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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    Breakfast ideas

    @@naturegirl this is at regular food stage: Greek light n fit yogurt with sliced strawberries Scrambled eggs sauteed green/ red peppers ,sweet onion and jimmy dean turkey sausage. Mini muffin pan bites to go: Well beaten eggs...Add bits of bacon, ham or sausage. Add veggies if you like them...Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and a bit of shredded cheese.. Bake at 400. . Make ahead of time to microwave and head out the door.
  2. Healthy_life2

    Shellfish Anyone

    @@JohnT Soft stage was tuna fish. I also had crab. When I got to the real food stage Shrimp, lobster, BBQ Salmon, oysters. I love seafood I'm originally from the Seattle Washington area. I miss it. here is one of my favorite crab recipes. 1/2 cup of imitation crab 1/2 cup real crab meat Finely chop 1/2 seeded cucumber 2 table spoons sweet onion 1 table spoon pickled ginger, 1/3 cup green scallions. and a table spoon of rice vinegar. Add all ingredients in a bowl add olive oil mayonnaise. Mix together Cut avocados in half, remove the seed and stuff the avocado with the crab salad.
  3. Healthy_life2

    Need some brutal honesty

    @@Inner Surfer Girl @ @@*Lexie* Thanks ladies!!!!. I will wait a few months to see if my skin snaps back. If not I think I will check into fillers. Never thought about botox. I am goggling my local doctors that do botox today.
  4. Healthy_life2

    Important Question

    @@Kym Preslar @@JamieLogical I am older and I carried weight in my face. My result reflects that...... Jamie you look younger. Great comparison photos. weight 199 Weight 140 Wow I have never seen these side by side. I was trying to go for looking healthy...Wow now I'm questioning things...Is this age or should I gain a few back????
  5. Healthy_life2

    Important Question

    @@Kym Preslar I have to admit when my face is fuller at a higher weight I did look younger. I'm 46 On a positive note my body looks younger now.
  6. Healthy_life2

    Shellfish Anyone

    @@JohnT Have no problem with it. Not restricted by my dietician.
  7. Healthy_life2

    What would you do?

    @@mommyfrog3 I understand you care for your friend. She is an adult. She is responsible for her own behavior. If it was me. I would not talk to her about her choices. Can't change other people.
  8. Healthy_life2

    Here we go....

    @@kblbe98 Congratulations~! Glad to see you are documenting as you go. Things will become a routine and will get better. hang in there.
  9. Healthy_life2

    Grocery shopping

    @@BestDayEver It's great to have the family eating healthy with you. I like that the food I buy is fresh, not packaged and still tastes great. Finding wonderful new recipes and foods to try. I have found cooking a joy again.
  10. Healthy_life2

    What am I missing ?

    @@Dub Many reasons for not sharing personal info anywhere on the web. If you have decided not to tell people about your weight loss procedure, Fear of theft of your photos, Someone posting your photos on twitter or face book...I can go on and on . here is my before and after video. http://www.bariatricpal.com/videos/view-10-goal/
  11. Healthy_life2


    @@JamieLogical The bloat issue for me is visible and uncomfortable. Funny this is a little in the scheme of things. Wish it was a matter of gas x to make it go away.
  12. Healthy_life2

    What's your "weight loss pet peeve?"

    @@Elode @@laguerr13 Dang..made my coffee come out my nose laughing
  13. Healthy_life2

    Any before and after pics!

    If you go to the success stories area. You will see the topic of before and after photos. At the bottom of my post is my before and after video. Many other videos in the video area. Just takes some time to learn the site.
  14. Healthy_life2

    What's your "weight loss pet peeve?"

    @@Elode congratulations on the newsletter. My pet peeve is people that now want to be friends. When before weight loss they would not give me the time of day. Maybe this is my inner fat girl with a chip on my shoulder.
  15. Healthy_life2

    Ladies, What Size Jeans Do You Wear?

    Starting out at 254 My sweet hubby move the button out after I popped it off because they were too tight. So I would say I was a size 24. I'm 5'5" I'm 132 Jean size 2 Anyone notice sizes differ with designers??
  16. Healthy_life2

    NSV shout outs

    When you buy a bathing suit and feel comfortable in your own skin. Wow just realized I have never been photographed in a bathing suit and felt ok about it enough to show others. NSV!
  17. Healthy_life2

    Is / was your nutritionist all that helpful?

