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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. @@Alex Brecher Now, what are your best and worst weight loss surgery experiences outside of the clinic? My health held me back from living life. The best gift gift outside the clinic is being more invested in my relationships, having adventures and experiences in life. Worst experience is having society mirror to me that I am more valued as a thin person.
  2. Healthy_life2

    NSV + "oh my goodness" moment!

    @@Elode Now your tiny and have braces. You look like a beautiful teenager.
  3. Healthy_life2

    Excess Skin Issues

    There may be a upside to rashes and infection Check with your surgeons office. Some insurance company's will cover skin removal if you have a Dr document the issue.
  4. Healthy_life2

    Onward and Downward

    Banana. You did not deserve the unprofessional scolding. Could your hormonal issue be treated by a family practitioner? All of us have experience people that value appearance. It's fed to us daily. We are bombarded with the message we are not good enough just to sell us a products. The only validation you need comes from you. The rest of the world can bite it.
  5. Healthy_life2

    Funny Weight Related Pictures

    Oh yes...
  6. Healthy_life2


    As your size changes you do not have to make expensive clothing purchases. Many of us had shopped second hand or discount stores. Invest in a small number of expensive pieces. But know they will have to go when you drop sizes. Once my weight stabilize I decorated my closet. Fresh paint, hung a chandelier, pretty storage boxes. Shoes, and filled it with beautiful new clothing.
  7. Most of us had to work on adjusting to our new physical appearance. Inside you are yourself. With the weight loss your confidence will. increase. I would gladly take how I look now. I look health and athletic. Don't beat yourself down for any reason. It's all about your body image. You are beautiful inside and out.
  8. @@careya123 I had a vision in my mind of what my results would be at goal. It was more shocking to experience it. I never thought I would ever wear this size even with surgery. I can wear size 0 to a size 4. My surgery was in 2014. I'm comfortable maintaining my weight in the 130's to 140's. I'm not sure if you have seen this virtual weight loss simulator. Its kind of fun to see possibilities. http://modelmydiet.com/
  9. @@reachbree Yep, I worried. I think its normal to fear an unknown outcome. I looked up photos and videos of loose skin posted by brave bariatric patients. It prepared me. I understand the insecurity.That feeling is not solved by weight loss. I'm much more confident. Big or small I'm good with my flaws. If I could afford it, I could see myself getting plastics. until then I'm loving my loose skin bad ass self.
  10. Healthy_life2


    @@katiee No need to get into a purging eating disorder. Weight loss with surgery is still about eating healthy and exercising.
  11. I am relearning once again. I have a new sports medicine dietician/nutritionist for running endurance/performance. My calorie intake has been way to low for the amount of calories I burn. (causing significant hair loss at a year and a half out) Holy Crap! Calorie intake is now 2000. Protein goal 204g 30% Carbs 272g 40% Fat 91g. 30% Its 10:30pm I'm not at 2000 yet.

    1. Healthy_life2


      The days I'm not training I get in 1300 to 1500 calories in. Training I burn 700 to 1000 calories with cardio. Eating 2000 calories is comparable to grazing. I eat a normal portion when I feel space in my tummy I eat again. I eat from 7:00am I finish around 1:00am its a all day project.


      I had lunch yesterday with a friend (he is also sleeved ) He finished his meal and had it boxed. He was sweet enough to wait for me to finish an entire plate of food.


    2. JamieLogical


      Okay, that makes more sense then. I did an experiment a couple of days ago to see how many calories I could get in in one day. I managed to get just below 3000, but I had to eat 10 separate times and I had to eat a ton of CRAP. I felt terrible after, so I don't think that's a good long term solution for me. I was trying to figure out how I could "load up" on calories the day before one of my long runs. But after eating all the crap, I felt terrible and definitely not up for a long run. So I am going to have to figure out something else.

    3. Healthy_life2


      Balancing protein, fruit, vegetables and carbs for 500 cal for each meal so far is working. I cant stomach loading up on an all carb meal in one sitting. It make me feel crappy.

