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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by InfiniteButterfly

  1. InfiniteButterfly

    Water and exercise

    I have found with Water, I can steadily sip it and not feel too bad. I can't take huge gulps like I used to, but I can swallow a normal mouthful without too much difficulty even now (12 days out). Granted, I'm not allowed to do much heavy-duty exercise yet, but walking outside with a temperature near 80 and humidity near 90% means I drink a lot of water when I walk. Approximately a 20-ounce bottle for a two-mile walk. Taking little sips throughout eliminates most of the need to gulp. Most of. I still have the desire...I used to chug 32 oz of water with no thought pre-surgery because it felt so good on the hot days.
  2. InfiniteButterfly

    Will I be devastated by skin?!

    I worry about the skin issues too...I'm only 12 days out, so I've got a while to go. I am grateful that my insurance will pick up the tab for some plastic surgery if it's medically necessary (if I get so droopy I have sores and whatnot. My doctor said they are very thorough about documenting it 'just in case') and hubby's already given the go-ahead to at least price the rest of it (arms and whatnot) if it becomes necessary. Me? I'm taking it one day at a time. I've lost enough already that I can walk better, and now that I can actually side-sleep again, I'm sleeping better. At this point, as long as the clothes cover the worst of it, I honestly don't care a whole lot. I've spent my whole life being fat and trying to adjust parts of my body so they are less noticeable (hint: they're always noticeable). I think giving my boobs a little uplift is the one thing I would like...but then, I wanted that before I went the bariatric route. I breastfed three kids...those things would tuck into my pants (if I wanted them to =P)
  3. Oh! I hadn't realized there was a place here to post blogs! I started one on Tumblr just for this I too shall move mine to here.
  4. InfiniteButterfly

    Overeating before pre-op diet common?

    I think for me, it was saying goodbye to food that I should consciously avoid in future (I didn't have food funerals for the healthy options in my life that I will start eventually) Things like the fried rice, the tempura-fried veggies from the sushi restaurant...things I know I will need to make an effort to stay away from. I have actually found healthy recipes on several sites for my favorite take-out foods (I'm a Chinese food freak), so I know it will be back sooner or later...just without the large quantities of carbs that used to kill me. Sadly, my eating had already changed so drastically during the six months leading into the liquid diet that the food funerals honestly made me a little sick :/
  5. InfiniteButterfly

    Overeating before pre-op diet common?

    I had food funerals prior to going on the pre-surgery liquid diet. I chose a few foods that I knew I wasn't going to get (in that form) post-surgery and had them one last time. Take-out Chinese food. A nice sushi dinner. (I actually have a bariatric-approved recipe for beef and broccoli, which was my go-to food, but I won't be having it with the mounds of fried rice and fried won ton and all the other goodies), and while sashimi may someday be on the plate, the bento I enjoyed likely won't be due to the frying and the rice is a goner. I can't really be sad about it. And I don't regret for an instant that these are things I won't have again. I knew it wasn't healthy even when I was eating it...the heavy, sluggish feeling afterward was enough to tell me it wasn't good. But it was important to me to have a 'last meal' so to speak, of a few favorites (I spaced them out a week or two apart prior to the liquid diet)
  6. InfiniteButterfly

    Unsupportive Family Member Rant.

    For me, it's my bf. A lot of it is he was scared (and still is) about the surgery itself and the aftermath. Then he seems to have a chubby fetish (which he only seemed to acquire or bring out into the open) when I started talking about surgery. Post-surgery...he barely talks to me, barely touches me, rarely says anything nice (and in fact, told me he missed my missing stomach). He makes me understand why so few relationships survive this surgery So yes, I understand having someone completely unsupportive. Luckily, the rest of my family is incredibly supportive and understand completely why I did this. So I try to ignore his bile and hope that he changes. If he can't accept a healthier me, then much as it hurts to say, he doesn't deserve me.
  7. InfiniteButterfly

    Holy sleeve!

