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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. So thankful....I take nothing for granted in life.

  2. Healthy_life2

    Carbs, Fats and/or Calories (oh my!)

    @@SleevePerry Look at you...working it hard at the gym....Way to go! The slow weight loss and stalls will take you out of the honeymoon phase and into the "this takes work phase" 1000 calories is fine. I eat high Protein, low carb. I don't monitor my fats. The fats I eat regularly are cheese avocado and butter when I cook. In no way am I saying go crazy on the fats....do not eat a whole meal out of butter. You are following your doctors plan. Trust the advice you get from them,
  3. Healthy_life2

    Food amounts

    @@kimmiethomason1 I agree 800 to 1000 calories is a good range. You will have a bit less restriction in your sleeve at 5 months. you are able to eat more. Adding your vegetable portion will help you stay satisfied longer. At a year out I can get a full cup of salad in with 3oz of Protein. here is a photo of a typical bariatric plate. This helps visualize portions. *note* your dietitian will clear you when to add the healthy carbs portion of the photo.
  4. Healthy_life2

    2 Year Surgiversary Pics

    @@livvsmum I love your perspective on how life changing it is to live in the shoes of a obese person to a healthy person. You are loving life and living it well. It means so much to me to see people years out still successful. Thanks for staying in touch on Bariatricpal.
  5. Healthy_life2

    Body fat percentage with loose skin from surgery

    @@OutsideMatchInside @@2goldengirl @@jess9395 Wholly hell! I love my bariatric community...fantastic information. Thanks so much.
  6. Healthy_life2

    Legs please!

    @ I'm curious...Would it be a fetish situation? An extra charge to wear her shoes? Hummm..I've said too much .I'm walking away blushing in my high heels.
  7. Healthy_life2

    Legs please!

    @@Inner Surfer Girl high heels can be torture devices. i have worn combat boots, no make up, hair pulled back or cut off. At work for years. It paid off to look like a guy. I'm having the time of my life. High heels, make up and dresses. They are simple pleasures in life for me. I'm making up for lost time
  8. Healthy_life2

    Legs please!

    I want photos of hooker heel stiletto's on the men ...Pretty please with sugar on top. Yes this is sexual harassment @@Elode Do you have a shoe addiction yet. I have seen your fall boot's. The shoes you have on in this photo are amazing. Its great to be a girly girl these days.
  9. STRESS!!! trying to fight the urge to stress eat.

    1. BLERDgirl


      Find something else to do as a stress reliever. Walk, exercise, put a rubber band on your wrist and snap. ANYTHING!!

    2. OutsideMatchInside
  10. Healthy_life2

    Loose skin fear!

    @@jessmarie0122 To be naked and morbidly obese or to be naked and have loose skin. None of us are here to be a bikini/speedo models...(well maybe a few) lol If you can afford plastics its a good option... You could always date another weight loss surgery patient.
  11. Healthy_life2

    Almost there but stuck lol

    @@dannilynn1 A weight loss slow down has happened to many of us closer to goal. Congrats on all your work. I am one of those people that the scale will not move unless I workout. I am changing up my work outs. Doing the same exercise over and over has slowed or stalled my weight loss. I held at 140 for a while.... I'm trying to get a better bounce range for maintenance.
  12. Healthy_life2

    The view from 'down there' (a ladies room post)

    @@dhrguru i say NSV QUALIFIED~!
  13. Healthy_life2

    2 years and 231 pounds down!

    @@SleevaDiva You are my bariatric hero! I hope to hear more from you here
  14. @@cal2okl I eat healthy and I'm at the gym 4 to 6 days a week. I have become a gym rat....All true statements. Its your choice to disclose your surgery...i hate to see people tear you down because you are succeeding. If they can't be supportive...Might be time to distance the relationship and move on.
  15. Wearing all black today for work. YUCK! I remember when black was my go to clothing color choice.

    1. jane13


      I have always worn a lot of black so I am not giving it up now. I love to add color to a pair of black pants or skirt!

    2. Chrystee


      Not slimming on me either actually. I liked white.

    3. jane13


      I am too clumsy for white :P

    4. Show next comments  336 more
  16. Healthy_life2

    NSV shout outs

    My closet was full of black clothing at my larger size. Had to wear black today. I'm working at a funeral (NSV) I tuck in a shirt and was able to wear a belt.
  17. @@Lexuskela This is a limited addition greek yogurt. Its only available in the fall.. Caramel apple pie..Chunks of real apple....mmmmm 12g Protein 7g sugar. (Had to laugh..this photo is off the internet. Its dated 2014.).I'm not eating old yogurt.
  18. Healthy_life2


    @@laguerr13 I with you. My goal is to look healthy not sickly. I'm in my weight deck three times a week at the gym.Now that I know you have experience with strength training/ Body building I will be picking your brain.
  19. Healthy_life2


    @@laguerr13 Here is my take on being obsessive at the gym...for what ever its worth. I have met with sleevers that have an amazing fitness levels. One was a 60 year old woman that has worked up to riding her bike across the state of Iowa. She also competes in the senior Olympics here in Boise. I have learned that things look a bit different when your fitness level is above the norm. The way you fuel your body, your intake of Protein is increased..etc. I am amazed that my dietitian had no information on this.. My team has a one size fits all generic answers. I rely on the senior members at this point.
  20. Healthy_life2

    Anyone else feel scared they'll gain it back?

    Fear and obsessing about maintenance has not served me well. Thanks for the reality check veterans!
  21. @@mnmlst You have to take photos in your costume. Enjoy!
  22. Healthy_life2

    Doctor said "stop losing."

    @@bellabloom Welcome to maintenance phase! Be thrilled about your success.You earned it!
  23. Healthy_life2

    mini binge - anyone else?

    @@ForLfKlovr None of us are perfect at this. Sounds like you are on top of the behavior change. You acknowledged that you slipped up. Now you are back on your program. 39 pounds down! woohoooooo Don't look back. keep moving forward. you are doing great.
  24. @@mnmlst One year mark! woot woot~!!! Any plans for Halloween?
  25. Healthy_life2

    It's good to be full

    @@Ryan TN The surgery cuts away the part of the stomach that produces grehlin, a stomach hormone that stimulates hunger. Here is some information on grehlin https://www.bannerhealth.com/Services/Bariatric+Surgery/Surgical+Options/Sleeve+Gastrectomy.htm I feel hunger once in a while. Protein will keep you feeling full. Also be sure to get your vegetables in for Fiber. . Below is a bariatric food plate to help visualize what you will be eating. Note that your carbs will be limited as you first loose weight. I was instructed to start eating whole grain and plant based carb after I lost 75% of my weight So sorry, I did not see the guy perspective

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
