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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by InfiniteButterfly

  1. InfiniteButterfly

    coffee questions

    @@CrazyJaney when I was reading reviews while trying to choose which coffee drink I was going to buy, I saw someone mention trying to heat Chike up and it tasted terrible. I know the serving suggestion is mixed with cold Water or milk (I blend mine with ice and almond milk...it makes a really tasty frappuccino.) I've been planning on trying cold coffee with maybe some of the chocolate Protein powder in it. I love Chike, but it's more expensive than some of the other Proteins I use, so if I can make an acceptable iced coffee alternative, I will
  2. InfiniteButterfly


    I used to eat the Special K protein pre-surgery. It will be a while before I can try it post-surgery. Even so, I'm hesitant because cereal's one of those slippery slopes for me. I'm not so invested in the idea of cereal that I want to risk eating it. I'll stick with my protein coffee for breakfast
  3. InfiniteButterfly

    Changing how I consume my protein

    My NUT actually mentioned this to me during our pre-surgery sessions. Which was one of the reasons she suggested steering clear of Body Fortress and some of the high-Protein drinks because you don't use that much in one go. I still used Body Fortress (mostly because I'd bought it before I went to the counselling and got her recommendations), but I'm aware I don't utilize it all. I need to pay closer attention to that and not feel so bad when I get smaller amounts of protein at a time.
  4. InfiniteButterfly

    How long do these headaches last?

    I felt better on day 3 or 4...the first day or two were pretty bad between the headaches and weakness/dizziness. I was glad when I started getting used to the low calories and felt normal again.
  5. InfiniteButterfly

    coffee questions

    I absolutely love Chike It's my go-to morning drink (but then, it's meant to be drunk cold, and I like iced coffee quite a bit, so it's perfect for me). I haven't tried Click yet. I may have to pick some up if it's that good.
  6. InfiniteButterfly

    So, what's your hurry?

    Why are you waiting six weeks? I was cleared for yoga at two, swimming at three, dance at four and martial arts at six. I'm waiting because at my two-week visit, the CRNP said absolutely not until I see the doctor (at four weeks). She cleared me for cycling though, which I've added to my fitness routine (which had consisted entirely of walking prior to that). In the grand scheme of things, it's really not that long to wait. And I have been doing some of the less intense balance poses that don't stretch or twist my torso.
  7. InfiniteButterfly

    Emotions + eating

    I've been seeing a counselor for a while pre-surgery, and I'm continuing to see her post-surgery. It's helped me recognize my triggers (I don't eat when I'm upset or when I'm fighting with my bf. That's an automatic appetite suppressant), but when I'm bored? I snack mindlessly. Which is part of the reason I chose to restart college at the same time as my surgery. It keeps me occupied and when I'm busy, I don't think about food. I do make sure I keep drinking, but keeping occupied has helped distract me greatly. My other major trigger is simply habit. It's habit to eat at certain times, habit to have dessert this many times a week, whatever. But since surgery, I can't eat at set times, because my tummy doesn't always want fed when the clock says it's lunch time. I always do my shake in the morning at 6 a.m. when I get up, and sometimes the tummy wants something more substantial at 11 a.m. Sometimes it's not until 2 p.m. (a lot depends on if I exercise a lot. I tend to want an earlier lunch if I've been walking or cycling) Breaking the habit and breaking through the boredom are two of the major things I hope will keep me on target.
  8. InfiniteButterfly

    Peanut Butter Cup Protein Shake

    PB2 is a life-saver It's also really good in the vanilla shakes (it kind of tastes like a plain PB shake in that case, but it's still good) I love Reese's PB cups, and to still be able to have a taste of the flavor in a healthy fashion is good Although I'm fast discovering that my sweet tooth is fading away as I have more shakes. All I want is savory flavors.
  9. InfiniteButterfly

    Can't handle any more protein today

    I just bought some Greek yogurt (Yoplait 100 vanilla), which I'm hoping sits better than the Yoplait Light I was allowed to have during the full liquids stage (thinned with milk). And I bought some salmon patties today, because I've seen a lot of people mention fish during the mush stage. I love salmon, and the patties should flake apart really nicely, so I'm planning to try that for dinner. I didn't think cottage cheese had a lot of Protein, but I have some in the fridge and I'll be giving it a try (I had a tablespoon of it the other night with my pureed chicken, and it settled just fine, so I should be okay with it.) I'm not terribly upset if I have to stick with eggs and shakes for a while. I have sample packs from both Syntrax and Chike, so at least I have a ton of variety I've never tried fish broth or fish soup...I will be looking up some recipes.
  10. InfiniteButterfly

    So, what's your hurry?

