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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by InfiniteButterfly

  1. Respectfully disagree! I went from thinking about food 24/7/365 to rarely wanting to eat. With the exception of right before my period, I feel just like I did when I was taking phentermine as an appetite suppressant. I loved that pill. It gave me the energy of 500 men, and I would go days without eating. It worked, but not long term. My sleeve leaves me with little appetite and the ability to stop eating before I am full. I'm with @LipstickLady...my cravings have been few (I had a brief head-hunger over Chinese food yesterday), but even being allowed puree now, I eat a few tiny bites and done. I don't crave more. And...yes, I stuck to my 14-day liquid pre-surgery diet. It never occurred to me to cheat. This is something I desperately want, and I want to be successful. Cheating on diets and not paying attention to my doctors contributed to me getting as big as I am. If I'm willing to take the step of surgery, then damn straight I'm going to follow what they tell me and give myself the best chance for success.
  2. InfiniteButterfly

    Which Multi-Vitamins are everyone taking?

    I currently have Giant Eagle kids' chewables. I used Flintstones for a while, and I have Centrum chewables (which did NOT agree with me at all). I like Flintstones, and get them when they're on sale. Otherwise, the store brand is essentially the same (I went through the ingredients) and my NUT was okay with them, plus they agree with my tummy.
  3. InfiniteButterfly

    Food Aversion?

    Am I the only person who found this phenomena totally exciting? The complete bind that food had on me before has been broken and I finally feel free from the addiction that got me to the point of needing WLS in the first place. Love my sleeve. I totally agree with you. Before, I would see the time and automatically think "Dinner" at 5 p.m. lunch at noon. I didn't pay attention to hunger signs (mostly because I always felt hungry unless I was almost too full to move), If I saw something, or smelled something good, I had to have it. Period. Now? I really don't care. I walked around the mall the other day, smelling all of the food smells, and while I appreciated them, nothing called to me and said "Eat me." It is incredibly freeing not to be a slave to my appetite or my food addiction (and yes, I am enjoying it whole-heartedly. Maybe it will change once I'm further along and actually want food again...but for now, I'm going to enjoy the ride)
  4. InfiniteButterfly


    I was on anti-nausea meds for at least 24 hours (it may have been longer, I slept most of the first day except when they woke me for vitals) after surgery. It's one of the first things I remember saying coming out of anesthesia: "I feel nauseous" Definitely let your doc know about vomiting blood.
  5. InfiniteButterfly

    feeling great!

    I laughed at that one too...I used to fight to keep my calories down there. I'm a long way from getting back up to 1200 (not complaining, just marveling at the difference a few weeks and a surgery makes in perspective)
  6. InfiniteButterfly

    OK ..,

    Conversely, I was delighted to find this site a few weeks prior to having my surgery. It allayed so many of my fears and doubts and really helped me with the emotions I was having. The positives so vastly outweighed the negatives, and I went into the hospital with head held high and start living my life Even the few people on here who had complications were generally very positive about the whole experience.
  7. InfiniteButterfly

    Food Aversion?

    I was just okay'd to start puree. I made up meatballs from ground chicken (I figured they would freeze well, and I could pull out one or two as needed). Yep...I had a few nibbles once I'd mashed it into a paste. I didn't feel full, but I just didn't want it. I'd been really excited about adding texture, as my CRNP puts it. I think it meant more in my mind than it did to my stomach (which is perfectly happy with the shakes at the moment) I know the feeling though...I don't want to live on shakes forever. Maybe once I get to soft foods or something, but puree just isn't doing a thing for me.
  8. InfiniteButterfly

    I got sleeved May 15,2014

    OMG I thought it was just me! I love pickle juice. I should have a bit (the kids saved a jar of it after they ate all the pickles.
  9. InfiniteButterfly

    if iam not hungry should i still eat ?

    When I'm not hungry, I don't eat (or shake). I was on the full liquids, and just approved for the pureed...I have yet to have anything pureed, and don't always manage the three shakes in a day. My tummy just doesn't want them, and I am not about to push beyond my comfort. I always want Water though...so I stay hydrated and eat when I'm hungry. My CRNP and NUT said it was important to follow my body's cues, so that's exactly what I'm doing.
  10. I have suffered from anxiety most of my adult life. I've been amazingly attack free post-surgery, and I'm hoping to stay that way. I've had a few depressive episodes, but no anxiety yet.
  11. InfiniteButterfly

    How is your wls journey different than others?

