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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. @@twil1980 I'm not trying to sell any brand of product here. This jell has 5g of Protein and 20g carb. I'm a type one diabetic and I have a sleeve. This is what works for me. http://www.ultramarathonrunningstore.com/Accel-Gel-Protein-Energy-Gels-CHOCOLATE-p/accelgelchocolate.htm I have a running belt that I love. Its spandex. It does not bounce when you run. I keep my running gel, phone with ear buds, car keys and debit card in my belt. They are $10.00 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Outdoor-Sports-Waist-Pack-Travel-Hiking-Running-Money-Wallet-Belt-Expandable-Bag-/271768505008?var=&hash=item3f46aa4ab0 Its all trial and error to find what works for your body. Keep trying different options to keep yourself fueled while running and working out. Best of luck to you! Jenn
  2. Healthy_life2

    I've arrived . . . In Onederland!

    @@BestDayEver Your name says it all. Enjoy your celebration reward. You earned it
  3. Healthy_life2


    Quest chips http://www.questnutrition.com/chips/?gclid=CjwKEAjws7OwBRCn2Ome5tPP8gESJAAfopWsdGUa-HjxUml0nPbyMUCZzstDQbqWi_VK8YfgpMn0vhoCYkjw_wcB
  4. Healthy_life2


    @@dohickey01 I found Quest has Protein potato chips at GNC 21 grams of protein. Parmesan cheese chips: Pour a heaping tablespoon of Parmesan onto a silicone or parchment lined baking sheet and lightly pat down. A silicone baking sheet is highly recommended. Repeat with the remaining cheese, spacing the spoonfuls about a 1/2 inch apart. Bake for 3 to 5 minutes or until golden and crisp. Cool. Read more at: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/giada-de-laurentiis/parmesan-crisps-recipe.html?oc=linkback
  5. Healthy_life2

    Remodel in my house helping me lose weight..ha

    @@CowgirlJane This is perfect. newly revolted space and the bonus of the scale to moving again. You have been working hard all summer to get your weight down. Who knew it would only take a remodel of your home.
  6. Healthy_life2

    Sleep Apnea?

    Cpap gone after 4 months.46
  7. Going spankless today - Red heels, size 2 jeans and a white T shirt.

    1. Healthy_life2


      Oh my god. You guy's made my day! I will have to get a pic up. I have been Spanxless and spankless all day thanks Steve.

    2. Healthy_life2


      Babbs. Had a great time at fit one. Would love to grab some coffee if you have some free time.



    3. xlawman


      Good for you Jenn1. A goal you set was high and you got there, that's amazing. A great inspiration for the rest of us.

    4. Show next comments  345 more
  8. Healthy_life2

    FitOne 5K 10K Half Marathon

    Too excited this morning. I am participating in a group of bariatric patients in the FitOne race this Saturday. .We all share the experience of being obese to healthy. Love them! they keep me on track. GO TEAM SLEEVE!
  9. Anyone still obsessing about weight loss after goal. I find myself looking up my body type in Model my diet and what real women look like. Every day on the scale afraid to gain. I wish I could stop myself from comparing stats on bariatricpal. I think its just me. I can't seem to relax and let go of a years worth of focus on weight loss.
  10. Healthy_life2

    What I miss

    At a year and 3 months out I don't miss the stuff I used to eat. Before surgery my food choices were anything quick to pick up. (Fast foods. Boxed processed or frozen foods.) The things I eat now are fresh ingredients that taste good and nourish my body. I'm satisfied and not deprived of anything.
  11. Healthy_life2

    What will you look like? Useful site

  12. Healthy_life2

    Relationship problems

    I have been with my husband for 20+ years. We have a solid relationship. We would take a bullet for each other. As I lost weight my husband was a bit insecure. As ridiculous as this sounds, he felt that if I got attention from the opposite sex I was going to leave him. I had to reassure him and validate what he was going through. As my weight loss progressed I was involved with my gym, sporting events and just enjoying the new things that I could not do at my high weight. He was feeling left behind. I always try to include him even if he says no..its the fact that I asked. We made some goal rewards... couples goal rewards. As old as we are. We went to victoria secret. I walked out with size small panties (NSV) We started riding our mountain bikes to a coffee shop every sunday. I have been in bariatric cooking classes for over a year now. He eats what I cook and loves it. I'm so proud of him.
  13. @@Mega_100 Microwave freezer safe glass containers. I freeze leftovers to have quick meals on hand for days I don't have time to cook. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Anchor-Hocking-Company-1-Cup-Round-Food-Storage-Variety-Pack-with-Teal-Lids-8pk/44364956 http://www.walmart.com/ip/Anchor-Hocking-24-Piece-Glass-Bake-Store-Set/36941561 Bento lunch box. Small compartments. Easy take to work meal. http://www.potterybarnkids.com/products/spencer-bento-box-containers/ Bariatric friendly bento box food examples. https://www.pinterest.com/eggface/bento-licious/
  14. Healthy_life2

    Emotional eating...ugh!

