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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. My answer was eating right and working out...All true. I told a few supportive family and friends. That's it. Most people speculated that I had surgery. I never felt owed anyone an explanation. I did not want to be the spokes person for bariatrics. After you hit goal all the shock and questions will stop. People will just except this is you. Life will be normal.
  2. Before and after surgery...I have great friends and family that are in my circle I choose not to invest my time with people that are a negative force in life. I am making up for time that was wasted when I was obese..I was a home body. After surgery. I am always open to new things to experience. I am finding adventures. Checking things off my bucket list.I have opened up to a whole new community of people.
  3. Getting prepared for 103 degree weather next week. Breaking out the big water sports bottle for hydration.

    1. Healthy_life2


      Glad to see it warm up. I live on my patio most of the summer. I love summer nights when it cools down to 90. Sitting outside people watching at the village or downtown is the best at night.

  4. @@moorecr I understand the struggle, weight gain can happen to any of us. You might try a counselor to deal with the emotional eating and stress.. You are in the right place for support. Find your motivation of why you had surgery to get yourself and your head back in the game. Here are a few topics in bariatric pal that may help. You can use SEARCH box at the top right side of bariatric pal. This will help narrow down what you are interested in. Also helps from posting repeat topics. Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Health and Wellness http://www.bariatricpal.com/forum/1253-emotional-mental-and-spiritual-health-and-wellness/ Accountability group. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/329299-accountability-group/page-103?hl=%2Baccountability+%2Bgroup#entry4146871
  5. Healthy_life2

    Years out.... anyone else?

    @@grammydeb Sorry I'm a sleever..If the suggestions don't apply to by bypass..please ignore the post.... 4 years...Congrats. Love to see veterans here. If you are drinking all day long..you are going to pee all day long.. I agree with @@Christinamo7 check with your Dr. about diabetes and dehydration. Hunger: A few things to try. Do you still use a food tracking App? Track meals to keep accountable. Up your Protein requirement. Get a good portion of vegetables in with each meal. The Fiber helps keeping you full. I can eat a cup and a half at 2yrs. I'm curios, How much salad can you get in at 4 years? If you have added carbs or sugar they will trigger cravings and hunger. Spread your meals out six to eight small meals a day. When you get head hunger..Keep yourself busy to avoid eating. This may sound strange..Brush your teeth after each meal with mint tooth paste. Seems to work for me...*lol*
  6. Healthy_life2

    Anyone from Idaho sleeved in March

    @@Qwalla Karen is an amazing cook. She is like food network but better..... You get to sample June will be here before you know it. The waiting process is frustrating...But you will be on the other side of all this soon.
  7. Healthy_life2

    Anyone from Idaho sleeved in March

    @@Lindsey Skinner Abbott@@Qwalla @@MacsNana Hope to see you at group or a cooking class.
  8. Healthy_life2

    WLS and Diabetes

    @@Daisee68 @@Christinamo7 Diet control is a diet of not eating sugars and carbs to control your A1C. You can have diet controlled diabetes without surgery. I'm not fond of the term resolved. I like remission..Your A1C can change. Just mentioning how surgery changes things for type1 & Type2 diabetes...After surgery, my pancreas kicked in. My Dr's have no explanation. My hope is the research continues..That they might find a cure for diabetes. Type one is the same as dealing with type two. It all sucks..lol
  9. Healthy_life2

