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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by InfiniteButterfly

  1. InfiniteButterfly

    Inspiring Words

    This doesn't relate directly to weight loss, but they are words that I've held dear for a long time. They are words that got me through my divorce and all of it's aftermath. Words that got me through a lot of bad times. "Courage does not always roar. Sometimes, it's the quiet voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow."
  2. InfiniteButterfly

    OMG i just

    I would have had trouble with that one...good job! You should be proud of yourself
  3. Honestly, I have to agree with @BitterSweet*. It's certainly the tough love approach, but reading this thread...wow. My stomach hurt at the thought of that much pop. The rest of the food? Would feed the rest of my family for a few days. That's a ridiculous amount of food for anyone to take in. And not wanting to hear the doctor's advice? I don't take in much more than 600 calories unless I'm doing a lot of exercise. It's not unreasonable or unhealthy in the short-term. And costco? Didn't force you to buy tamales, pop and waffles. That was YOUR choice. I'm sure if you'd looked, you could have found healthy alternatives, but you chose not to. You are choosing to remain unhealthy and choosing to waste the opportunity you were given. My first thought was 'troll' as well.
  4. InfiniteButterfly

    I can't get in my needed protein.

    My doctor was more concerned with hydration early on. I didn't start hitting my Protein goals until I was into soft foods (at four weeks). I had panicked about not getting enough protein, but he said it would come when I was able to take in more and not to worry about forcing the issue. So I didn't.
  5. InfiniteButterfly

    Funny/nerdy/meme workout shirts

    I need the adipose one! (I have a squishy adipose stress toy on my desk ) The shiba one is cute, but my bf would kill me. He hates that meme
  6. InfiniteButterfly

    Think Thin protien bars

    I haven't tried them yet...I've got a box full of Quest in the cupboard that I need to finish before I try more bars I will likely try them at some point though. I like having protein bars on hand just so I can slip one in my purse before I head out. Saves me making unwise choices if I get stuck out somewhere.
  7. InfiniteButterfly

    What Do You Do When a Craving Hits?

    I guess I'm lucky in that I have very few unhealthy cravings (except chocolate at that time of the month...but that craving can be quelled with a Protein shake since anything with sugar in it makes me quite ill). My biggest craving to date has been wanting a banana...and since I did a lot of exercise, that was one craving I gave in to (with a tsp of Peanut Butter on it, because my NUT said always have protein if I'm going to have a piece of fruit like that) I guess it's really not that much of a craving if it's one of the approved foods.
  8. InfiniteButterfly

    Would you do it again if you knew....?

    At 10 weeks out, my entire outlook on food is different. And I don't regret it at all. Food is no longer a comfort. It's no longer the thing I turn to when I'm in the depths of depression. Food is there to fuel my body and that's it. I'm so much more active and alert, and doing so many more healthy things that I don't miss food in the least. It's like that bad relationship that you stay in for so long because you're scared to change...but once you drop it, you realize how much better off you are without it. No, I don't get the same pleasure out of food. But then, I'm not sure I got a lot of pleasure out of food before. Grazing mindlessly isn't really enjoying it, and eating until I'm sick because I had no cues for being full...that wasn't really pleasure. It was habit. My habit of getting up early every day and exercising does a lot more for me than my old food-centric ways Your life won't end once you break up with food. It will change...and I consider my change much for the better. I have not had any regrets or doubts over the surgery. It is one of the best things I've ever done for myself. Good luck to you!
  9. Okay, that makes much more sense!
  10. At 10 weeks out, I still couldn't eat a cup and a half of food at a meal. Maybe 1/2 cup (quarter cup or 2-3 ounces of a Protein, and a 1/4 cup side dish...veggies or cottage cheese...and generally there's food left on my plate.) It's between you and your surgeon and NUT what and how much you're eating, but my insides kind of cringed at even the thought of that much food. Nevermind that potatoes are a very much sometimes food (I've had them once. My NUT recommended avoiding them altogether.)
  11. InfiniteButterfly

    2 months post op

    10 weeks post-op, I'm down 46 lbs since surgery, and a total of 71 lbs from the start of my journey (as measured from my first visit to the bariatric office. I haven't been having too much trouble hitting my Protein goals...when I exercise, I need more calories (I generally have three meals and two small Snacks daily. One of the snacks or meals is a protein shake), hitting between 800 and 950 calories daily. Heavy on tuna fish, eggs and chicken. I was averaging 4-600 calories intake until I started really pushing exercise. I cycle daily, and it's pretty easy to up the calories with the added activity (I stopped losing completely when I was exercising and taking in less than 600 calories, so it was a conscious decision to calorie-boost)
  12. InfiniteButterfly

    What does your daily menu consist of?

    10 weeks out: Morning wake-up: Chike or Click shake (cycling or walking) Breakfast: 1 egg (fried w/cooking spray or scrambled) with a sprinkle of cheese and 1/2 sandwich thin Lunch: 1/4 c. tuna salad + 1 oz cheese curd or a cheese stick and 1/2 serving of triscuit thins or low-fat wheat thins Mid-afternoon (if necessary): 1/2 Protein bar (Quest or Pure Protein) OR 1 Outshine popsicle Dinner: meat of some variety (usually chicken or ground beef) OR 1/4 c. refried Beans OR fish (salmon or mahi mahi...whichever's on sale); veggies (usually green beans)
  13. Big NSV today. I had to take my daughter shopping at Old Navy…it’s back to school time and she needed school clothes, so since there was a sale there on school clothes, and I had a ton of rewards saved up, I managed to get all of her back-to-school clothes for $2. But that’s not the best part. While we were there, I looked over the women’s clothes. Now, I haven’t shopped in a regular-size store…probably since I was a teenager. So that’s quite a while. I have bought from Old Navy, but only from their plus-size (online only) store. But while I was looking at their clothes, I started thinking hmm…that looks like it might fit. And it DID! I bought a few shirts and a pair of compression capri. All size XL from the regular store (last things I bought for myself from Old Navy were 3x from the plus store). So two active-wear tank tops, one pair of capri and two t-shirts. I can not believe how good it feels to shop in a store and not have to slink to the plus-size section. I don’t CARE that I’m still in an XL…it’s a regular XL instead of 2x, 3x, etc. And it feels good.
  14. InfiniteButterfly