    4. Show next comments  315 more
  12. Healthy_life2

    Feeling down

    @@ylluz Try not to focus on hitting certain weight loss expectations. Its not how fast the scale moves down... its the FACT the scale moves down. Keep working your program, make adjustments as you go. Your successful 77 pound weight loss is fantastic.
  13. Healthy_life2

    Fat Doctor

    @@sassyfrass23 Thanks! I have never seen fat doctor before.I love this series. Oh yes, he is easy on the eyes
  14. Healthy_life2

    I have an eating disorder

    @@socialworker91 I believe most of us here had an eating disorder that brought us to the point of having bariatric surgery. You always have a chance. No harm in researching your options before you decide on surgery. Your BMI is a 40.9 this has you in the obese category. Some surgeons will make a determination based on your BMI and co morbidity's ( high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes bad back or knees..etc) BMI Calculator https://asmbs.org/patients/bmi-calculator Enjoy your research, Jenn
  15. @@VSGAnn2014 I have carbs and sugar as a treat once in a while. When the scale moves up I know its time to get back on track to maintain. Carbs are a tough one for me. I keep carbs only in small amounts. Once I eat them I crave them even more. My go to for replacing my carb addiction is to eat salty alternatives. The intensity of cravings can increase if I don't find a way to satisfy it. (1) I eat a good healthy meal first.( Protein veggies). Eating first help me eat less of the healthy alternative craving food. (2) after I eat the meal I pick the craving that needs to subside. Sweet. - Fruit in whipping cream. Quest protein Peanut Butter cup - sugar free pudding with Protein powder added - I make it thick ( like a mousse) I add half the milk the rest in whipped cream. Combinations are endless. Toppings items..Sugar free caramel or chocolate topping, Chopped nuts, Fruit, Dark chocolate chips .Its like a sundae to me. A small amount hits the craving and I'm full. Salty - Laughing cow cheese wrapped in sliced deli meat - Jalapeno chicken bacon wraps - pizza topping stuffed mushrooms. - Jerky - Quest BBQ protein chips - Whole foods Parmesan crisps - refried Beans with cheese and salsa. - deviled eggs
  16. Healthy_life2


    @@Amayor85 No apology needed. Hope this is your last testing for the process. Hang in there.
  17. Healthy_life2

    Friday NSV roll call!

    NSV FRIDAY! Not freaking out as my scale moves up. This has never in my life... Strength training and building muscle. Bring on the weight gain.
  18. Healthy_life2

    Post sleeve comfort foods -roll call!

    Eggplant parmesan lasagna. I layer it with sauce, sweet Italian turkey sausage and cheese.
  19. Healthy_life2

    Compression Garments

    @@LeslesLosingIt They make compression wear that lets you wear your own bra.It gives you a extra lift in the bust. I will send you a link when I get home.
  20. Healthy_life2

    All Of Me. Wow.

    I have seen the post of how life can change after a drastic weight loss. I was not prepared for having my own experiences with it. I'm so glad the movie touched on many issues that most of us have in common. We had the chance to watch it free. Is this going to be released for TV soon?
  21. Healthy_life2

    Hair loss

    Please feel free to ask questions. The new members will learn to navigate with time. Wow... if its a repeat post that have you annoyed. Or people that are trolls. You always have the option to ignore them. Can we get the adult panties on now?
  22. Healthy_life2

    All Of Me. Wow.

    @@gowalking Could you post the link again
  23. @@rnsamantha Give yourself credit for acknowledging behaviors creeping back in, Maintenance can be tricky. Treating yourself once in a while is ok. It can trigger hunger and old behaviors. You can turn it around before it gets out of hand. You know yourself. You know what is healthy for you.
  24. Healthy_life2

    I'm not a garbage pail

    @@gowalking Whoa..You are not a garbage pail. I'm also of the generation that you never waste food. It's absolutely ok to get rid of it. . Getting rid of the things that trigger and cause more hunger helps. Way to be on top of things.
  25. @@perforce I'm also in Idaho. Thanks for the great information. Good reminder that weight gain can happen to any of us.

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