my weight loss. Cant wait to get hugs that can wrap all the way around me. @@Julie norton Summer is great this year. I now go out in the warm weather without trying to cover up my body with a cardigan sweater over a sundress. Bought a swim suit. I am spending my evenings after work and the gym in my hot tub. Looking forward traveling to visit family and friends this month. They have only seen pictures of me since my weight loss. Cant wait to get hugs that can wrap all the way around me.
  4. Healthy_life2

    What else?

    @@leylada The standard is that the hair loss will last for about six months. Just know this is temporary. Here are a few products I have used http://www.overstock.com/Health-Beauty/Nioxin-System-Kit-4/8657065/product.html?refccid=RY6VSQNDUSTY7SSJPFIOWZJTTA&searchidx=10 http://www.toppik.com/
  5. Healthy_life2

    Can you take pills after VSG?

    You might have to crush them.You will get instruction by you Dr.
  6. Healthy_life2

    Can you take pills after VSG?

    @@Tazwella Yes you are able to take pills after surgery. You may be surprised. My Dr.took me off many meds the day after surgery.
  7. Healthy_life2

    So I've noticed...

    @@Elode Look at you! Beautiful inside and out. Invisible was fine for me at my high weight. i admit the complements and reactions feel great. I'm always amazed people treat us much better when your healthy. The arm thing I'm fine when my arms are at my sides. I think to get rid of it plastics are the only way to go. I strength train. It helps a but my bat wings just have a bicep LOL
  8. Healthy_life2

    Let's Talk About Feet Baby

    @@Shamroxx My shoe size went down two sizes. All I needed was that excuse to buy amazing new shoes. Loving heels. I can walk so much easier in them.
  9. Healthy_life2

    One year out today

    @@Pelicanlady Happy One Year Anniversary!
  10. Healthy_life2

    NSV shout outs

    When a woman who is a regular at your gym asks how many miles you jogged daily. Then say's damn you are gorgeous.
  11. 2013! so good to see the people that are further out on the forum. Glad to hear you are maintaining well after two years. Thanks for sharing your success.
  12. Healthy_life2

    I can't believe he said that!

    @@New Me 2015 Tell him you will gladly give your surgeon his professional opinion...lol Agreed what a moron
  13. @@Wendyfm Congratulations on your year out anniversary! hope you do something special to Celebrate.
  14. New make -up Now that I have a new face to put it on Toe nail polish now that I can reach my toes Hubby and I had a couples goal gift. Went to Victoria secret. Walked out with a size small. NSV Just living life and doing the things I was not able to do at my high weight. Kayak, Travel, Concerts...you name it. I'm up for it for goal rewards.
  15. @@CowgirlJane No harm in enjoying the attraction from men. It's always a boost to the ego.
  16. Healthy_life2


    @@Mrs.Hansen88 Do you have a goal reward for onderland? Hope you Celebrate big~!
  17. Healthy_life2

    Weight regain

    @@Tam180 Glad to hear your back on the scale and back on your program.You have done this before and you can do it again. You got this~!!!
  18. Healthy_life2

    1.5 years out, only 40% loss, Devastated

    @ I understand the tears and the feeling of devastation. I hope you can give yourself credit and acknowledge you have lost 85 pounds. It is not how much or how quickly you drop weight. It is the FACT you have lost weight. It sounds like you want more out of this and to be more of a participant in life.There is no need to give up on this process. You have been brave enough to lose 85 pounds. Being a bariatric patient never end's it's all about the choices we make. Are you brave enough to fight for your self confidence, a relationship and to live your amazing life? You very much deserve to have all the things you have mentioned. We are here in you corner fighting with you. Be brave...press on .....work your program.
  19. Healthy_life2

    Fat Related Routines You Won't Miss

    @@The Candidate Shaving my legs and arm pits was a chore. My shower is a small vertical coffin.Now I fit in it and I'm hairless! thanks sleeve
  20. Healthy_life2

    My introduction

    @@kraken818 Welcome to BariatricPal. Congratulations on your weight loss and getting rid of the medical issues. So much information and support here. I hope you enjoy the site.
  21. Healthy_life2

    Beyond excited!

    @@shannalynne Fantastic weight loss in six months. Look at you!
  22. Healthy_life2

    Weird Body Dysmorphia

    @@Madmax68 As weight drops rapidly. For some of us It will take time for the mind to catch up. I still place a picture of me at goal on my bathroom mirror to remind myself I am no longer a large person. Excepting my new self is something I'm working on and it is getting better. After years of negativity around my size. I'm trying to change that internal conversation. Go easy on yourself you are a work in progress, Jenn1
  23. Healthy_life2

    Lost my mind!

    @@mtraverse Eat in a room away from him..lol He should put his big boy panties on and get up and get his own meal.
  24. Healthy_life2

    Summer plans?

    This summer has been fantastic so far. Went to a concert at an outdoor amphitheater in 102 heat. Lots of Water and pulled pork. I have a wine run. Beautiful wine country vineyards to run past. Concert, food and wine tasting afterward at the winery (just good food choices) Several gathering with friends -BBQ good lean meat and salad and fluids Traveling - Mostly restaurants food. I pull up the menu's online before hand so I can make good choices. Enjoy your summer everyone~!!!
  25. @@WL WARRIOR This is not a big deal at all. Its all a balance. What works for me might not work for someone else. Eating changes quit a bit in maintenance phase.The above post was for members in weight loss mode. I definitely do not eat as the above weight loss instructions. My calories and proportions have increased. And I do eat 6 meals a day to fuel my fitness level.

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