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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SBell35

  1. SBell35

    Does everyone do this

    I was having these issues (almost 3 months out) and my doctor did an endoscopy. No stricture but an ulcer. On new meds that seem to be helping but it's so frustrating to be one step forward and two steps back. Hope all is well with you!
  2. http://www.athenascloset.net/ Just wondering if any of my Denver ladies have heard about this place. It is a Plus Sized Consignment Shop in Denver and they say they specialize in sizes 14 and up. Ive driven by a few times now but have never had a chance to stop in. Has anyone shopped there before? Im very curious and am hoping to get to stop in sometime soon!
  3. SBell35


    Done! This is a GREAT cause!!! I hope that they take this issue seriously!!
  4. SBell35


    Congrats!!!! So happy for you!!
  5. Thank you so very much for this thread!!! I get to go through this on Monday myself an it helps so much to know about how long I get to wait and how involved I can be! Congrats on getting past the hospital stay and I hope recovery (for you and him) goes well! Keep us updated!!
  6. SBell35

    Self Sabotage

    Thank you all for your replies!! I feel so much better knowing that I am not alone! I am doing a modified version of the Liver Shrinking Diet to help boost the weight loss into high gear. I am taking it one meal at a time, one shake, one bite, one moment. This is my chance to win and I am not going to give up!! I cant wait to see the results and feel better about being in this moment. You all are amazing inspiriation and so sweet to give me such great words and ideas! Here is to becoming a "post-ops" as soon as we are able!!
  7. I'm super struggling. I just had my 3rd of 6 required classes through my insurance provider and have found that my weight is in flux. I need to be under 360 before I can schedule my surgery and I have been bouncing around from 360 to 379 (which is what I weighed in at at class) for more than a month now. I'm stressed beyond belief with work, preparing for my husbands surgery and just everyday life! I worry that I am letting food sooth or comfort me when I am feeling stressed or out of control and that is why my weight is in flux so much. I'm terrified that I am going to allow myself to get so out of control that I lose my window for surgery. I've been working towards this for so long and I feel so angry that I am letting these 19 pounds freak me out so much. There is a part of me that is worried I am using this as an excuse so I can't have my surgery! Is anyone in a similar boat (or was)? Any suggestions on how to "let go"?
  8. What everyone has to remember, and it is incredibly hard to, the doctor works for you! You pay them by paying your premiums or by paying them out of pocket. I had a doctor that hummed and huh'ed about getting me into the WLS program when I finally told her it was that or I go to another doctor, her tone changed greatly. People forget that they do have a say in what goes on and what they want. I have become very vocal with my doctors about how I want to handle my healthcare and why I want this or that. Yes there is a process and procedure to follow but dont let anyone stop you due to their personal opinion on surgery. Never be afraid to be an advocate for yourself!! For every doctor that says no, there are 20 more that will say yes! I hope this helps and doesnt come off as preachy, its so not meant that way! I hope you find so much happiness and success!!!
  9. Day after my second class. Time is flying yet going sooooo slowly. I cant wait to get my surgery date and keep moving forward!!

  10. SBell35

    Withings Pulse

    Just wondering if anyone has any experience with this Activity Tracker. I had a FItbit Flex and it turned into a doggie chew toy. I'm hoping to get a new one or one that has a face like this one does. I just dont want to spend THAT much money on a product that doesnt work. Any reviews? Thanks!
  11. SBell35

