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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. After reaching goal. I slowed down my work outs and added carb's. I was able to maintain my weight. But it felt empty. In weight loss mode I was very focused and goal oriented. Anyone else feel this way? I'm now directing maintenance in to fitness level goals. I'm reading how to get better results from my work out. I'm trying to get my body more lean and build more muscle. My hope if I keep this mind set I will continue to keep my head in this for the long term.
  2. Healthy_life2

    My 1 year mark! YEAH!

    Happy one year anniversary !!!
  3. Healthy_life2

    You know you lost weight when

    When you finally go out of the house feeling comfortable about your saggy skin. you dont feel the need to wear your size small spanx
  4. Healthy_life2

    Ability to Exercise

    @@choosehope With limited ability with exercise my hospital gave resistance bands. You can find them here. http://www.target.com/p/c9-round-resistance-bands/-/A-14549454#prodSlot=_1_9 It will start the process. Moving and toning. Once some wight comes off you will feel better and might try to slowly move into some exercise you are comfortable to progress into
  5. Healthy_life2

    Two months at the gym - Results

    @@JustWatchMe Thanks for the tip. I wish I would have tracked my measurements. I'm going to start doing it now for the motivation. I seem to always rely on the scale.
  6. Healthy_life2

    Any one rocking a belt these day's?

    @@Babbs I still have that issue with the pooch in front. Spanx are helping but wow with my belly and an arch in my back now. I look like I have a sever curve to my spine...i will post a pic soon.
  7. Healthy_life2

    Realities of weight loss

    @@jess9395 So glad you posted the link. Yep I needed to read this. It was perfect timing. Thanks
  8. Healthy_life2

    In the 100 Club!

    @@Daveo You are doing fantastic....Woo Hoo!. Do you have a goal reward for being in the 100 club?
  9. Healthy_life2

    Rant from a single woman!

    One of my bariatric guy pals brought this up to me last night. He is finding that people at work that would not give him the time of day now want to be friends and meet up after work. Understand this guy has always been out going with a great laugh and smile.He makes everyone around him feel comfortable and welcome.. I can see both sides of this argument. We change our personality, We have our wall down. We are positive and excited about life. We are still getting responses and reactions from strangers. Both male and female. That have never seen or talk to us before? It seems to be both appearance and the inside change. I have no chip on my shoulder about this. I'm actually just finding it interesting. I am married to a good man. But I look and appreciate a good looking man.
  10. Healthy_life2

    Rant from a single woman!

    @@SassyTassy Here is my comment scale... Nice compliment - Hilarious compliment - Backhanded/negative compliment - to uncomfortable and creepy compliment The men topic. When I was heavy I was disregarded disrespected and invisible. They now look, They hold doors open. Make a point to talk to you. It amazes me the value people put on looks. @ I also love the video. It hits home. We are lucky in life to experience the world as an obese person to a healthy weight person. For me its a good perspective to know who likes me for me..or who is only interested in the appearance.
  11. @@cuchas Here are a few links for some good food ideas http://insidekarenskitchen.com/bariatric-friendly-recipes/ http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/
  12. Healthy_life2

    Any one rocking a belt these day's?

    @@AvaFern High waist belts. Ok I have to look this up. I love to see different styles. I'm now open to trying new clothing. Its been fun to see if I can pull off different clothing. I'm still trying to be age appropriate. But there are days when I don't care if wearing younger clothing offends people.
  13. Healthy_life2

    Any one rocking a belt these day's?

    @@Queen of Crop I'm with ya on the bracelets. My hands and wrist were puffy. love that I had my rings downsized.
  14. Healthy_life2

    Bad breath and taste

    @@hopefulmom76 Its normal. Listerine melting strips seem to help.
  15. Healthy_life2

    At what point did you make goal?

    @ Its not how quickly you get to goal. I also don't want to see anyone comparing their loss to anyone else. I reached goal at 7 months out. I am a little below goal now.
  16. I found this online. I have great restriction still at a year out. I'm curious is this a myth or is this proven? Gastric Sleeve Surgery – Will My Stomach Stretch After Surgery? October 18, 2013 One of the first questions patients ask about food. The surgery has a nice benefit of reducing the hunger inducing hormone Snacks in between meals. Almonds are a delicious and healthy way to feel satisfied in between meals. Get a good book with healthy recipes that are geared for people who have gone through gastric sleeve surgery. DO NOT get discouraged. If you fell off the wagon and binged one or two meals or even the entire previous week. The stomach and the mind is an amazingly resilient thing. Start over and start eating normal meals again. Call your surgeon and ask for help before it gets too far out of hand. Get on the online forums and ask others for help. Don’t be embarrassed to ask for help. So stretching your stomach after gastric sleeve surgery is not a myth. It can happen and it does happen. Be aware of it and prevent it. Remember how hard the surgery and recovery was? Remember what a big decision you made? Its never too late to change your habits and get back on the right track.
  17. @@Babbs Thanks for the video. Good information. On a personal note. He is much easier on the eyes than our Dr. In Boise.....Right?..lol
  18. Ĥ@@Shustar Thanks, for the compliment. That was sweet.
  19. Healthy_life2

    Trying one more time

    @@jenc427 Reached my breaking point when I was in a hospital ICU for 8 days. My type one diabetes was out of control. I went in to DKA. I died on the table. I'm lucky to be here. I now have a second chance in life that I don't take for granted. Just know the pain from surgery is temporary. Getting your health and your life back is amazing.
  20. @@Babbs Thanks Babbs. I will look it up
  21. @@Bndtoslv i found it here. http://obesitycoverage.com. I always questions things I find online. Just looking for more information.
  22. Healthy_life2

    Worst Restaurant Food You Ordered?

    @@Alex Brecher Ok, I have not had this. Its a new menu Item at applebees. The name alone made me laugh.The Triple Hog Dare Ya with Bacon, pulled pork, and ham. Not only that but they advertise refill after refill of fries for free. you have to see the commercial. Link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bQQAct040k
  23. Healthy_life2

    Someone slap me please!

    @@Sharon1964 There are healthy bariatic friendly pizza alternatives to get the craving out of the way after WLS http://eatlocalgrown.com/article/14230-cauliflower-crust-pizzas.html?c=jer
  24. Healthy_life2

    Funky work out clothes...

    @@dhrguru I wear polyester/spandex. I'm not sure what cool max is. (I will google it) I like the material because breathes better when you sweat and does not rub skin when you workout. Cotton seems to stick to my body with sweat. I avoid it. I use laundry scent booster. It seems to work. My running shoes get fabreezed daily . I hope to hear other responses of what works well for workout gear
  25. Healthy_life2

    What's on Today's Menu?

    Maintenance phase Breakfast: 2 Jimmy dean turkey sausage links and avocado to the side (don't judge it was great ) Lunch: on the run. Long day at work. Had a Quest bar and half an Isopure Protein apple melon Water. If you have not tried this water its great for the summer. One bottle has 40 grams of protein. Dinner: BBQ pork loin, green Beans with sliced almonds and two table spoons of garlic mashed potato. Snack tonight: sugar free vanilla pudding mixed with a coconut greek light and fit yogurt. Strawberries to top it off.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
