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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    Happy tears for my birthday

    Thanks for all the birthday wishes. 40's have been fantastic. Ready to mark my birthday with new adventures...... also with new clothing
  2. Healthy_life2

    Female athlete Triad

    Dang..I never stop learning as I stumble my way through weight loss. After reading the information on female athlete triad. I am really looking into my relationship with working out. Using the macronutrient calculator at body building.com. I realize my calories and Protein intake was way off. I also had to get real about a possible eating disorder and overdoing it at the gym. Female athlete triad is a syndrome in which eating disorders (or low energy availability),[1]amenorrhoea/oligomenorrhoea, and decreased bone mineral density (osteoporosis and osteopenia) are present.[2] Also known simply as the Triad, this condition is seen in females participating in sports that emphasize leanness or low body weight.[3] The triad is a serious illness with lifelong health consequences and can potentially be fatal.[4] https://www.acsm.org/docs/brochures/the-female-athlete-triad.pdf http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/sclark8.htm
  3. Healthy_life2

    Things you feel good about?

    @@Joymarie333 After losing a significant amount of weight! How do you feel? What are things your doing now that you wouldn't do before? Does people treat you better? I feel amazing. Its not just my health or smaller body. The biggest gift was to overcome many things within myself. I don't take anything for granted. To be honest before surgery I was not out living my life. I am now up for anything. I am making up for lost time. You name it I will try anything once. If I like it.... its a repeat...lol Here is my two cents for what its worth: You have people in your life that know you and will support you regardless of your weight . Hold on to people like that in your life. Just a few things you may experience when you become a healthy weight: I have had people that would not give me the time of day now want to be friends. (not going to happen) People that I was close to are now uncomfortable and have become more distant Attention from the opposite sex may be a bit awkward at first. I use a scale.(1) compliment (2) hilarious (3) Creepy I go into a store the staff seem to be more helpful..( I have to ask..is this just me experiencing this? or anyone else that has had surgery?)
  4. Healthy_life2

    Windows and mirrors

    I was surprised to see my shadow. Just makes you laugh at the changes rapid weight loss can bring into your life.
  5. Healthy_life2

    Feeing like a failure

    @@rrr123114 I hate the word failure. You got off track from working your plan. If you willing to get back on the horse. We will be cheering you on. You have lost 30 pounds. You can do this again. you deserve to get the most out of you weight loss surgery.
  6. @@dhrguru You sound like you have moved out of the honeymoon phase. It's actually a great place to be. Its when you realize the hard work kicks in. Have faith and trust yourself. 80 pounds down. From your stats you have 80 the same amount to hit goal. You have come this far... half way there.
  7. Healthy_life2


    @@mmincinci Had mimosa's for brunch on Halloween. I did fine. I was surprised the champagne carbonation had no effect on me. i indulge here in there. I feel I'm now one of the normal thin people in the world. if I have a gain I know I have to work it off at the gym to maintain. ( I'm in the maintenance phase)
  8. Healthy_life2

    How Have Your Tastes Changed Since Surgery?

    understand I'm in maintenance phase. For Halloween I had an amazing date with my husband. I tasted cherry pie filling for the first time after surgery. It was not the same experience. It had the taste of rubber to me...That's the only way i know how to describe it.
  9. Healthy_life2

    serious question for fellow "veterans"

    I'm a year and five months. I recently started to relax and except that I'm in maintenance. The reality check I needed was a kick in the head by the vets. I'm so grateful! ( I have learned not to post with no sleep. Its the equivalent of drinking and dialing.) Vets continue to drop out of my local support group. The direction of the surgeons facilitators revolve around weight loss phase. The community of veterans is relevant. The vets have given me information that my surgeons team had no answers for. Staying connected with the bariatric community keeps me on track. Currently I am mentoring a local woman who is 600 pounds. Paying it forward works for me. It is only for a few locally. I don't feel the need to save anyone. the work is all on them. In bariatricpal there is no possible way to keep up with all the new patients. I see familiar vets. i keep up on your posts. To see the vets disappear from this site would be our loss.
  10. Healthy_life2

    NSV shout outs

    A NSV for my husband who has not had WLS. I sent him on a scavenger hunt on Halloween. His last location was a Halloween Ball. It was a great night all for him
  11. Home with the flu. ...First time I have experienced vomiting with my sleeve.

