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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by circa

  1. circa

    So what did YOU do to screw up your band?

    Yeah - that's kinda what I'm seeing - which has led me to be more about lopping out that part of my stomach that I don't need versus adding something else to me that could cause a problem haha. I do know one _ONE_ person that has been banded for a decade that still loves her band - BUT she works for a doctor that does bands. She has free maintenance and everything she needs at her disposal at any given time. I guess that would make it easier My surgeon does do all of the major surgeries. I'm fortunate in that respect. One issue is hospital stay/recovery time. I luckily have a desk job and my brother can get off his butt and do chores at the farm for a while - so I don't have to worry about the physical labor part. I just can't wait to run again. Another aspect that i like is the faster weightloss but no malabsorption - the malabsorption bothers the crap outta me so the bypass is OUT. I have enough issues to deal with - I don't need another :ohmy: Everyone keeps saying that I didn't gain the weight overnight - well yeah - actually I did. Less than 3 years ago I weighed a lovely 174 lbs and ran 5 miles a day. Then i got sick. My fastest weight gain was 64 lbs in 6 weeks from steroid treatments. It leveled off after that. So yeah - quite a bit overnight. Did I make poor food choices that made the situation worse? You friggin' bet I did! Now its time to right that wrong. Anyway - thanks SO much for your honesty and willingness to discuss this frankly. I don't want the politically correct overview of anything - I want the nitty gritty! haha I have no problem with people that want the band - that's great. I was a totally about the band for a long time. And no, you didn't change my mind. The information you provided did. :eek: I wants me a sleeve!
  2. This is what Priority Health says regarding VSG: C. Limitations 1. The following bariatric procedures are covered when the surgical criteria above have been met: a. Roux-en-Y gastrojejunostomy b. Laparoscopically Adjustable Banding with FDA approved device c. Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch (BPD/DS) (For Medicaid, see #6 below). d. Sleeve gastrectomy IF one of the following applies (For Medicaid, see #6 below): (i) A Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is contraindicated (e.g. severe adhesions, previous bowel surgery) and the patient is either not desirous of or not a candidate for any other covered procedure (laparoscopically banded gastroplasty or biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch ), OR (ii) The sleeve gastrectomy is an integral part of another planned covered procedure (i.e. duodenal switch procedure), but only if the sleeve gastrectomy is performed because intraoperative complications preclude the completion of the duodenal switch procedure itself. So I see the way around if the surgeon is willing - but holy crap! Why such a big ordeal for a surgery that's been around literally forever? heheh Any advice on how I approach this with my surgeon?
  3. You can always ask your doctor to change your progesterone to a cream instead! That way you won't have to worry about the horsepill! Wouldn't hurt to try to make sure it works for you before the surgery :ohmy:
  4. circa

    So what did YOU do to screw up your band?

    not trying to panic or anything - and I'm really not - but from the beginning I've been waivering between the band and the sleeve. I know the concept is similar - both restrictive, but I have an issue with removing part of my anatomy and I also have an issue with the possibility of not having compatability with the band. I know speaking with the surgeon will probably assist in this, but the surgeon has never been banded or had a VSG - so I guess I'm trying to find all the pros and cons of each from people that have had both. I'm not not a fear mongerer, but I do like to have all the information about something before I attempt it. So anything you can tell me regarding both procedures would be great
  5. circa

    5 month check in..should I be disappointed?

    I guess you have to ask yourself this: What would you have lost if you didn't have the band?
  6. circa

    Reality Check!!

    Wow - what a very perceptive hubby! Congrats on your loss and your win with having such a great guy!
  7. congrats on getting started! I know it seems like a lot, but stay positive and you'll get there!
  8. I think this is one of the reasons why so many surgeons and advocates of WLS stress counseling - having a positive body image also means not taking into account others actions and opinions.
  9. circa

    So mad!

    Yeah cuz I'm certainly not happy about it. I can't wait to actually go see him again. He was great. I'm sure he'll be interested in knowing.
  10. circa

    So mad!

    Okay -this really has nothing to do with the lapband but I'm so angry right now, I could spit fire. When I moved back to where I live now, I called the office where my chiropractor was at - they said that they didn't know what happened to him but heard he moved back to Arizona - said some pretty negative stuff about him. I found out today that he OPENED HIS OWN WELLNESS CENTER HERE IN TOWN - they're mad because they lost a lot of their patients to him. I mean I can understand if they didn't want to tell me where he was practicing or whatever, but to LIE to me was ridiculous.
  11. circa

    banded on 4/27.

    hi! fill us in when you get back - let us know how you're doing!
  12. circa

    why haven't I lost weight in the last 2 weeks!!

    well congrats on the 20 lbs! One thing to remember is, you're only 5 weeks post op! Your body has some changes to become accustom to for one thing. Also, you might want to count your calorie intake as well as your protein intake - maybe increase protein but decrease or maintain calories.
  13. circa

    So mad!