    Withings Pulse

    So far it is just for steps walking. Im hoping for more but not sure when that will happen. I think thats why I liked the Fitbit, it was simple. Thank you so much for your feed back and good luck on the marathon!!!
  12. Congrats!!! Way to go to get out of your stall!! Hope you find "Onderland" soon!!
  13. I'm so sorry that your progress has slowed! I know how frustrating it has to be but look on the bright side, they are just trying to get you into the best shape so you will have fewer complications after! I know it's just another delay in an already lengthy process and I'm sorry. I just hope that it will go away after the first treatment so you can keep moving and get your surgery date!! Keep us posted and know I'm sending you good energy for speedy healing!!
  14. My answer is "Other". My insurance at my old job used to cover it, then the coverage got carved out. I decided to make a change for myself in quite a few areas and found a new job! This job has spectacular insurance!!! My surgery is going to be quite affordable after all is said and done. If I could have surgery tomorrow I would, I know the risks and am just ready to start the next chapter of my life!
  15. I havent gotten my surgery yet but I am trying to get more activity into my life, that sadly consists of 10 hour workdays and 30 minute lunches, to be ahead of the game for surgery in September/October. Does anyone have any good suggestions of what to do while chained to a desk? I try to get up and walk at least every hour but I cant be away from my desk for more than 5 minutes before the search party comes to find me. I walk for 20 minutes of my lunchbreak but even that is starting to lose its effectiveness. Ive started to walk on my regular breaks but again, its just not enough time to feel like it is effective. Any and all suggestions are very, very much appreciated!!!
  16. SBell35

    Exercises for the Cube Farm

    Thank you all for your replies! I printed off a few yoga workouts and mindful breathing exercises to try today. I found a great deal on a set of "desk" fitness bands that I ordered off of amazon also! I work in an odd office building where the bathrooms and breakrooms are on the opposite side of the world, so I get in some good walking whenever I need to take that walk to the ladies or get some more water. I just feel like such a slacker sometimes. I want and need to move more, I guess I'm still just finding out how to make my days more active!! I will keep looking for new and more exciting things to try and if I find anything good I will pass it on!
  17. SBell35

    Best Protein Supplements

    My husband and I have been drinking the Atkins Protein Shakes. They are inexpensive and you can find them everywhere. They taste pretty good and are the ready to drink ones. They make my life easier at work. Hope that helps!
  18. I am! Would love to find more people in the area to chat with or talk to. I start my classes on July 3rd with a tentative surgery in September. Im also married to the sweetie that started this thread!
  19. This thread is why I feel so lucky to have found this website. It hurt so much seeing so much anger in your former friend's blog and list. The responses and support and positivity helps to soothe the anger and teach pitty (for lack of a better word) for the people that refuse to try to educate themselves. In my earlier years I was that 'fat acceptance' crusader. Then I started to have health problems. I swept it under the rug as genetics for waaaaaaaay to long. Well, genetics it may be but that doesnt change the fact that I need to lose the weight and get healthy so I can live past my 40th birthday. I'm so sorry that your former friend was so horrible to you. You are making great changes in your life and maybe one of the life lessons you needed to learn was who is going to be there to support you 100% through your journey. It may hurt now but getting rid of that kind of friend will help you so much in the long run. I wish you so much success in your journey and hope that you find the 'sherpas' you need to keep you climbing up that mountain.
  20. Hello! I'm a newbie here but I am part of the 200#'s to lose club also. I've always struggled with my weight and had my first Weight Watchers experience when I was 11. Ive dieted over and over again and always gained my weight back plus more. My heaviest was 415. It was a horrible day when I saw that number on the scale at the doctors office. I had let myself go to the point of constant pain and 15 pills a day. Something had to change. So far, after a lot of struggle, I am down to 360 and am finally starting my classes on July 3rd. Thank you for starting this thread, I like knowing there are others out there that are in the same boat.
  21. SBell35

    CO - Denver

    Thank you so much! My email is sbellante@gmail.com I guess I was wrong about how much I had to lose, I just got the call to schedule my 6 weeks of classes!! Yay and Yikes!
  22. SBell35

    CO - Denver

    Hello! I am a total newbie here, just getting started in the process. I have 20 lbs to lose to be at the right BMI for surgery with Kaiser and Dr. Hussein. I am in the Denver/Aurora area and am both scare and excited for this journey. It helps so much to see people from Colorado who are going on this journey also. I would love to join the facebook group and be able to communicate with more people in the area!!

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