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LAP-BAND Patients
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About swimmer0302

  • Rank
    Blonde Bombshell
  • Birthday 09/08/1987

About Me

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Kids, swimming
  • Occupation
    Stay at home mom
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  1. Thanks for the advice I didn't know that. So I got the call from my insurance company today and I WAS APPROVED apparently they didn't receive my paperwork from the doctors office until yesterday so they approved it pretty fast once they did get it. My date is set for July 9th according to the insurance company because my doctors office hasn't called me yet but Im sure they will soon.
  2. Great to hear! What insurance did you have at the time I have anthem BCBS hopefully they’re not a difficult one to get approved by.
  3. swimmer0302

    Self Pay Band Removal

    I have the same insurance (BCBS ANTHEM) and am waiting on insurance approval from band to bypass. Did you ever get them to approve. I haven't had major issues with my band other than Gerd and random tightening over the years so im worried that it won't be enough. I had to go through the 6 month supervised diet, have an EGD, mental check, nut visit, and etc hoping I didn't do all that for a denial. Would love to hear an update on your situation.
  4. Hey all had lapband in 07 lost about 60lbs or so but have had issues like Gerd and random tightening throughout last 5 years or so had it drained gained all weight back. Went through 6 months diet for insurance and did EGD which doctor said band looked good didn’t see any major issues. I’ve been waiting on insurance approval for about a week or so but having major anxiety about being denied for not enough issues with band. Anyone have experience with this? how long did it take for approval did you call or did it show up online as approved?
  5. Thanks for the responses guys I really needed this. I went yesterday to try on bridesmaid dresses and well that sucked so I was in the dumps a bit. I had such high hopes when I got the band and I don’t want to be let down again I’m working really hard to follow everything the doctor asks of me. I go tomorrow for my 2nd to last appointment before they send everything over for insurance approval I’m nervous and excited. Thanks again the support helps more than you know!! Any tips are very helpful I got one about using premier protein shake in my coffee instead of creamer and that was genius lol 😆
  6. Thanks for the reply! My band actually made eating healthy impossible I couldn’t eat meat, veggies, or any of the things recommended because I would throw it all up immediately which left me starving. The junk had no problem going down. I know it’s a tool but the last “tool” I got created more bad habits for me than good, at least up until it almost killled me. I just hope this one is different. Thanks for the exercise tip too!!
  7. Hi, So I had my lapband put in around 2007 lost about 60lbs. 230 to 170 but it started giving me problems about a year in and had all fluid drained recently because I couldn’t take it anymore so gained all of it back currently at 225. Going for gastric bypass with insurance this time I’m on month 5 of a 6 month diet I have BCBS anyone get denied with them after requirements met? I’m freaking out a bit because I can’t let this fail me too, I just can’t go through feeling like a failure again the way my family looked at me when the lapband failed and I was fat again ugh it’s the worst. I also have 2 weddings I’m in in September that I have to order dresses for this month, if all goes well with insurance I will have surgery in July, I don’t know what sizes to order because I’m not sure if this surgery will fail me too 😩 btw Im 5’3.
  8. Happy 25th Birthday swimmer0302!

  9. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary swimmer0302!

  10. I was banded August 27 07 almost a year now and everything was working great i have lost 51 pounds and happy as can be then out of nowhere my band just stopped working so i went back thinking maybe its a leak and they pulled the saline out and said i had lost some so she told me to come back in two weeks to see if it leaked again and she used the fix a flat stuff well i came back two weeks later to find out i lost more so they made me get an appointment with my surgeon i see him and he checks to see if i lost saline agian but i didnt so he tells me there is no leak but he puts in a lil more and tells me to come back again in two more weeks and it still doesnt work im gaining wieght i cant stop thinking about im stressed and i need someone on here to ease my mind because my doctor is not doing a good job at telling me whats wrong all i hear is wait another two weeks IM TIREd oF WAITING I NEED ANSWERS PLEASE HELP ME god bless Brittany Lynn
  11. swimmer0302


    I have had my band for almost a year now and ive gotton many of fills and i have lost 50 lbs so far when i usually eat i feel the band something will get stuck and i will just stop eating well since this fill 3 days ago i feel like im eating like i use to before i got the band nothing gets stuck no food bothers me and my parents paid cash for this and im freaking out that it may have slipped or is leaking but i dont have any pain so i dont think it slipped and when i called they gave me a nurse and she said that its a good thing nothing is getting stuck and that i just got the fill so i need to give it time but it just doesnt seem right and im super happy right now i dont want to gain weight but i need to know wats going on so anything you can tell me will help me so much and put my mind at ease or atleast let me know what to do THANKS SOOO MUCH
  12. Girl you know it.... ha that was the hardest decision to make cuz i new i wasnt going to be able to drink for a while and IM A PARTY ANIMAL always have been and college has only made it worse lol... plus i live super close to new orleans so we are always on bourbon street... its like my 2nd home ha
  13. I dont get a fill till mid october... which seems soooo long and i was on mushies but i wasnt cutting it IMM hungry and im young and in college so i go out to eat with my friends alot and on weekends we go out to clubs and such so I want to drink and have fun... i know i can do this but i just thought it was going to change me ya know so i guess thats why im feeling so down... I read this saying on here "A lapband without saline is like a car without gas is serves no purpose" is that true or am i just hoping its true lol :0 THANKS LADIES
  14. swimmer0302

    being fat is this whole stereotype

    Thanks and she is she is tiny so she doesnt know how it feels to be bigger haaaaaa but its all good NOW
  15. swimmer0302

    Any Cajuns out there?

    Thanks so much... that made me feel alot better the other question i have is i know that im not suppose to eat some stuff but i have cheated a little bit just a little cuz im scared to do any damage... anyways i know it can slip but i dont know what it feels like so how do you know if it slips cause that would be sooo bad for me if it did my parents would die

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