    Unfortunately, yogurt is the one thing I've had a negative reaction to so far. But there are a ton of recipes available out there for every stage, and it helps immensely to have choices. When you're limited to Protein shakes (I was for the first few days until I ordered a bunch of different things on mybariatricpantry) it is almost an effort to drink your protein. I lived on juice, gatorade and Water for a few days. It really gets better once you find a protein source that you can tolerate (hooray for Chike and Syntrax. Loads of flavors that really helped me). Walking and mild exercise are so much easier once you start getting some protein in. I was in miserable pain for the first...six days? It was hard to walk even part of a block, let alone the whole block. I wasn't sleeping well because I've never been a back sleeper either, so the first week I was pretty miserable (never enough that I regretted the decision, mind.) Coming to the forums here, plus a few other friends who have had the surgery and gave some pretty decent advice during that time kept me going and kept me positive. I think it was Day 7 that something just clicked. The pain was less. I was able to walk. And the more I walked, the better I felt. Prior to that, it was a lot of distracting myself so I didn't think about the physical discomfort. Reading, watching some of the shows my bf recorded while I was in the hospital...it helps if you focus on something else.
  8. InfiniteButterfly

    social media

    I don't have an Instagram currently. I've been documenting my journey on Tumblr (hubby's suggestion). I think documenting is an excellent thing...it gives you a way to look at how far you've come
  9. InfiniteButterfly

    Best Tasting Protein Powders

    Chike tops my list...because I love coffee! And coffee Protein is just about the perfect Breakfast drink, IMO. Some of the Syntrax nectar flavors are fantastic (I have only tried a few, but I have a load left of the samples to try) I never cared for unjury, Nature's Bounty is extremely sweet (but not bad with a little PB2 in it).
  10. Your 'friend'...and I use the term loosely...isn't much of a friend. Her post is all about her. She has zero right to tell you how to live your life or how to live in your body. You need to do what's right for you, and drop the deadweight (her). She's not much of a friend if she can't accept that this is for your health.
  11. InfiniteButterfly

    Back pain after major loss

    That makes sense, but as you say easier said than done. I wonder if a physical therapist could give appropriate exercises or techniques to strengthen posture. I really thought yoga would help but I go 2-3 times a week and it doesn't seem to be. I am not sure just telling myself to "stand up straight" is enough. I think it depends on which poses you're doing in yoga, and what type of yoga. Different disciplines focus on different areas of the body. You may need some poses targeted to your weak areas. (I can't wait to get cleared for yoga again. I miss it terribly) A physical therapist should be able to give some exercises that will help as well I've had back pain most of my life, and use yoga to control it.
  12. InfiniteButterfly

    Having Second Thoughts

    I think everyone has a moment of self-doubt pre-surgery. I know I did. The "am I doing the right thing" and "What if I exercise more?" But the reality is, I was doing 10k steps daily, riding my bike, exercising a lot. And all it did was make me hungry. I couldn't get the hang of eating right at that level of exercise. I have been on so many failed diets, and always the hunger got me. Granted, at 11 days post-op, I am not up to my previous levels of exercise...but I should hit them this week (I'm at 6k steps now). And I'm learning the hunger cues I do have now are generally "Hey Stupid, drink your water!" I don't get the wrenching hunger I used to after walking. I don't get the wrenching hunger at all. Sometimes a little head hunger...but it's tolerable. I'm glad I fought through the self-doubt and went through with it. It is, without a doubt, the best decision I've ever made, for myself, for my family. The self-doubt hit especially strong a few times during the pre-surgery liquid diet, when I started dropping pounds and got to a lighter point than I've been at for several years. But the reality is, I yo-yo. I wouldn't be able to maintain it without taking a drastic step. And I'm so glad I did
  13. InfiniteButterfly

    medical bracelets for Sleevers?

    I hadn't even thought of a medic alert...looks like I'll be making an order from Amazon. I found a few keychain ones that are suitable...one actually has a QR code to link to a personalized webpage with your medical info on it so you can personalize it.
  14. InfiniteButterfly

    Two week liquid diet

    I didn't find the 2-week liquid diet terribly difficult. I did have a headache for the first few days, and I was a little shaky at times (I was still walking 10k steps daily, but had many fewer calories to support it, so it took my body a few days to adjust to it). My family ate normally around me, and half the time I make their meals. It didn't bother me...mostly because I focused on the end goal rather than thinking about what I was missing. Prior to the diet, all junk food and snack food (barring pudding...I was allowed SF pudding, and I kept some regular on hand for the kids) was removed from the house. I think it would have been a lot more difficult without that step.
  15. InfiniteButterfly

    Just thought I'd share...

    I was at 39 lbs down total as of yesterday...so not quite at milestone yet. I was still so swollen from surgery until a day or two ago, I barely noticed a difference in how my clothes fit, but today, I put on a shirt that used to be skin-tight, and it's hanging very loose on me, so count me in the super excited group
  16. InfiniteButterfly

    What about peanuts?