    My only hurry at this point is getting through the six weeks post-surgery so I can start my yoga again. I've lost enough that I feel it in my bones, and at this point, everything's just a number. It's about how I feel, and I know that I'll feel better still once I can be a little more active. Walking and cycling are all well and good, but I miss the calming routine of morning yoga (I still meditate, but it's just not the same as running through the sun salutation a few times daily) Yes, I like to see the numbers moving downward, but I compare me to myself rather than anyone else. I know how I used to "diet", and I know how I'm losing/getting healthy now. That's what I compare to.
  11. InfiniteButterfly

    You're so vain...

    This is why I chose my username: I look forward to coming out of my cocoon and being beautiful I've always been beautiful to my partners (at least that's what they tell me), and I will say that the largest part of wanting the surgery is wanting to be fit enough to keep up with them (they're both very fit and active, and whenever we walk or bike together, I always feel like I'm holding them back). But there's a part of me too that really wants to look more attractive. Last year, I noticed a lot when I was doing volunteer work with my bf: there were a lot of younger, attractive girls that volunteered at the same place that flirted with him a lot, and you could see the look on their face...the "What's he doing with someone who looks like that." (my bf, fortunately, is completely oblivious to most of it, and very reassuring to me when I get insecure. But all the reassurance in the world doesn't help when I'm twice his size and see the looks thrown at me constantly) I know he's perfectly happy with how I look now, but he wants me to be happy. If this makes me happy, then he's good with it
  12. InfiniteButterfly

    I got sleeved May 15,2014

    Another May 15 here...I graduated to puree foods, but the only thing my tummy tolerates are eggs :/ Which isn't terrible, because I like eggs (thankfully) And it doesn't mind a sprinkle of cheese with the eggs, so that's good. @@jmomma5 I hear you about the meat. I tried pureed chicken my second night, and two bites later, that was it. I think I'll hold off on meats for a bit. I still have a shake for breakfast, because there's no way I can get enough protein on the small amounts of puree my body tolerates. I can't eat yogurt (I hope that changes, but for now, yogurt of all types is intolerable), milk or meat...although cheese is okay, so I'm going to look into some of the really soft cheese that I've seen others mention (Laughing Cow? I think that was it) and cottage cheese. It's odd that I tolerate some dairy and others not at all. I'm planning on pickup up some refried beans and trying them. And possibly some guacamole to mix with my mashed eggs (I saw someone suggest it as a good mixer for egg salad as opposed to mayo. I like my olive oil mayo, but I think the stronger flavor from guac would be even better.)
  13. InfiniteButterfly

    Can't handle any more protein today

    I was sleeved May 15, and I sometimes have a hard time meeting Protein goals (to be fair, I wasn't given a specific number to meet yet: I will get specific numbers when I go back to my NUT. The CRNP just said "Protein first and worry about the exact numbers later") Three Protein shakes a day will give me the protein numbers, but the last shake always feels like I'm forcing the last few sips down, no matter how much I've walked or how hungry I was. And since adding puree for a meal a day (I can't face food more than that) I have fallen even shorter. I do the best I can on a daily basis. More protein will come as different choices get added, but when you can only tolerate so much going in, better to listen to your body (that was actually my CRNP's advice: just get in what you can, and if it's too much, step back. I had to throw in a day of Clear liquids because I just felt too bloated every time I had a shake, regardless of walking or anything else) Your body will heal on its own time. Although the constant nausea may be something you want to talk to your doctor about...maybe he would have some suggestions on the feeling sick every time you sip?
  14. InfiniteButterfly

    coffee questions

    1) Dissolve the Protein in cold liquid first and add it to the hot (that was the advice I was given when I had trouble mixing protein into hot liquids. It's a fine line between just right and too hot, and I don't want to have the thermometer out constantly in the kitchen to check. So that method works) 2) My feelings on caffeine: if you can tolerate it, do it. I asked my NUT and doctor specifically about this, because my regular doctor allowed me one or two cups a day as a migraine preventative. So when I was allowed full liquids, I added a little caffeine in (Chike Protein drinks have a caffeine equivalent of one cup of coffee). I do make sure to drink extra Water to offset the slight diuretic effect that caffeine can have, and have noticed no ill effects. I haven't come close to dehydrating (touch wood), and I feel much saner having caffeine in my diet. It's one of those personal choice things...I love my coffee enough to make whatever allowances I need to have a small amount in my diet
  15. InfiniteButterfly

    I hate the media and how they treat Morbidly Obese People!

