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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    obsessing about weight loss?

    @@CowgirlJane i admit. Carbs are a slippery slope to me. It seems to be wheat thins. I know i need to get them out of the house. All they do is trigger more hunger. I'm thinking of trying plant based to see if that changes things. I know none of us are exempt from weight gain. Still trying to find a balance. My fear of gain is keeping me on task right now. But I'm hearing it is harder after the two year mark. I'm thankful for the vets and their honesty.
  2. Thanks for posting the article. I found this photo of a plate wls patients can purchase. The photo was enough for me to get the idea of what a meal would look like for me.
  3. Healthy_life2

    Below Drivers License weight!

    @@Daveo II agree paying a fine is not worth flashing a new weight on your DL. Congrats on the NSV
  4. Healthy_life2

    Below Drivers License weight!

    @@Daveo Love it. Oh yes I am one of the many that have lied about my weight on my DL. I'm actually looking forward to being pulled over by a cop to have the excuse to hand it over. Is that wrong?
  5. Healthy_life2

    obsessing about weight loss?

    @@Babbs I have never been this weight in my life ...well maybe at 13. Switching my focus to other things in life I thought would be easier. I seem to be stuck.
  6. Healthy_life2

    Symptoms of Hypoglycemia?

    @@MR0218 Check with your surgeons office. They will give you instructions of how to deal with low blood sugars.
  7. @@Nomorethickchick Its normal to be nervous about having any surgery. hope you did research on your choice to have weight loss surgery. No complications with mine. You could look up the statistic on these issues on the web. With your out of wack metabolism and co morbidity's. All can greatly be improved with surgery..On a side note. I am off my cpap, Off medications and my type one diabetes is well controlled. Have you checked what your BMI is? you have 65 pounds to take off and you are not that over weight? How successful have you been to drop 65 pounds on your own and keep it off? http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/BMI/bmicalc.htm Absolutely no regret: I get to prolong my life.
  8. @ VIP status is a protected place to post. It is worth the cost if you are looking for confidentiality.
  9. Thursday will be my first flight since my weight loss. Can't wait to fit in the seat. I'm so excited.

    1. FocusOnMeNow


      Great! Flying should be quite a bit easier now that I'm 30 lbs down. I sure did have to REALLY squeeze that seat belt on my last couple of flights.

    2. Healthy_life2


      Flying back now. Fun trip.

  10. Healthy_life2

    3 lbs away from onerland!

    @@grandmaofone WOOOHOOOOO! You are so close to onderland. Celebrate! you earned it.
  11. @@LisaS73 You are new at this.Not a failure....be a bit more kind to yourself. You have passed thought the surgery pain and it sounds like you are moving on. Fantastic you are off your medications. The emotional ups and downs sound normal to me. food addictions and old behaviors are something many of us have had to deal with and change to be successful with surgery. As an emotional/stress eater. I have had to find other ways to cope instead of food. ( hobby's exercise) Keep going! Work your plan and follow your surgeons instructions. Make everyday better than the day before.
  12. Healthy_life2

    Running my first half/full marathon

    @@runnergirl15 Excited for you. I purchased a running belt. You can buy Protein gummies, meal bars and liquid fuel to carry in your belt. I also use a camelbak for Water. Just look them up online. Many different thoughts on pre run meals. Everyone's body is different. As you train find the combination that works for you. This is what I found that has worked for me. Water intake is the same I eat protein and oatmeal for a bit of carbs in the morning. Most of my runs are at 9:00am. On the way to the run I drink a Protein shake. On the run I carry the above items. After the race another Protein Drink.
  13. Making the best of the hairloss situation. Actually haveing fun with it..Who knew how far wigs have come over the years. Loving it.

    1. Healthy_life2


      So true the guys look better with hair loss. I tell my husband its just more skin to touch. Not such a good look on me. Seems most people hair grows back six months after it started to shed. I was not so lucky. Had to laugh I need one with a bit of gray hair in it. I posted a quick picture of it. http://www.bariatricpal.com/gallery/image/86250-year-1/

    2. dancingqueene


      Wow!! You look great and you'd never know you were wearing a wig!!