    WLS and Diabetes

    @@Inner Surfer Girl Great article. Many factors on diabetics and surgery that are still in the research phase. The surgery does amazing things with diabetics. People off medication. Getting their health back. This is what I have experienced as a type 1 Diabetic...In perspective of complications with surgery, This is not a big thing to manage. (only two concerns driving and sleeping) I had no pancreas function before surgery. After surgery at 6 months out. My pancreas started working by releasing large amounts of insulin. The Insulin release drops your blood sugar. (reactive hypoglycemia) Normal range of blood sugar is 120 - 70. The low blood sugar can happen at any time..No pattern to them. I'm not sure how to explain this so bare with me...Here is how I manage what is going on. 6:35pm Test..BS 70..I don't want it to go lower. I eat a meal. 6:40pm test BS 66 - Drink orange juice 6:50pm test BS 105..I'm Normal 7:41pm I'm shaky dizzy..test BS 62 orange juice and a Protein & vegetable snack 8:12pm test BS 168..I feel safe enough to sleep. My lowest was 24 in the middle of the night. So with that..If I have sugar in large amounts..I will still have high blood sugar and use Insulin. I hardly use my insulin because I eat healthy and exercise. I am a well controlled type 1.
  10. You are the only one that needs to be happy with what ever is a comfortable and healthy weight for you. I have been holy hell judged for years about my body. Even after goal people feel the need to define and label you for any reason. The only validation you need is from yourself. Seeing some style police in here..lol.
  11. Healthy_life2

    Workout regimen-What's yours?

    @@jersey0601 It gets easier with your weight loss and time. Trust me..I hated to work out. It was a requirement of surgery. . Like you said "satisfying when it gets over but still hard" It may be hard work but its worth it. You can take this opportunity of weight loss and a new body where ever you want it to go. Congrats on June 1st!
  12. Healthy_life2

    Workout regimen-What's yours?

    @@Dub @ 2 years out and obsessive compulsive about running.From one extreme (couch potato) to another (Over exercising)..trying to get back to a healthy balance. Conversation for another time.....
  13. Healthy_life2

    Can't get motivated [emoji30]

    @@KrispyChickens78 Take credit for being a weight lifter...All of us carried/lifted our excess body weight. You are stronger than you think you are. I was a couch potato. I knew exercise was a requirement. It was a chore at first. I had to decide if I wanted to waste this opportunity or get what I wanted out of it. Motivation: Find what is fun and excites you. Reward yourself for the big and little goals. Document each month. Save a pair of pants.(If you have days you struggle put them on). Join a gym,Get involved with weight loss challenges, sporting events, fun physical activities, charity events and just savor life before it's gone.
  14. Healthy_life2

    Workout regimen-What's yours?

    @@tiffanymarie6997 I honestly don't expect anyone to follow my workout. I'm trying to improve sport/build muscle Here is a website to try. It will help you set up a workout program designed to your goals. (1) find your plan..Link below http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/find-a-plan.html (2) Body exercise data base..Link below http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/workoutdatabase.htm (3) Exercise database with detailed instructions and video http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/ This site also has a phone app if you are interested. http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/fitness-apps.html I'm maintaining..but this is my new workout schedule. Monday 2 hour day workout. - 1st hour stair climber (increase resistance) - 2nd hour Leg/glute strength training day (Tuesday rest) Wednesday 2 hour day workout- 1st hour Treadmill (increase incline and speed, Intervals and sprints)- 2nd hour Core strength training. (Thursday rest) Friday - 2 hour day workout . 1st hour Mountain biking or stationary bike in the gym. Increasing resistance and distance. - 2nd hour Back and arm strength training Weekends are my time.... I can rest and have time with family and friends. I have 2 Saturdays a month to do my long runs. 2 hours to run 13.1 miles.
  15. Healthy_life2

    Honeymoon phase

    @@jaxmom Thank @Babbs. for my attitude..lol. She gave great advice in a thread a while back..Wish I could find it. I do have my crap days. I just have to keep perspective.
  16. Healthy_life2

    Pant sizes?

    @@charley27 I'm two years out..I can't remember the time frame exactly. It sticks out in my mind because it was such a shock. lol
  17. Healthy_life2

    Honeymoon phase

    @@AmyMarie79 You are on the right path. Keeping vigilant will pay off. Are you setting mini goals as you lose weight? At each goal treat yourself to something special.(non food) one of mine was toenail polish when I could easily bend over...I hope you find your honeymoon phase. I agree with @Babbs. After you reach goal, Maintenance is a whole new situation. I have had weight gains. I think that's why I keep up with the new people. Love the enthusiasm. They remind me that this is a lifestyle. The goal for me is healthy not a pant size.
  18. Healthy_life2

    Pant sizes?

