Hi all,
I'm new to this group. I have been researching for over 2 years. Finally asked my GP last Feb (13) for a referral after spending the previous 29 years yoyo dieting. At my heaviest known weight I was 136kg, but I was bigger, just didn't own scales.
I have impaired glucose tolerance and PCOS, with both my boys being conceived with Clomid.
Unfortunately my GP refused (bugger seeing a former dietician) and told me to go and diet and exercise. ARGH! I joined WW lost 10kg then gave up again. We have now moved towns and in Nov I saw a new GP who was more than happy to support me on this journey and wrote the required referral.
SO why am I still in the research phase 6 months later??? Because it has taken me 6 months to get in to see the surgeon! I live in Central West NSW and would prefer to have the surgery close to home rather than travel to Sydney (where I have no support) or Newcastle (where I am from originally and have support but won't have hubby close by). I have a referral to Dr Henry Hook in Orange and finally see him at the end of this month.
In February, I had a go at Optifast for a couple of weeks (to prove to myself that i could actually do it) and have managed to keep the 8kg that I lost then off. I have noticed that since then I have decreased my portion sizes but not my snacking and have stopped the walking that I was doing now that daylight saving has ended and I drive to and from work in the dark now. I'm curious to know what part exercise has played in your journeys? I'll go back and plough through the last 500 pages as time permits (and all the other pages!!!).
I'm looking forward to journeying with all of you.