    1. jane13


      I am dreading that first time...I would be scared sh!t/e$$

    2. Healthy_life2


      Oh yes..Not pleasant. I recommend a flu shot.

    3. Stephanie Salsera Perrott

      Stephanie Salsera Perrott

      Hope you feel better. I've thrown up twice from eating too fast, not fun...

    4. Show next comments  333 more
  12. @@Kimcamm I agree the mental/ behavioral changes are a big part of WLS. Before surgery I would have never gone to a coffee shop, restaurant or bar(not a dive bar ) by myself. Shopping has become an issue (I'm trying to get a grip on it) The gym is where I take out my stress and process issues I'm working on. The things I have overcome on the inside have been the best part of my surgery. One day at a time....you got this.
  13. @@tera1982 My a1c is in the non diabetic range. I hardly ever use insulin. My family Dr is amazed. I have experienced low's. With the sleeve I can still do sugar to get my blood sugar back up without dumping syndrome. My blood sugar tends to drop when working out. I use Accel gel every half hour. Keeps it stable. ( I'm not promoting any brand. many of them out there.) No complications, 254 to 130 If you are interested.....At the bottom of this post is my video from the day of surgery to goal.
  14. Healthy_life2

    Six months down, 100 lbs lost!

    @@rp1980 Congrats! Celebrate big on 100 pounds down. WooHOO
  15. Healthy_life2

    Post Surgery Hunger

    @@dafurrer The part of your stomach remove contains Ghrelin (pronounced "GREL-in"), the "hunger hormone", i rarely feel hunger In the beginning you have good restriction. It takes a while to get all your food requirements in. For me hunger came on as I progressed. All Protein meal did not work any more to keep me full. I added my veggies fixed the situation. I also craved sweet, Salty and crunchy food. Address the cravings so they don't become more intense. good healthy options. Things that work for me...Sweet sugar free pudding. Salty Jerky. Crunchy Quest protein potato chips. Calories per day was 700 for me. I'm maintaining now. Calories 1200 to 1500. I eat 6 times a day. I cant eat a larger amount of food at this point. A cup of salad with my protein. My restriction with my sleeve is still good. In no way can I eat a whole diner plate of food. I still eat a salad plate size.
  16. Sleeve, 10 months, 5'5" 130. 5'4"- 136lbs calories 1200 to 1500 Protein 100+ Carbs. Whole wheat and plant based. Fuels my body for the activities I participate in. Type 1 Diabetic..Keeps my blood sugar from dropping. What exercise regimen frequency .Run 3 days a week an hour to an hour and a half. Strength training two days a week for an hour. What role, if any, has counseling or therapy played: Counseling..Helped with body issues. The weight change happened so quickly I needed time for my mind to catch up to my body. Advise. Stay connected to support what ever that looks like for you. Non of us are exempt from weight gain. Monitor your weight and adjust your eating and physical activity to stay in your weight range.
  17. Healthy_life2

    4 1/2 mths post op- HALLOWEEN! :-) PICS!