    If you read the follow-up from Shape, it was actually the independently-contracted writer who stated the policy to her, not the magazine itself. The magazine apologized to the person in question (and no, I don't know if it was the result of the social media fall-out, but the author in question did admit to turning down the photo and not actually submitting it to the magazine)
  16. InfiniteButterfly

    Bariatric Bullies--You know who you are!

    I haven't seen any bullying either. I've asked numerous questions on here, and always had a positive experience. This is one of the most positive places I've found thus far online for support. YMMV
  17. I had a lot of pain the first day or two...my pain meds were a life saver. I can't say I ever regretted the decision though...I've had other surgeries before so I expected pain. Good luck at getting through your first days...it gets better. I improved so drastically about day 6 it was like night and day.
  18. InfiniteButterfly


    I've had egg beaters twice since starting puree (then saw how little protein there is compared to real eggs :/), and a severely blenderized hard-boiled egg with a bit of mayo and pickle juice for egg salad (yes, I almost always make salad with a bit of pickle juice. Adds flavor and moisture.) The egg beaters are nice loosely scrambled. And the egg salad was heavenly. So far, eggs are the only thing I've found that actually agrees with my stomach. I pureed chicken, and managed two or three bites before my stomach very clearly announced that it had had enough.
  19. InfiniteButterfly

    Best Protein Powder

    I have trouble getting the Nectar to mix in the blender with ice. They do perfectly well with the Blender Bottle and almond milk, but there's so much air when I pop them in the blender, I can't drink them :/ The double-stuffed cookie is great though I just got some of the other Syntrax line, Matrix...and OMG the mint cookie is good. Tastes like a blended thin mint.
  20. InfiniteButterfly

    My Fitness Pal friends needed!

    I'm toxiclight on there I'd love some friends for inspiration
  21. InfiniteButterfly

    Never thirsty!

    I have exactly the opposite problem...I feel like I'm constantly thirsty and want to drink. Part of it is our house is very dry, so that doesn't help, but I'm always drinking.
  22. InfiniteButterfly

    Really Mother Nature

    I have an odd cycle anyway...spotting for 7-10 days before the unholy flood (which is usually over in a day). I've been spotting since one-week post surgery. I would have been very happy for it to skip me altogether for a month or two while I healed. Only bonus is I don't have the cramps or headache I normally get (thankfully) but my mood swings are nasty.
  23. InfiniteButterfly

    Artificial Sweeteners

    I've noticed the taste of artificial sweeteners has been bothering me a lot. I'm buying some stevia today to try (I used to use it in my tea almost exclusively, but fell onto the Splenda wagon because that's all hubby uses)
  24. InfiniteButterfly

    Full Liquids to Pureed – ideas please?!

    Blended cream soups were on my full liquids list...but my NUT suggested phasing them out during the puree stage in preparation for no liquids with food. Egg beaters (or eggs) are my friend right now. I had my first yesterday, and although I only ate about 1/8 cup, it was sheer heaven to have something other than a shake. I'm planning to cook some chicken today to puree and possibly make a chicken salad-type mix out of (I saw someone suggest mixing guacamole in instead of mayo, which I'm thinking of trying). And the fat free refried Beans...I have a whole bunch of frozen packs of beans in sauce that I'm planning to blenderize as well. My NUT said baby food's okay...but one trip through and looking at the sugar content of some of them made me rethink it. I have a small food processor (certainly large enough for my needs, since I'm only able to eat tiny amounts). (I tried meatballs my first night...I was making meatball subs for the rest of the family, and I made a batch of them out of ground chicken for myself, and mashed one into paste. It was not a good experience. The rest of the meatballs will remain in the freezer until I can better handle it. It tasted good...but not a single part of my insides agreed with it)
  25. InfiniteButterfly

    4th of July Challenge

    CW: 263 GW: 240 Fingers' crossed!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
