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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by angie0187

  1. <div>I am 7 months post op. I started this journey at 397 and lost 35 before surgery which ended me at 362. I have lost 81 pounds since surgery and all together 115 pounds. Still have more to go. So far this journey has been a roller coaster but its been worth it! </div> <div> </div> <div>


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    Side view


    What did u do to lose the weight because I'm 369 now and have been this for two weeks now I can't hold no food

  2. I was sleeved on May 14th ... I love being me at every event I'm smiling I'm laughing and I am making sure the person next to me is doing the same. I love my friends and family of course some things are often said behind my back about me and my weight but I have never let it bother me. I am a fighter so most words don't come my way. I will miss how honest people are with me how guys don't breathe down my neck and chase me around the club. I will miss how meeting someone for first time was never awkward.

    I have always had friends smaller than me and I've seen how they have had to chase off people or people asking them for dates instead of business during meetings ... I have always been the gladiator to protect my girls when we are out.

    But I have also felt the hurt that comes with my size a good friend and president of a major company told me this " you could be the smartest person in the room have all the credentials but if you don't look the part you will never succeed in our worlds version of the NORM" I believe that with all my heart why I have not gotten some of the jobs ... I'm always called for a interview but once I walk into the room I loose eye contact ... And I am truly making this change because first I want a family and every doctor says weight is the issue and second because I want someone to make eye contact with me.

    Sorry I tend to ramble but that's how I feel

  3. Thank you! I appreciate it! I am actually super self-conscious of my arms! lol. I have done nothing specific to tone them. I run which does work your arms a little, but nothing targeted. I do things like the elliptical, cycling, zumba, yoga, but again, nothing really targeted for arms. Once I hit my goal weight I want to start strength training to tone them.

    You look

    Amazing I hope after recovery I have the same strength to reach my goal

  4. I'm having a very difficult time staying hydrated and getting all the Protein in. I feel like I am ready to move on to puréed to but I'm scared of doing something that will be harmful. I am supposed to do full liquids until the 29th. Anyone move to puréed on the second week with no harmful effects?

    We'll yesterday when I did I was fine when I blended some of my moms unhealthy black eyes peas with some of her yams with some Water and I just spit out the skin ... But later that day I had Soup blended and it wanted to come out ... So today will be liquids to try and get that down

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