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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. I floated the river with family and friends. Beautiful views and relaxing. So happy for to have the experience. Before surgery I would have been out of breath and worried about sinking my innertube
  2. Healthy_life2

    CRAZY Hair Loss!

    @@glitter eyes I'm 12 months. Your post sound exactly what has happened to my hair. My dietician told me I can't blame the surgery this far out. My lab work is all great. She suggested getting my hormone levels checked. I will try the liquid silica.
  3. Healthy_life2

    I was brave enough to do..?

    @@OKCPirate Love your NSV ideas. You have to tell us how it all worked out. Starting weight..oh yes staying afloat would be an issue Current weight I had to lift my butt out of the middle of the innertube lay flat on my back to reach the Water. It was the only way I could paddle and navigate down the river. Maybe I shrunk in height with my WLS.
  4. Healthy_life2

    I was brave enough to do..?

    @@proudgrammy Thanks hun. It is great to just live a life again. Looking forward to more adventures.
  5. Healthy_life2

    I was brave enough to do..?

    Sorry about the double post..Computer issues today.
  6. Healthy_life2


    @@Yrkybarry Congratulations on all your success, You have endless possibility's of ways to celebrate. Vacations to something special to wear and a night out. Enjoy your moment. Check back in and let us know what you did to celebrate. Would love to hear it.
  7. Healthy_life2

    NSV shout outs

    Summer NSV! Had a great day with family and friends on the Boise river today. We rented innertube's to float the river. The park staff called my name to pick up my equipment. He handed me a child's life jacket to wear. He said the adult size would not fit me.
  8. Healthy_life2

    Makeovers? LADIES!

    @@leag78 Before surgery I never made the effort and could not find things that looked attractive. If it fit was the only thing that I worried about. I did the same routine with makeup that I have done for years. With a new body and face I was forced to do a makeover. I love youtube video makeup tutorials. Its been so long since I took the time to put on makeup. Its great to get tips on new products and how to put it on correctly. Even ways to get different looks. My hair issue is still there. Hope it grows back. I use topix to hide the thin areas to the gym and work.. I have worn extensions. My hair is very thin and the clips have started to show.. .. to remedy the situation I bought a lace front wig. I wear it to give my own hair a break. Husband loves it. Making the best out of it. Shopping for clothing is an addiction. Bought an evening gown to go out on a special date with my husband. Great workout gear. I feel comfortable in jeans again. Just wish I had some booty. I bought a pair of Victoria secret slacks for work.. A bathing suit. Heels I cant get enough of.
  9. This will be the first time my step daughter has seen me in a year since WLS. I pick her up from the air port tomorrow. ( she lives out of state) Everyone that lives close have seen the wight loss. They are over the shock. I'm dreading her reaction and questions. Damn I'm nervous.

    1. Healthy_life2


      Gowalking mountaingirl. She is one of the many family members I did not tell about my WLS. She seen me at a family event last August. I was 40lbs down. Her first comment when she saw me was..... "what a transformation" She has never had weight issues. I now weigh less than my step daughter. Family has seen a few photos. I'm understanding of peoples responses when they have not seen the gradual change. Just don't want my weight to be a topic while she is here to visit.

    2. FocusOnMeNow


      But of course it will be since she might not even recognize you. If you don't want it to be a topic of discussion during the visit you might want to consider discussing it with her in advance.

    3. Healthy_life2


      She was supportive until now. The issue seems to be I weigh less than her now. Again she is a healthy weight. It's the initial shock that gets me. Moving on with her stay. I'm over it

    4. Show next comments  351 more
  10. Healthy_life2

    For Newbies

    If you have not seen these websites check them out. It's fun to see what your weight loss can and will look like. Also helps to get a perspective if you still see yourself as heavy. weight loss simulator: Men and women: http://www.modelmydiet.com What men look like: http://mybodygalleryformen.com/ What women look like: http://www.mybodygallery.com
  11. Healthy_life2

    Need some brutal honesty

    @@jess9395 Yep its my age and weight as well. Its been 8 months after goal for me also. I have no bounce back to my skin. This is a small issue in life. Laughing at myself. Humm this might be vanity in my old age.
  12. Healthy_life2

    Need some brutal honesty

    @@erp Sounds great. I will check into it.
  13. Healthy_life2

    This may be gross...

    @@khaled Might want to check with your surgeons office
  14. @ Congrats for getting back on your bike. Your workouts are going to help out. Your fitness level is going to continue to increase. Biking is great cardio. I agree with @@Stevehud a good seat is a wonderful thing. You have been out on your bike before, Its like a horse..Get back on it Try seeing how far you feel comfortable going is a good start. I started riding last month wish I would have started sooner. I'm a kid again. Loving it!
  15. I started wearing a belt for the first time in years. First it was for necessity to hold up my pants. Now I am seeking to buy cute ones when I'm out shopping. Its the little thing in life that make my day
  16. Healthy_life2

    Cold more often ?

    @@MrsKarenC2008 This is summer. Wait until you get to experience winter this year.
  17. Idaho Wine run this Saturday. Wild fire 10 mile away from the race. Hazy vizion people with inhalers. Oh this should be interesting.

    1. Healthy_life2


      Just checked the news today they are asking residents to evacuate that live 10 miles away from the winery. The fire is 11% contained...No cancellation yet...Why am I so optimistic. It would be an experience to run next to the vineyards with a wild fire in the distance.

    2. IcanMakeit


      I was thinking of you today while driving north from CA to Oregon. We drove through so many miles of thick smoke from wildfires. In some places, just breathing was challenging.

    3. Healthy_life2


      Made 3rd place for women in my age group. 33 overall out of 586 runners. I'll take it.


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  18. Healthy_life2

    1 year post op TODAY!

    ONE YEAR!!!! Get out and celebrate you earned it
  19. @@Babbs I was one of Dr. Oakley's last patients before he retired. I can see him saying that to your husband. Love it~!!!
  20. @@SWEETTEA You are doing fantastic. You are healthy and happy. Can't ask for more than that.. By the way......Great clavicle bones!
  21. Healthy_life2

    Thoughts on "Goal"

    @@HopeandAgony It is good to have short range and long range goals. It will help keep you motivated. Start out with a number that you are comfortable with. If you reach that goal and want to try an lower weight you can always change your goal number. The only person that has to be happy with your results is you. Focus on loosing weight, getting healthy and living life. Its only a number My doctor also did not set my goal. As strange as this sounds I was excited to be in the "overweight" category. I'm now at a healthy BMI. I thought that would never be possible. Best of luck to you, Jenn
  22. @@SWEETTEA I have even had one of my Bariatic buddies say you need to stop. If we are in the healthy BMI range I'm not concerned about the comments. Is it me or do people know what a healthy BMI looks like anymore? Are healthy BMI's not the norm????
  23. Healthy_life2

    What a difference a year makes

    @@*Lexie* Before surgery I was a couch potato. Now I'm up for anything. I'm a little over a year out and also excited to see what next year brings. I celebrated my first birthday after surgery (5months out) By learning to Kayak. If I was at my higher weight I would have sunk the boat. I now Mountain bike! I have not been on a bicycle for a long time. It brings out the kid in me again. Loving it. Running - Completed the Turkey day 5K, Christmas YMCA 10K, Race for the cure in memory of my mom. I am looking forward to the Idaho wine run this weekend. I don't know about you. But I feel like I have been given a second chance at life. I don't want to waste it.
  24. Healthy_life2

    Where's the FUPA?

    @@caligul WooHoo! congrats on being out of the plus size dept. Be ready for the sales people and customers to look at you crazy when you try to shop plus size.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
