My pre op appointments are this week and I've been asking myself "can I do this??" Here is what goes on in my mind---I feel like all day.
1. Losing weight, changing my diet, and moving my body=healthy.
2. I'm 29 and have high blood pressure, not cool.
3. I want to be at a healthy weight before I have children.
4. I have a great support system!
5. I've seen the success with my mom.
6. Imagining what I would look like skinny is exciting! Now imagine turning that into reality.
7. Timing is perfect for my life.
8. Insurance covers.
9. No amount if diet and exercise has worked for me before.
10. Am I committed enough?
11. COMPLICATIONS. basically my quality of life is overall good. Sure, I'm overweight but I'm happy and busy and don't want a complication to change my quality of life.
My moment of clarity. Yesterday, while going on a walk, I was of course thinking of all this and so much more. I was huffing and puffing through a (not so rigorous) 1.5 mile walk and thought this is ridiculous. I can't let the fear of complications cripple me! I should not be struggling to walk 1.5 miles. I'm 29! I need to take my life back, commit to this change, and persevere!
So to keep in the motivational mindset-when was the moment you knew this was the best choice for you?????