Well so far they seem to believe it is irritable bowel sydrome. I was told not to eat so many nuts and gass producing foods like broccoli, cabbage and such. I have gone back to eating the way I was told to eat years ago after the procedure and I have had n further pain or bloating. In fact I've lost weight. started at 178lbs and now down to 154lbs. Feeling better. As far as that experience I guess we try to push what we can eat again, ( bad habits comming back) and I was getting back into the habit of "living to eat instead of eating to live" attitude again and my body, much like the dumping sydromes, said, "no you can't do that". I wooried about it as I have a friend who had the procedure a few years prior to me and she has had so many peices of her bowel removed that now there is almost none left and has been diagnosed with Crones Disease. I had to remind her to keep up her Vitamins and back off the foods she's not suposed to have. I had this surgery to live longer and be healthier. Always need to remember that. as well as keep on track.