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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    6 months post op

    @@atontor Seeing such a change in 6 months. Absolutely gives you another reason to be thankful on Thanksgiving. Congratulations!
  2. Freezing cold weather helped me run an 8 minuet mile on the turkey day 5K.

    1. Djmohr



  3. @ restoration15. Surgery not for everyone. Hope you are keeping in touch with your Dr.
  4. Healthy_life2

    Losing trust in my husband

    @@jembell01 Vent away. We all have these kind of day's People that can keep a secret and be in your circle of trust are rare to find. It sucks that your husband felt the need to tell everyone before you could. My husband told family members and it sent me into tears..... I forgave him, we have moved on. Even if you choose to not disclose your surgery. Its hard to hide the rapid weight loss. People talk... they will speculate..they will judge. ( says more about them than it does about you) Keep your supportive people around you.
  5. Healthy_life2

    At Goal Weight! Now what?

    @@jdj52 Congratulations on hitting goal! You can check out the maintenance and veterans forum on BariatricPal. Its a good idea to monitor your weight on a scale, fine tune your food and activity level. Give yourself a gain scale number. If you hit that number go back to weight loss phase to get it back to where you are comfortable. After a year of being focused on weight loss. You might find it strange to let go of the old phase.
  6. Healthy_life2

    Still Losing

    @@JamieLogical Dang, you are right.The move itself is exercise. Extra calories. Set your goals in my fitness pal for intake of more calories. My Dr. had me try a few food to get my calories up. Ensure - 1 *ounce bottle is 220 calories. Its an easy grab when you are so busy. Nuts - 201 calories per ounce Whole wheat past, bread, whole fat milk yogurt butter. and brown rice.
  7. Healthy_life2

    Thanksgiving Tips

    @@CJ Porter It's nice that its hard for me to over eat on Thanksgiving. Small plate. I eat protein/turkey first. I eat what ever I want for the meal. Socializing makes me slow down as I eat. Enjoying the people around me and knowing how blessed I am. Is all I need for the holidays. In the morning I'm doing the turkey day 5K. Its my second one since surgery. It is now my new Thanksgiving tradition. This race is my way to be thankful for all things that have changed in my life.
  8. Healthy_life2

    What Is Your Thanksgiving Workout?

    My gym has placed signs at each workout machine. A serving of cranberries = 30 mins on the stair master to burn. Love this! Thanksgiving morning will be my second turkey day 5K since surgery. Its now my Thanksgiving tradition. The run is in the morning. dinner late afternoon with my family. My grandsons first thanksgiving!
  9. Healthy_life2

    In need of some crunch?

    @@tdhaddox Quest has small bags of chips with 20g Protein. http://www.questnutrition.com/quest-chips?gclid=CNKpmLm6pckCFQoSfgodbTsJLQ
  10. @@irishaggie Thanks for posting this. It was interesting. I see that there are profound differences between individuals body chemistry. It's represented with patients on this forum. We all drop weight at different rates with basically the same diet program. I don't quite agree its the "holy grail of diets" as they put it. Whats healthy and good for us today. Will change as more research is done. My hope they find a definitive way to treat obesity. It's truly a disease. No one asked for this condition. Its an epidemic world wide. http://www.who.int/nutrition/topics/obesity/en/
  11. @@Proud2BMe I will only share my experience if the person is truly interested. If someone approached me saying anything about my weight..and I should get surgery. I would have taken the conversation as fricken rude. I met a woman who has a super morbidly obese BMI. She is in a wheel chair, oxygen and many health issues. After talking, I took her to an information meeting to get the ball rolling. After the surgeon told her she is a high risk patient. He gave her fantastic news. He has set her surgery date for January 2016. Her stipulation is she will be placed in a nursing home after she is sleeved. I will be there for her bringing music and resistance bands, I feel no need to rescue anyone. They have to put in the work. I hope the best for her.
  12. Healthy_life2

    Are you kidding me?

    Holy crap!!!! I knew my weight loss is the equivalent of losing an adult size person...... I looked at my own weight loss ticker. I just realized I have lost exactly myself.
  13. Healthy_life2

    Are you kidding me?

    @@mark1733 I'm still shocked to see this photo..
  14. Bring on the snow! I have a three day snowshoeing trip planned! so excited.

    1. KindaFamiliar


      Enjoy the snow...

      34 degrees (celcius) here today and 36 tomorrow...


      Summer in Australia...

    2. Healthy_life2


      Dang that's toasty. I will do a snow angle for you ;-)

  15. Healthy_life2

    NSV! Onederland finally!

    @@Pillar2butterfly Big goal met. What is your goal reward?
  16. Healthy_life2

    How Gastric Sleeve has changed my life

    @@LivingLight The change on the inside is one of the biggest gifts. I had to get rid if my inner fat girl with a chip on her shoulder to move forward. Take all the compliments and encouragement to keep you motivated. I hope they put a smile on your face and remind you of how amazing you are.
  17. Healthy_life2

    Are you kidding me?

    @@mark1733 We are always encouraged to lift weights/strength train. Look at the weight we carried around for years. Can we count that as strength training?
  18. Healthy_life2

    going nuts.....

    @@chloe3.5 It looks like you have answered some of your own questions. Changing behaviors is a big part of the process to be successful. Its fantastic that you are seeing a counselor to address your weight loss issues. You have support on this site. Also with your counselor. You are moving in the right direction, Jenn
  19. Healthy_life2

    The thoughtless comments

    @@dhrguru This may or may not be the case in your relationship.Just a few things you might want to consider This might be Insecurity of the changes that are happening to you so quickly. After 85 pounds you are looking good and feeling good. He may be feeling a bit left behind or a bit threatened that the opposite sex is taking notice of you. A few things I did to help my hubby as insecurity issues started creeping in: Reassure him. Invite him on a walk even if he says no at least you tried to include him Date night: dinner is a great place to talk and reconnect. Weight loss couples rewards.. A reward of new item from Victoria secret he might enjoy.
  20. Healthy_life2

    Are you kidding me?

    @@SuperDave You have done amazing! you are my bariatric hero.
  21. Healthy_life2

    Are you kidding me?

    @@Inner Surfer Girl You made me choke on my Quest bar with your backstreet boys comment. I needed a laugh today. Thanks.
  22. @@chuck415 I do Listerine breath strips. They melt on your tongue. Easy to put in the front pocket of my jeans. I have washed my jeans with them in my pocket and now my laundry is minty fresh. Not recommending washing them
  23. I love living life. I'm able to do so many more things that I could not do Pre-op. I'm up for trying anything. I have to laugh at myself for making up for lost time.
  24. Healthy_life2


    @@sbg224 Fantastic. Congratulations...You are only 18 pounds to onederland!
  25. @@Kspot42 Good to hear. i hope you get a surgery date soon.

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