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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Chitownbander

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  1. Chitownbander

    swelling by port

    Heather, I'm two weeks post-op and my port is very swollen as well. When I lay on my back it protrudes out in a hard mass. I had my first follow up this week, and my doc said it is an underlying bruise and also since it is sutured into the muscle it will take longer to heal. He seemed to be not too concerned about it, and told me it will just take a little more time than usual for the body to heal it. Hope this helps
  2. Chitownbander

    Just banded today!

    Mikee57, thank you for the info. My port is below the breast and in my belly area. Today there is a lot less burning/pulling and a lot more feeling like I did an hour long ab workout. So, my guess is that it's just muscle pain from the anchoring.
  3. Chitownbander

    Just banded today!

    ecgreen, I am having the same issue with my port. I was banded this past Friday (almost 4 days post-op now), and whenever I stand up I get a sharp pulling/burning feeling just below my port incision. I have no pain other than this so it is a bit unnerving. I'm giving it another day or two, as it does seem to be lessening a bit, but then I'm calling the doc since my appointment is not until a week from tomorrow. I'm certainly not happy that someone else is having this same pain, but relieved that I'm not alone, if that makes sense Please let us know how it goes. Dawn
  4. Chitownbander

    Need a buddy

    Hi Jennifer. I live in Illinois too, and just had my surgery Friday the 25th of April. It's been an interesting journey so far, but I am very excited! I'm also 41 years old and looking forward to starting a new life with a goal of getting 150 pounds off. My name is Dawn and I live in the north Chicago suburbs. If you ever want to chat let me know.

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