    I like your presurgery diet! I had Protein shakes and clear liquids pre-surgery. And while it wasn't terrible or particularly difficult for me to follow, it wasn't terribly interesting either. I had skin glue as well...I'm not complaining. I did have a catheter (ugh) until after the barium test to check for leakages...I wasn't allowed out of bed until then. And my "Push button for pain medicine" was lovely...although they seemed surprised how little I used it (just a little jolt when I had to move a lot. I slept most of the first day anyway, so didn't need much in the way of meds). I had shots of heparin in my thighs for the first few days too, to prevent blood clots. Once they unhooked me enough that I could start walking, those stopped. Thankfully. Those hurt! Afterward...three or four days of clear liquids, then onto the Proteins. I was just cleared for puree, but haven't actually had any yet. It's been really hot outside when I've been walking (yes, hydrating thoroughly), and I'm just not hungry. An ice-cold Protein shake I can handle (mostly), but I'm just not ready for more. Which is okay. My CRNP said that the puree is an 'as tolerated' phase, and I'm not ready to tolerate it yet I don't know how similar or different that is to anyone else's experience. I know I feel really good. I got back up to 10k steps daily at 11 days post-surgery (I stalled at 6k a couple days), and I've been holding steady there. I'm 13 days post-surgery now. With just the weight lost since the surgery, I feel like a whole new person. I want to hold onto that feeling for as long as possible.
  12. InfiniteButterfly

    Bought everything for 10 day diet!

    It is awesome to see such support Best of luck to your hubby!
  13. InfiniteButterfly

    Overeating before pre-op diet common?

    I felt terrible the first couple days of the liquid diet. By the third of fourth day, I was doing pretty good though. It gets better if you just persevere through it
  14. @@KeeWee I got mine at WalMart online...it's a PITA to get to the local store, plus shopping online you don't have to deal with the people.
  15. InfiniteButterfly

    medical bracelets for Sleevers?

    I'm still in my planning stages, but it will likely be a blue star of life with VSG inscribed internally, and No Blind NG/No NSAID around the perimeter. I do have a keychain on the way, but this way, I would have something on my body that couldn't fall off/be overlooked.
  16. InfiniteButterfly

    Two week liquid diet

    Except for the veggies, that sounds close to mine. Take out the veggies and add limited cheese sticks or cottage cheese along with the non-fat yogurt, applesauce and v-8. Honestly between the Protein Shakes and a snack of the limited food daily, I really didn't feel too bad after the first day or two (I had headaches getting used to the lower calories, sugar and carbs at first)
  17. I hit 10k steps yesterday, at 11 days out. And again today. I'm only allowed walking at present, so it's what I do (I also walked 10k steps 5 days a week for several months pre-op) I want to walk much further, but my legs are really adjusting and I'm having some pain that I didn't before. I'm eagerly looking forward to being able to do more (my CRNP said I can start cycling, but no harsh inclines that will engage my core muscles, but six weeks for yoga or weights) And no, the 10k steps are not all at once...I take three or four walks daily, one long one in the morning and shorter ones throughout the day. I'm actually feeling really good about myself at this point and want to get out and move, just to maximize what I can lose during the honeymoon phase.
  18. InfiniteButterfly

    In need of some advice

    Luckily, my kids didn't say much one way or the other. They understood that I was doing it for my health, and I didn't want to hear negatives from them. I think my daughter worried, because she was absolutely miserable the week of the surgery (but she wouldn't say anything), But she's looking forward to our walks and bike rides once I'm healed. Maybe suggest your daughter come to the friends and family sections of the forum and explore some of the information available?
  19. InfiniteButterfly

    Good luck!

    I didn't cheat on the pre-op. It really wasn't that difficult to get through, but I did make sure to have supplies on hand beforehand, and removed all temptation foods from the house. Yes, my kids had two junk food free weeks, and they survived as well. After the first day or two, it was difficult to even think about eating anything other than the Protein shake and the few extras I was allowed (I didn't have veggies as part of my pre-diet. I love veggies, and probably would have existed on them alone) It's not too late to take control and get back on track. Avoid the kitchen if you have to in order to avoid temptation (although I'd be inclined to get junk food out of the house. It's for such a short period of time, and the benefits are so huge)
  20. InfiniteButterfly

    medical bracelets for Sleevers?

    My bf suggested a tattoo. I've been thinking about designing one for my wrist, where a medic alert bracelet would go.
  21. InfiniteButterfly

    Best Protein Powder

    I love the Syntrax flavors. The only problem I've found with them is they do not mix terribly well with an ice and milk combo in the blender (I tried it with a few of the flavors to try and make a more frappucino-like drink.
  22. InfiniteButterfly

    compression shorts/capris

    I bought compression yoga pants at Old Navy. I actually bought them pre-surgery, and they were my go-to exercise pants for the past year. They are just now starting to lose a little of the tightness, so I may have to invest in a smaller size before long. Old Navy's plus sizes are online only.
  23. I have Body Fortress chocolate Peanut Butter currently. I haven't been able to drink it post-surgery :/
  24. InfiniteButterfly

    Tender stomach?

    My main pain, even right after, was never at the incision sites, but a little to the right of the biggest incision. My doctor said that there would be more tenderness than just the incision spots (which I noticed very badly after weeding along our fenceline yesterday.) Sounds like you probably just overdid it a bit. Take it easy for a day or two and see if it feels better.
  25. InfiniteButterfly

    Stage 2 diet boredom

    I can't wait to have oatmeal! (that's not until pureed foods for me, and not for another couple days)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
