i have not had the surgery, but will have my first consultation this month. i have diabetes, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fibromalagia, depression, and am 100 pounds over weight, plus i am having a very hard time with the smoking. I have been a smoker for 40 years. I am scared. my sister and my Aunt are telling me stories of how this person and that person died after surgery. Infections and so on. these people had theirs over 10 years ago, surely this has been perfected. what if you do not have a good support team? does it make it harder? how much help do you think i will need? i want to try the chantix i have heard this is a mind altering drug. i take so many drugs now how will this effect my other meds? i am truely frightened. i have 4 years before i have to purchase private medical insurance. with the obama care being so weird i probably couldn't afford the price with all my current aflicktions. Smokers immediately have to pay 50% more than anyone else; let alone having all the other medical issues.