    My NUT said no nuts, peanuts, cashews, etc., until at least 6 months out, then small amounts as tolerated. I've been using Peanut Butter (well, in the form of PB2) all along (well, minus the clear liquid phase). NUT-approved.
  17. InfiniteButterfly

    4th of July Challenge

    Count me in
  18. InfiniteButterfly


    Hmm...my urine's not dark in the morning (but I usually get up at least once or twice to sip water during the night because our house is terribly dry and I get horrid cottonmouth if I don't) It may be a little darker than during the day, but only by a degree or two.
  19. InfiniteButterfly

    Emotional roller coaster.

    Sounds like me. At 10 days out, I have quite a few little emotional outbursts. Fewer every day though. I no longer feel the need to cry at the drop of a hat (now spilled milk is another story. That will always bring the tears) Once your hormones start settling and your body gets used to the massive invasion that was perpetrated on it, you should gradually slide back to normal. (of course, my normal always included an outburst or two per week, so YMMV)
  20. InfiniteButterfly

    cheating on pre-op liquid diet

    Apple and watermelon both have fructose, so you wouldn't be avoiding sugar (as it was explained to me, sugar needs to be avoided at all costs during this time) Even the yogurt I was allowed couldn't have fruit pieces in it. If you need a crunch, go to veggies instead. Or yogurt. SF Jello. SF popsicles.
  21. InfiniteButterfly

    New Coping Skill

    Yoga or meditation are my go-to stress busters. Either one is an excellent way to destress, take a step back and clear your head. A nice hot bubble bath can help too. I can't wait until I can take one again. I have some lovely aromatherapy bath salts specifically for stress relief (not sure if they work or if it's just the relaxation from the hot Water, but it never fails to make me feel better.
  22. InfiniteButterfly

    PLEASE! Dear God, Can I get some coffee?

    I've been drinking Chike since Day 4, no issues (my surgeon doesn't necessarily agree with caffeine, but it is actually part of my migraine protocol, so he okay'd it in limited quantities) One Chike Protein coffee/day fulfills my caffeine needs, but doesn't put me too far over. It tastes great and I haven't really missed coffee at all with that as a back-up. Syntrax nectar makes a cappucino flavor (I haven't tried it yet, but I have a packet in my cupboard) I haven't tried regular coffee yet...mostly because I usually have it with flavored creamer, and until I order some SF torani to give it a little kick, I don't want to fall into a sugar trap.
  23. Have you considered getting some unflavored Protein and sprinkling it some of your other foods or having a bit in juice to boost your protein count?
  24. InfiniteButterfly

    cheating on pre-op liquid diet

    I will echo what @@Chelenka said...you have 10 days and it's enough to get back on track if you do it NOW. Honestly, the pre-surgery diet isn't that difficult after the first few days (a little boring maybe, but not that difficult), especially if you keep it in perspective. Two weeks is very little time to give up food in working for your goal. And post-surgery, you won't be able to cheat in that manner without really hurting yourself. Again, if you can't stick to the pre-op diet, you may want to rethink your priorities and why you're doing this. If you want the healthier lifestyle bad enough, you'll change. If you're not quite prepared to make the necessary changes, take a step back. It really is worth it to stick to the plan though. Stay on track for the next 10 days and you'll be fine.
  25. Wow. Just wow. Part of me understands his anger at your suggestion he walk (I reacted irrationally when my bf suggested it to me my second day home, because I was in a lot of pain and didn't want to move. But I KNEW it was an irrational reaction, and actually followed his suggestion and felt better) I would also ask if he acted this way prior to surgery? Honestly, with you having your own issues to deal with, is there any place you can go to get away for a few hours or a few days? Unless he wants to change, he's not going to, and it sounds like he's content to use you as a whipping boy to take out his discomfort and that's not right. You mention his doctor suggested a rehab facility...what about a home health nurse or somebody to drop by and look at him? At the rate he's going, he sounds completely unwilling to help himself, and he's treating you very poorly indeed. (maybe contact his doctor or bariatric team and ask them for suggestions as well?) You need to take care of yourself. If that means taking a few steps back for a few days and making him take care of himself, that may be what you need to do. I'm worried that you may be damaged in the long run if you're neglecting yourself to take care of someone who should be more willing to help himself. *hugs*

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