    @@charley27 I started at a size 22 jeans...Well I had popped the button and my sweet husband moved it over for me. Reality a size 24. I'm now a 0 to a 3. I have no hip's or butt. Not sure how many sizes I went down. When my husband would mention my jeans are baggy in the butt...Or if clothing was sliding off my body. I knew it was time for new clothing. My big size drop was a size 16 to a 10 in a short period of time. It was a great NSV.
  19. Healthy_life2

    Honeymoon phase

    @@AmyMarie79 All I can do is laugh at myself. The high was incredible. My focus and conversations revolved around surgery and the process. Support group meeting's you can tell who is in the honeymoon phase. ( they are excited and experts..Lol) Yes, I believed I knew it all and had all the answers. Honeymoon phase for me was when it took little effort to lose weight. At three months out honeymoon phase was gone. I stalled out and kicked my teddy bear. I had the reality check that this takes work. Honeymoon phase came back after I could see results from working out and eating right. I love being around people in the honeymoon phase......Its now a contact high.
  20. Healthy_life2

    Food intake after one year

    @@gomezk2 Above mentioned is the norm. 1200 to 1400. If you get extra calories in and you see a bit of a gain. Put some extra time into your workout. Here are a few things to try for hunger. (1) Protein eat fist ( if you use a food tracker..Try increasing protein intake) (2) Water can help fill your stomach up and give the sensation of full. Always good to hydrate. (3) This may sound strange...Brush your teeth with a mint tooth paste after your meal. Some reason it soothes my stomach. It makes me feel full.( Extra benefit of a healthy smile..lol) (4) get a good serving of vegetables with each meal. At 2yrs out I can get 1 cup to 1 1/2 of chopped salad in with my protein. About a cup of broccoli. Fiber Fiber Fiber!!!! (5) if you have a craving..Salty sweet etc. Find healthy options to stop the craving...Salty Jerky..Sweet sugar free pudding with added Protein powder...What ever works for you.
  21. Stress and anger...Going to the gym to work it out. loud agressive music here I come.

    1. KindaFamiliar


      There's a lot to be said for playing "Hot for teacher" or "Kickstart my heart" as loud as you can bear it...

    2. Healthy_life2


      Van Halen and Motley Crue just not aggressive enough for my crap day. If you want an Idea of where my anger rated ..Check out what was in my playlist.


  22. Healthy_life2

    It has been hell getting here but...

    @@NoMoreFatGuy You are a warrior. I hope you are on the other side of your hell/nightmare. Congrats on reaching a healthy you.
  23. Healthy_life2

    Let the rant begin...

    @@her1981 The comments will seem strange and out of place for a while. Its funny..When your obese no one asks (I hope no one has ever asked) Is that an old dress or a new dress that's too small for you? How much weight have you gained? then start guessing How much more are you going to gain cuz you look terrible now. You look so much older since you have gained weight I noticed you ate the whole pizza at our luncheon
  24. Healthy_life2

    Bariatric athletes/triathletes

    @@swimbikerun love your idea. Many of us are bariathletes. I'm always learning. I love to hear and see photos of what others are involved in. @@Lisa Carr Starvation...Made my night..lol Had a good chuckle
  25. Healthy_life2

    Fu*%ing awkward

    @@katesuccess After maintaining this size for a year and a half. I would like to think all of the neighborhood would be over my physical change, Yesterday I invited my neighbor to go jogging with me, We talked...lol I'm back on the party list... (happy Dance) @@KindaFamiliar Your a hoot now. I would love to see what you are like with a few drinks in you.

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