    @@Christine48 Honestly this is a behavior that you will need to address to be successful. I'm not sure if you are post op. You might want to think about a counselor/therapist to get past that issue. For me I turned to exercise to replace the emotional eating. I hope you find what works for you, Jenn
  15. Healthy_life2

    You know you lost weight when

    You know you lost weight when..... Your husband laughs when you discover various new bones you had no idea you had. You the feel compelled to make him feel them.
  16. Today is the first time I seen these photos side by side. I was going for looking healthy. After looking at these I have questions. weight 199 Weight 140 Honestly need some feed back. I know my view of myself is still distorted from the weight loss.....Is this my age? can fillers help? I'm a healthy BMI If I gain a few and stay in the healthy BMI category would it help?
  17. Healthy_life2

    Loose Skin

    I'm down 123. Honestly I'm surprised the skin on my neck bounced back pretty good. I carried most of my weight in my mid section. Even in spanx my tummy has a bit of a bump But the drappy skin is held in. Arms do have the bat wings but at age 47. It was bound to happen without WLS. Plastics are unaffordable for me I figure it's me my husband and the occasional dr. That will see it. The skin is camouflaged with clothing. Making the best of it.
  18. Healthy_life2

    NSV shout outs

    Nsv.. This is a Nsv that has been posted so many times. My first experience fitting in an airplane seat.
  19. Healthy_life2

    Exercise - need motivation.

    @@jhclikesshopping@gmail.com Fitness: Working out has become my adrenaline rush, where I process many issues, It feeds my soul, Its where I find motivation and inspiration. ITS MY CHURCH!. My personality changes when I'm at the gym. I am aggressive and competitive. I will be on the treadmill a person will step on the treadmill next to me..In my mind the race is on and I'm staying on the machine longer. The most hilarious things seem to happen to me at the gym. I know if its happening to me. It has to be happening to other bariatic patients. If you have a story please share it with me I have to hear it! . Working out is very much my quiet time alone to invest in me. Not my job, family and all responsibilities. Motivation: Find what is fun and excites you.Get involved with weight loss challenges, sporting events, fun physical activities, charity events. Be open to anything that works for you. Music: Music has done so much for me. I use my cell phone. A few streaming apps are http://www.fitradio.com/ http://www.pandora.com/music/workout Pick music that has a good rhythm for your workout. You will find you are keeping pace to it if you want to or not:
  20. Healthy_life2

    obsessing about weight loss?

    @@Babbs Oh yes it was Bill. @@CowgirlJane I never needed approval before surgery. Its also not needed now. The mixed messages around weight loss is what catches me by surprise at this point. ..Brings out the worst in me. I had a rant moment. I have to figure out how to be relaxed and drop my obsessive thoughts Still need to realize I'm at goal and get out of the weight loss mode......All that I have worked for is enough.
  21. Healthy_life2

    obsessing about weight loss?

    @@VSGAnn2014 the photo was 137. A healthy BMI. The other comment I had is from my surgeons PA. He told me at 140 I should drop to 130 to be my Ideal weight. REALLY..Again why do people say this crap.
  22. Healthy_life2

    obsessing about weight loss?

    I fly out to see family and friends tomorrow.( My goal reward). I wish I could get my head to shut the hell up. When I was so heavy. My hope then was to be a bit smaller out of embarrassment of my weight. I'm still telling myself I got to get to the gym and drop more weight before I see them. Again..My messed up thinking.
  23. Healthy_life2

    obsessing about weight loss?

    @VSGAnn2014 A a friend in my local bariatric group. told me to stop loosing. The look on her face told me that her comment was definitely not a compliment. My local support group last night was finally a topic for people a year or more out. The facilitator told a room full of us that some of us need to put on about 10 pound to look less skeletal..Wow as if my head is not fucked up enough...
  24. Healthy_life2

    obsessing about weight loss?

    @@Inner Surfer Girl I do have a counselor. I see her every 6 months. She realty has no input. She wants me to talk and figure things out for myself. I herd it is common for the self image thing to catch up. Wishing it was over already. I feel like I'm obsessive compulsive when it comes to the websites I posted above. Lol I have to seriously stop myself.
  25. Healthy_life2

    obsessing about weight loss?

    @@pink dahlia I should have been more clear. What " REAL" women look like is just the name of the web site. The site is women that have posted photos of their body type. You type in your weight, height and the size you wear. It has helped me to see myself as no longer obese I know very much I am a woman..lol To better understand please take a look at the sites I mentioned. What real women look like. http://www.mybodygallery.com/ Model my diet is a weight loss simulator. http://www.modelmydiet.com/

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
