Hi Androulla,
It's a hard choice but all I can say is it's only a tool to help you feel fuller quicker. So the sleeve might sound drastic but it's a life long tool to help you make permanent life changes for better health. From what I've heard about the band I'm glad I didn't have one. Sounds like too many people have complications with the band. I know you can still have complications with the sleeve so it does have to be your decision and what's right for you. I thought I was having the band until I met with my surgeon. I took her advise and listened to her reasons why straight away, agreed at that appointment the sleeve was right for me.
Let us know what you decide. )
Hi thanks for your message.Are you having the sleeve done soon? Or have you had it done already I have also researched the band and you are right there seems to be quite a lot of complications with it.Androulla