    Okay -this really has nothing to do with the lapband but I'm so angry right now, I could spit fire. When I moved back to where I live now, I called the office where my chiropractor was at - they said that they didn't know what happened to him but heard he moved back to Arizona - said some pretty negative stuff about him. I found out today that he OPENED HIS OWN WELLNESS CENTER HERE IN TOWN - they're mad because they lost a lot of their patients to him. I mean I can understand if they didn't want to tell me where he was practicing or whatever, but to LIE to me was ridiculous.
  14. I feel for ya. I really do. I specifically don't tell my mother anything because if I do, everyone knows. If they're not people you know that she's telling, I wouldn't sweat it too much. But if you're going to be talking to people that you do know, I would pull her aside before hand and make it quite clear that this is your personal decision and you don't want her yammering on about it to other people. Let her know that you need to feel that you can trust her to keep your confidence or that you won't be able to tell confide in her about other things and you don't want that to happen.
  15. I'm glad she stood her ground! One person should not make everyone else, including your wife suffer because they want to be lazy. I'm glad your wife gets to have her surgery done.
  16. abnormalities could be anything from a machine glitch to a small issue or a serious issue that could really matter. Don't read too much into this until you get all the info. I've had so many tests done for other issues, and if I worried about atypical results on them, I'd probably have keeled over from an anxiety attack by now. I think I worry more when they say the test came back normal haha :thumbup: Relax tho - no one's perfect - not the person who administered the test or the person who read the results. More often than not, its nothing.
  17. circa

    No call

    So again, no call from the Surgery Center - was supposed to have gotten a call either Thursday or Friday - but nothing....I'll call today on my lunch to see what's going on. I'm so not a big fan of waiting. Grrr! They're not open today! First they had a message on their phone that said they were having a staff meeting and would open back up at 1 - THEN after that, the message changed to in-house training and they wouldn't be available today. *flail* Ok - tomorrow I call! I hope their in-house training included learning how to call when they say they're going to! haha!
  18. circa

    No call

    So again, no call from the Surgery Center - was supposed to have gotten a call either Thursday or Friday - but nothing....I'll call today on my lunch to see what's going on. I'm so not a big fan of waiting. Grrr! They're not open today! First they had a message on their phone that said they were having a staff meeting and would open back up at 1 - THEN after that, the message changed to in-house training and they wouldn't be available today. *flail* Ok - tomorrow I call! I hope their in-house training included learning how to call when they say they're going to! haha!
  19. Okay, now at this point and time, I would recommend ceasing the calls to the insurance company... lol :crying: CONGRATS!!!!
  20. circa


    Not feeling well today. I've got issues with my adrenal glands going bonkers - and today is one of those days. I'm having a physical anxiety attack - which means that while I don't have the mental activity of an anxiety attack, my body still goes through all those feelings. Today is worse than most days that this has happened. I also have been fighting off a bug of some sort that seems to be winning. So putting both of those together does not make for a very pleasant feeling. Still hoping to hear from the surgeon's office today.
  21. circa


    Not feeling well today. I've got issues with my adrenal glands going bonkers - and today is one of those days. I'm having a physical anxiety attack - which means that while I don't have the mental activity of an anxiety attack, my body still goes through all those feelings. Today is worse than most days that this has happened. I also have been fighting off a bug of some sort that seems to be winning. So putting both of those together does not make for a very pleasant feeling. Still hoping to hear from the surgeon's office today.
  22. circa


  23. circa


    I really can't stand when my husband tires to make a joke and it just hits me the wrong way - joking about things that I can't control - things that are affected by my illness. It HURTS that he says things like that, but he doesn't see it that way because its "not what he meant". I really don't care what he MEANT - think before you speak, jerk. It'd be one thing if this was the first time this happened - but its a repeated thing.
  24. circa


    I really can't stand when my husband tires to make a joke and it just hits me the wrong way - joking about things that I can't control - things that are affected by my illness. It HURTS that he says things like that, but he doesn't see it that way because its "not what he meant". I really don't care what he MEANT - think before you speak, jerk. It'd be one thing if this was the first time this happened - but its a repeated thing.
  25. circa

    Impatient pre-patient.

    I am waiting so very impatiently for the surgeon's office to call me for my first consultation appointment. This is just not sitting well for me. I hate hate hate waiting for anything. Patience is a virtue I am without. Hahah I'm without most virtues, I think I just want this all to move in a forward direction. I feel like i"m sitting at the DMV - you know - the endless wait that never seems to end - and is really more painful than it should be? :tounge_smile:

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