    3. Healthy_life2


      blushing* thanks

    4. Show next comments  348 more
  14. Healthy_life2

    NSV shout outs

    None scale victory. I'm questioning this one. I ran into my son's friends in the grocery store. He did not recognize me until I started talking to him. He say's I looked great. Thanked him for the compliment. Suddenly I see a perplexed look on his face. He asked me if I went to a specific gym in our city. I said yes. He commented that he also is a member of the same gym. He blushed and said he had checked me out not knowing I was his friends mom. Awkward moment. But made me laugh.
  15. Healthy_life2

    TT Scar Pics

    @@JamieLogical Your killing me here..Not even a stretch mark. I'm so jealous.
  16. Healthy_life2

    Losing the fight, Help !

    @@impact food addictions and old behaviors can start back up for any of us. You have lost weight before. You can do it again. Start back to where you began. Remove the food that trips you up out of your home, activity/exercise,Get back on your healthy eating plan and log food. Support and you might want to think about counseling. In the vets forum on BariatriPal there is information for people that are further out from surgery. Tips to get back on track after weight gain. Thanks for your honesty in your post. Just reminds all of us that the work never ends.
  17. Healthy_life2

    Bad breath! Please help

    Listerine strips work well.
  18. Healthy_life2

    Where The Ball Drops

    @@Folly First..I'm not offended... I'm glad you have no regret and you are doing well. surprised to hear you were not required to have a psyc evaluation as part of the approval process. This was a requirement for the majority of us. You were not given the information or a referral for counseling/therapy in Washington. What is going on with that surgeons office???? I understand why you have feelings about the drop the ball experience you had. This may be the surgeon that you used. My experience was very much the opposite. I can't say enough about St Luke's and the after care programs. Issues with weight and behaviors were seriously intensified with my WLS. I could no longer ignore the issues. I was forced to address them. Actually dealing with my own crap was the best thing I got out of this process. (Yes the weight loss is great. )
  19. Healthy_life2

    How do you take good before photos?

    @JellyBellyNoMore. Very nice photo that you posted above. What ever works best for you to document. My husband took photos of me. The first was my day at the hospital for surgery. I did not appreciate it at the time but actually it worked well.. Then after surgery he took a photo of me each month in front of our fire place. I did a forward facing and a side photo each month. You can always go to the before and after posts to get ideas. Have fun with it.
  20. Healthy_life2

    Feeling disappointed ...

    @@Future skinny girl You are 9 days out from surgery..right??? You are just beginning. None of us drop weight at the same speed. You are going to make yourself crazy comparing weight loss with other people. Follow your surgeons instructions. Soon you will see the scale move. I was frustrated that my loss was not as quick as I expected...I laugh about it now. Looking back a year has passed so quickly and the weight loss still amazes me. Keep going make each day better that the day before. Jenn
  21. @@dhrguru It's funny how your head can mess with you after surgery. Congrats on the new size! Enjoy the excuse to shop for new clothing. If you have a shopping addiction now...It will be off the scale when you get to invest in clothing once you reach goal.
  22. Healthy_life2

    leggings ARE pants!

    @@Elode Ask Alex to start a topic?
  23. Healthy_life2

    leggings ARE pants!

    @@Elode Rock it Elode! You look great. Who gives a damn about the fashion police. I find it kinda funny people can get offended by what you are wearing. I love to see people step out of the fashion cookie cutter and wear what makes them feel good. If you or @@Babbs start the what are you wearing today thread. I'm in.
  24. @@VSGAnn2014 Question...I talked with my surgeons office on the topic of weight gain after reaching goal. I was told they normally see a fifteen pound gain as your body adjusts. I have not seen anything out there that backs up that information. Anyone get this info from there surgeon's office????
  25. @@VSGAnn2014 You have done fantastic. Thanks for the great information. Staying connected is helping me so much. I know myself. It's far to easy to get back into old habits. I get a contact high from the people in the honeymoon phase. A BIG dose of reality from others further out from surgery. My fear of gaining is still with me. Still having days when I still think I'm obese....I hope that will change in year two. Good luck to you in year two!

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