    @@VSGAnn2014 I had four consults wit my dietician/nutritionist. It was good information for beginners in WLS. Protein and Water requirements. Vitamin supplements. food portions and stages. My team from our hospital is great. With this exception. All answers are cookie cut for people in the weightloss stage. Its a one size fits all. I talked to my dietician at a meeting. I asked about my blood sugars dropping to 35. I'm a type one diabetic. She did not know. Took my information and said she would call me...Never returned my call I talked with the same nutritionist at another meeting. My hair loss is ridiculous at this point. I'm over a year out and its still falling. She gave me the cookie cut answers that we all get. Biotine, protein intake.. i had to explain how far I'm out again and I have tried more that what she had mentioned. She took my contact information said she would call me back ....Still have not received a call back.
  18. Yes this topic has been beat into the ground. Here it is again....Hair loss is temporary. The norm is it will stop six months after it starts I'm a year and two months out. My hair loss has continued. (I will post a pic after I get off work) I found some information on the live strong web site. I am NOT saying to stop exercise and moving in you bariatric process. I have to admit I have taken my exercise to a bit of an extreme. This was part of the info. Excessive exercise over a long period of time puts the body into a state of chronic stress, advises Ann Louise Gittleman, nationally known nutritionist and author of the "The Fat Flush Fitness Plan." Chronic stress is one of the top two causes of telogen effluvium (TE), a condition in which hair follicles go into a resting phase prematurely and shed hair rather than continuing to grow it, the American Hair Loss Association explains. Poor nutrition is the other top cause of TE, which shows up as thinning hair all over the scalp. This shedding might not be even, with some areas of the scalp losing more hair than others. here is the link http://www.livestrong.com/article/75051-exercise-hair-loss/
  19. Healthy_life2

    Yes, This is a repeat topic

    I do not want this to change peoples mind about surgery. It is worth it. I have second thoughts about posting my photos. But here I go. Left is my hair 1 month out from surgery. The right is my hair a year and 2 months.
  20. Healthy_life2

    Doubts ever?

    @@capricec Going out with friends or even a date is still just as fun. The amount that you eat makes you a cheap date. I still love to cook. I work for a catering service. It's so nice not to crave all the amazing food I see daily.
  21. Healthy_life2

    What happens when you don't exercise post surgery...

    Here is a BMI Calculator. If your stats are correct you are at a 22 BMI. Congratulations! you are at a healthy weight http://stlukesonline.org/boise/specialties_and_services/Bariatric_Surgery/bmi.php
  22. Healthy_life2

    What happens when you don't exercise post surgery...

    @ Putting on muscle helped me to look healthier. Understand after years of avoiding mirrors and cameras. I am still working on the body issues. It does not help to hear comments like the one's you have herd. The only one who has to be happy with the way you look is you. If you are at a healthy BMI. Does it really mater what other people think? I am in my late 40's hair dye oh yes! New make up that I learned from youtube tutorials Yes! New clothing and being open to new styles Yes! you are 29..Live it up~Life is short...
  23. Healthy_life2

    Doubts ever?

    @@capricec It's great that you are trying some of the steps that will take place after surgery. Most of us before surgery have struggled on diets and exercise.We have seen the yo yo effect of weight loss then gains over and over. With bariatric surgery I looked at food differently and felt satisfied. Food no longer ruled my world. Just know the changes you make with the surgery will become your new normal. My behaviors before surgery put me in a place where I was not living my life the way I wanted. Making changes both physically and mentally with bariatrics is so worth it. I have a sleeve. Understand I can eat what ever I want. I have had to make a choice. My food addictions and bad habits. Or to make changes to get healthy to live and enjoy life. I am at goal. Yes I can have a treat now and then. But I know I have to workout even harder to not see the scale reflect that food choice. With the sleeve you do not get dumping syndrome. Some of the other surgery types will get dumping syndrome after eating sugar. I had my doubts before surgery if I was strong enough to be successful. You have a lot of support on bariatricpal. Try not to think of the never going to be able to do.....and think of all the things you can get back in life if you are willing to make changes. I wish you the best, Jenn
  24. Having a great time with my husband. Every Sunday we are riding our bikes to a local coffee shop. I'm so proud of his decision to get healthy. Still finding new adventures after a year out from surgery
  25. @@Nickkibear24 I was selective of who I told. Don't care what they thought or currently think. If people can't be happy for positive things in life they live in their own negative misery. Life is far to short to give unsupportive people a second thought.

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