    @@Mrs.Hansen88 Wholly hell 56 pounds in 5 months...Fantastic. you look incredible. You are the pretty girl at the Halloween party..Own it~!!!! you worked hard.
  18. @@Babbs We can agree to disagree. We all have our experiences with the way we are treated in life. i guess for me honestly from my WLS I am two different people. I'm glad to hear others have always been the same obese to healthy. Not so much a victims mentality for me. Yes people liked me when I was obese. Children God love them. They are so honest and not quite jaded. The comments they make about people that are obese is not a learned behavior. It is from a persons outward appearance. Promotional opportunity's. I understand from my employers perspective. In the beginning of my career I completed the academy's fitness requirement. When I became unhealthy I could not. I was still getting promotions in the administrative/counseling areas. If you are large and out of shape. You are excluded. Its a dead end.
  19. @@james1 As an obese person I was disregarded, disrespected and invisible. Work: things had come to a dead end.I was a different person than I am now. People that did not give me the time of day. All the sudden wanted to be friends.(Not going to happen). I changed careers. The people I work with now have no idea I was obese. What I love best is I will run into my old co workers and boss once in a while. They have no clue it's me. I don't want them to know that it is me. Keeping it to myself is a guilty pleasure of mine. Family: Mostly supportive. I have one family member who treated me terribly before my weight loss. Loosing the weight just amplified her behavior toward me. one of her comments was "you know you are just going to gain the weight back" I placed her picture on my treadmill at the beginning of my WLS. Anger can be a motivator. i take delight that i can continue to be successful just to piss her off. People that know I lost it: Mostly supportive. One person in my life that has weight issues. All the sudden has felt uncomfortable with me. She is getting more distant. I miss her. Strangers: All the above that has been mentioned. a few negatives: the attention was a bit unnerving. Took me a while to adjust. i now just say thanks and move on. Other women. Never thought this would happen to me in my life. Women do not like it when I talk to their boyfriend or spouse. I am never inappropriate with men. I was truly offended. I have nothing but respect for peoples marriage. I am not a home wrecker. I am a bit guarded now. a few positives. Men correct me if I'm wrong. You are the same creatures from the age of 12 to 70.Here is my scale of comments or behavior. (1) appropriate ..I take as a compliment. (2) hilarious. Makes for a great story. Men do you know how entertaining you can be. Love it. (3) creepy...Need I say more. Got to share my hilarious example: Free grocery's. Do men real do this? who knew....This has happened twice to me at the grocery store. The first one I politely declined. The second would not take no for an answer. I returned home. My husband said. Damn next time do not buy just for dinner get a full cart of food. People new at my gym do not know I was obese. A few people have floored me. Said I was motivating them. or my fitness level is off the chart. Again things i never thought would happen in my life.
  20. Healthy_life2

    Re-Launch Rant (tho it didn't start out as such...)

    @@KindaFamiliar Back up on the horse and more motivated than ever. You got this my friend!
  21. Healthy_life2

    Coconut oil

    @@2babutterfly Its so funny, 101 uses for coconut oil. Studies have found it is helping with dementia. It has a high smoke point. great for stir frying. It will not burn as quickly as butter. I mix it with turbinado large grain sugar to exfoliate my skin in the shower. The moisture is fantastic.
  22. @@Ray92 You are 6 days out. Your feelings seem pretty normal to me. Give yourself time. Things change with the food progression. If you are finding your behaviors are still an issue. You might want to seek counseling. Old behaviors are something we all have to overcome to be successful. Without the struggle their is no change.
  23. I have to admit I had a bit of a freak out moment seeing my face before and after in photos side by side. My health and energy level...TMI acting like a teenager with my husband. Oh yes I am a much younger version of me.
  24. Healthy_life2

    Missing food you like

    @@monica36 I agree with the other posts. The way you feel hunger is different. For many of us our taste buds have changed after surgery. The way you look at food as something to nourish and fuel your body ...Wow that was my drastic change in my relationship with food. The food I though I would miss is pizza. I can make healthy versions of it or I eat the toppings and no crust. Check out some of the bariatric friendly recipes online. It might help you to see what eating can look like. http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/ http://insidekarenskitchen.com/bariatric-friendly-recipes/ I never thought I would say this. I appreciate home cooked meals now. Fresh ingredients and the quality tops everything for me. Most of us are busy and get into the habit of fast food or a easy assembly line made boxed frozen meals. I absolutely still love food and I love to cook. I'm not deprived of anything. I can honestly say I am enjoying all the foods that I like. Side note: You have to see @@Dub Barbecue photos..The man can cook!
  25. How do you get a correct body fat percentage with loose skin. What works best for surgery patients Tape measure method? Several calculators online. Caliper method?

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