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About aeswtloss

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 03/01/1954

About Me

  • Biography
    Have 3 fur babies Cujo a cocker spaniel, Passion a Shetland sheepdog and Trixie, a mini Australian Shepherd. My spouse and I have been married 33 yrs.
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Reading, cross-stitch, true crime, swimming, gardening
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  1. aeswtloss

    January Surgery buddies

    I was told to stop my sinemet for Parkinson’s disease before RNY. Anyone know if this is permanent?
  2. aeswtloss

    January Surgery buddies

    I am in TN and have a RNY scheduled for 1/31/22. Excited and a bit nervous.
  3. aeswtloss

    surgery tomorrow!

    My-journey congrats on the surgery! How r u doing?
  4. Mrs. Gloria Martin you are an inspiration!
  5. aeswtloss

    June Post Ops!

    Wise words. could not have said it better. sl
  6. aeswtloss

    June Post Ops!

    Congrats Mel on lbs. lost!!! I am having a great day today. I have been struggling w/ building a 4/5 -7 day a week exercise schedule. I went to the Y set up a tracking plan and did a 30 min. Power of 10 strength workout and I am pooped but feel great! I wait 4-5 days to do the second half of the workout this week. I think I will also go swim today. My muscles r sore esp from the abdominal crunches. Tomorrow I will walk or swim or both. This afternoon I go to a meal planning class from 1-3 for Bariatric Surgery pathway. I am also going to work on cleaning/organizing my house, skimming my new books and doing a family schedule for May and pay bills. Then I am going to enjoy some mindless TV.
  7. I'm in Kitsap County and I met a woman from this site who lives in Gig Harbor who is interested in starting a WLS group in this area. I am very interested too. I live in Bremerton.
  8. aeswtloss

    June Post Ops!

    I am terrified about causing my pouch to stretch after surgery or causing a leak after surgery. I am also extremely reluctant to go through dumping syndrome since I had it once when I was very hypoglycemic. I got so sick I thought I was having a heart attack so I definitely don't plan on eating sugar, fried foods or eating more than my pouch can hold. Also eating only a T or two I definitely won't be wasting my protein on a Big Mac. Today I had my psych eval. I still have to take the MMPI this week and my evaluator seemed to want to delay my surgery until Sept. Or Oct. because I have a complicated psych history and he wants to be sure I am emotionally stable enough to handle the surgery. On the plus side I think he will be a great new weekly counselor for me and he has lots of experience with Bariatric surgery patients. Patience... I also enjoyed my Healthy Habits class tonight.
  9. aeswtloss

    June Post Ops!

    Lots of great people on here! I was told I won't have to keep track of as many variables re: my food as I have been doing with the Mediator Release Diet. That was my cue to make bad food choices tonight. The worst part was when I bought two Big Macs. I have never eaten two Big Macs at once and I thought this is crazy and gave my second one to a homeless man so I wouldn't eat it. I helped myself and someone else too (except he also looked a bit chubby so he probably didn't need that Big Mac either!). Actually since Big Macs are bad for us no one really needs to eat them. In the past this choice would have sent me on a six month eating binge but fortunately I can nip it in the bud tonight and get back on track in the am. That Big Mac was 550 calories( more than half my daily calories!) Have a good night everyone! I get my psych eval in the am. Hope he doesn't ask about McDonalds...
  10. aeswtloss

    June Post Ops!

    I am sorry about your experiences at work. Maybe over time they will get used to the new you and chill out. Sometimes when we lose wt we get more confident and assertive and some people can't take advantage of us any more. U r awesome! Hang in there! I saw the Dietician today and gave her my three page list of changes and accomplishments since being in the Bariatric program. By the third wk of June I will have accomplishes everything they asked me too. My dietician says I will have to wait 6 mo. because Madigan requires it but she seemed so impressed that I will be done with everything but the D3 test results. She said if I don't have good D3 results I will be delayed an extra 3 months so she advised me to take two weeks of daily 10,000 IU of D3 then test D3 again. My first results won't get back until 1st wk of June. In any case she was delighted with all my changes esp my A1C dropping from a 12 to a 7.3 in such a short time. Today I took a Mediator Release test to ck for food allergies. Insurance doesn't pay the $300 so I hope it is worth it. She did say I had a very high score on the symptom checklist which probably means I have some problems with allergies. At any rate I presented my desire for a July/Aug surgery date and it is in her hands now. She said the hospital only requires an A1C under 8. Also the diet I have to follow when I get my test results back from today's test should enable me to lose a lot of wt and I don't have to worry about insurance declining me if I get too small because they use the wt I was when I signed up as my BMI wt. Sorry for writing such long emails - but better to get my nerves out here than to eat over it.
  11. aeswtloss

    June Post Ops!

    Congrats on the 5 K Mel.
  12. aeswtloss

    June Post Ops!

    Thanks for the encouragement. I have already been on a medically supervised six month diet. I need to be patient I know. I can use extra time to eat better, exercise daily, organize my house and closet and slow down my eating. I am doing this for me - for my health - I have Type II Diabetes, sleep apnea, urinary incontinence and prior to last blood work high cholesterol and high triglycerides as well as high blood pressure but of course I am excited about the other perks of losing weight too. I think I am scared about surgery and want to get through it to stop worrying but I am more worried about my health and life if I don't have surgery. Take a deep breath - patience...
  13. aeswtloss

    June Post Ops!

    I am nervous because tomorrow I meet with the Dietician about my progress on the Bariatric Pathway. I typed up a three page note describing everything I have done and will complete this month. There really is no reason I should not be referred to the surgeon by mid June. I really want to have surgery in July or very early August. I am supposed to go to Canada the last weekend of Sept. and to Chattanooga TN to visit old friends and family. Both weekends are women's retreats and I need to be well enough to travel by then. I want to amaze my friends and family. If I don't have surgery in July or very early August I may lose too much weight before I am approved by insurance and I will have to wait until early Nov (sigh) because of my travel plans. I have lost about 17 lbs. since mid-March. The problem is the Dietician insists we stay in preparation for surgery for six months at least. I will have completed all requirements except for the wait. I want to get surgery behind me. I was referred to the Bariatric Pathway on April 9th so my six months will be up November 9th I think. That means waiting from the time I finish requirements in mid-June for five more months! Yikes!!! Pray that she will allow me to do my surgery when I want to do it.
  14. aeswtloss

    June Post Ops!

    This is such a positive and supportive and encouraging thread. I hope to have my surgery in July but I'd like to post on here. You all Rock!
  15. aeswtloss

    June 2014 Dates!?

    Good luck to u and your husband. Your pre-op diet sounds reasonable. Hope mine isn't all liquids. Best Wishes, Andrea

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