    my journey

    Sounds like you hit your first stall There is nothing wrong with being down 13 lbs.I remember how long it used to take me to drop that much weight. Just stick with your surgeon's program and you'll start losing again. I hit my first stall at two weeks and it lasted about 10 days. Frustrating, but if you do everything the doctor and NUT told you, the scales will start moving again.
  15. I wasn't given a protein goal until my one-month visit with my NUT (and that was 65-75 grams). When I first got out of the hospital and was allowed full liquids, the advice was "do the best you can" with protein via the shakes, but focus on hydration at that point. My surgeon said hydration was more important at that point.
  16. Are the letters required to preform surgery? Not from what I've seen. It's just an additional layer of accreditation and advanced training.
  17. InfiniteButterfly


    Sometimes, the universe just conspires against you to test your resolve. This is the time to spit in the universe's face (I've had those days...just want to get out and work out and everything and its brother tries to keep me from it.)
  18. InfiniteButterfly

    NSV: Everything I wear must go!

    Heh...I have our local mission coming tomorrow to pick up five boxes and two giant duffel bags full of clothes I've culled from my closet. Luckily, I've had to to very little shopping to replace those clothes. Yet. (I had several boxes in the attic of things I haven't worn in forever). Although I did buy a couple of cute tops and a pair of compression capris for biking. I was so excited to not have to shop in the plus-size section How did I feel? Young again. And quite honestly, a little teary-eyed. It's hard to explain to someone who hasn't experienced this miracle just how incredible it feels to do things that you thought were forever beyond your reach.
  19. InfiniteButterfly

    please tell me the truth

    My NUT said she advises her clients to eat the toppings first, and a bite or two of crust if you're still hungry at that point. I've made pseudo-pizza using a portobello mushroom cap as the base and filling it with a tbsp of sauce, cheese and ham (ham because it has more Protein than pepperoni). It wasn't quite pizza, but the resemblance was close enough that it took care of the cravings. I've seen a few recipes posted for cauliflower crust to make pizza on (my one attempt pre-surgery was disaster, but I plan to try again), and one using chick pea flour bread. I haven't tried either of these since my surgery, but they are on my "try someday" list. The "bread" made with chick pea flour isn't too bad, and would likely work quite well for pizza crust. I used whole wheat tortillas (pre-surgery) to make pizza on as well. Or even 1/2 a sandwich thin would work. I can't envision myself eating 'real' pizza, but making a healthier version? That I would do in a minute.
  20. InfiniteButterfly

    The Smoothie and Protein Drink Debate

    I am for smoothies and Protein drinks. Most of the time, I do get my protein from foods, but sometimes, my tummy just doesn't want food. And a protein drink is an acceptable choice. My surgeon is totally okay with a protein drink or two, so long as they are instead of a meal rather than in addition to (he made the distinction when I asked if it was okay to continue protein drinks in the morning) Most mornings, I have a shake rather than food because it sits better. My tummy does not like food before 10 a.m., and since I'm generally awake and on the move at 5 a.m., I need something to fuel my morning. The shake does it.
  21. Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, often listed as "FACS", is a post-nominal title used to indicate that the surgeon's education and training, professional qualifications, surgical competence, and ethical conduct have passed a rigorous evaluation, and have been found to be consistent with the high standards established and demanded by said College. In order to apply for membership, a surgeon typically must be certified by a member board of the American Board of Medical Specialties. So it's more than just letters or a social organization, it actually does require some kind of evaluation to be able to use this title. (edited to credit Wikipedia for the above information. I found similar on other websites, but the explanation was more consolidated here)
  22. InfiniteButterfly

    Hiding the scale!

    My bf has threatened to hide my scales (he hasn't yet...but he said if I keep weighing daily he will take it away and only let me have it on Mondays...so I can weigh in for the Labor Day challenge) So I'm trying to be good. I just love watching the numbers go down. For so long they didn't.
  23. InfiniteButterfly

    OK Girls.. what the heck is the story

    My boobs are deflating right along with my belly. If they deflate much more, I'll be able to use my pants for a bra =P I'm still wearing most of the same bras...mostly because they were all too freaking tight for me pre-surgery. I should probably go get properly sized.
  24. InfiniteButterfly

    Eating/drinking makes me sick UPDATE!

    Maybe consider calling your surgeon? At least take care of the hydration issue and Vitamins. Drink whatever you need to to get your liquids in...I know Starbucks non-fat mocha probably has more sugar in it that you should have (much to my dismay), but if you're dehydrated, do what you need to to get liquids in until you can get in to see the doctor. Good luck and I hope you feel better.
  25. InfiniteButterfly

    For those who didn't tell anyone - betrayed

    Sadly, this is at least in part why I was very open about my surgery and the process. I wasn't sure who would or wouldn't keep it a secret, so I made it easy on them. My partners were able to reach out to people they work with (both hubby and bf have co-workers who have had the surgery...although both were by-pass rather than sleeve...and they were able to have someone 'outside' to talk to. I think it helped my bf understand a little better to be able to talk to someone other than me...someone who understood some of what I'm going through. Yes, it was definitely your secret to share or not as you chose...but she meant well.

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